Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cabinet Discusses Electricity Generation, Fuel Supply, and Access to Information Bill at 2nd Meeting


The Minister of Information and Media and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Chushi Kasanda, announced the key decisions made by the cabinet in its second meeting held on Monday, 6th February, 2023. The meeting, presided over by the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, aimed to improve the general living standards of the people through enhanced service delivery.

One of the key topics discussed was the status of electricity generation and load management. The Cabinet emphasized the importance of reducing load management throughout the country to support economic growth. The restoration of the 150 Megawatts Generation Unit at Maamba Collieries Limited and the 10 Megawatts unit at Victoria Falls Power Station was appreciated, and efforts are underway to commission the 750 Megawatts Unit No. 5 at Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Station by the end of March 2023. The Cabinet also indicated the need for the country to focus on renewable energy sources as a priority for resolving the electricity challenges.

The supply of fuel was another crucial issue addressed at the meeting. To enhance the security of supply, the Cabinet discussed the implementation of a private sector-led Bulk Petroleum Supply system.

The Cabinet also agreed on the Roadmap leading to the enactment of the Access to Information Bill by June 2023. Adequate consultations with all stakeholders will be undertaken to ensure the law is enacted to enhance access to public information and support efforts towards the rational utilization of public resources. The Bill is expected to also play a role in the current administration’s fight against corruption.

Cabinet also decided to host the Joint 19th International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) and 3rd International Statistical Institute Regional Statistics (ISI RS) Conference from 4th to 6th April, 2023 in Livingstone. The conference is expected to be attended by over 400 international delegates, making it a landmark event for Zambia and Africa as a whole. The conference will demonstrate Zambia’s commitment to opening up to the global world and promoting tourism in the country.

The other decision was the approval of the hosting of the Vision Zero International Conference, which will be held in Livingstone from 7th to 8th September, 2023. The conference aims to raise awareness on occupational safety and health and foster coordination among member countries to promote workplace safety, health, wellbeing, and decent work. The decision reflects Zambia’s commitment to upholding fundamental principles and rights at work, as endorsed during the 110th International Labour Organisation Conference in Geneva, Switzerland in June, 2022.

Cabinet also approved the conferring of privileges and immunity to the East and Southern African Association of Accountants-General (ESAAG) Secretariat hosted in Lusaka, in accordance with the Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act, Chapter 20 of the Laws of Zambia. This reaffirms Zambia’s commitment to the Association and ensures a conducive environment for the ESAAG technical staff to carry out their duties as prescribed in the Host Agreement.

The cabinet approved the appointment of a seven-member Board of Trustees for the GRZ Funeral Assistance Scheme Committee to enhance good governance in the management of the Scheme on behalf of public service employees. The compulsory Funeral Assistance Scheme was launched in 2016 to provide sustainable livelihoods for families of public servants following the death of a family member. The appointment of the Board of Trustees will ensure effective operations of the Scheme.

These decisions made at the 2nd Cabinet Meeting demonstrate the commitment of the government to improve the lives of the people and support the country’s economic growth.

Hon. Chushi Kasanda, Minister of Information and Media and Chief Government Spokesperson, stated that the government is fully committed to these decisions and the implementation of these initiatives in the coming months.


  1. When they were on “any other business”, all went like “nothing to add your Excellence”. After that they went to queue for their sitting allowances as nothing embarrassing is happening in the country. No one could say Sir you have embarrassed us by your careless exchange with CK. Your actions might cause us elections in 2026. You want us to be humiliated like the PF who forced ECL on the ballot? We don’t have courageous Ministers, all are cowards. They’ll regret when it’s too late

  2. There are only two items here which directly affect the public. But, as much as the FOI is a welcome development, most people just want load-shedding to stop. No mention of issues that people are grappling with. Just pointless conferences in Livingstone, where our president’s hotel is located.

  3. so now he is talking about load shading even thinking of commissioning more HS when he was telling us 10 months mu office tasiliza looad shadding

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