Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government to market Chembe Bird Sanctuary


Ministry of Tourism Permanent Secretary, Evans Muhanga says Government will start promoting and marketing the Chembe Bird Sanctuary in Kalulushi on the Copperbelt to attract investment.

The Chembe Bird Sanctuary known for their annual Bird Migration from Europe is currently home to water backs, sitatunga, common dica, jack holes and a variety of birds apart from the beautiful lake.

Mr Muhanga says the investment climate at Chembe Bird Sanctuary is ripe to transform it into a lucrative and viable tourism package to enhance Job and wealth Creation.

He said the sanctuary, if well-developed, has the potential to create jobs for the locals and earn the country the much needed forex.

Mr Muhanga was speaking when he toured the Chembe bird sanctuary in Kalulushi in the company of the area member of Parliament Kapamba Mulenga.

The PS said it is Government’s desire to create more jobs for the local people and improve their livelihoods through tourism.

And Mr. Muhanga has called for the promotion of the annual Chembe Bird migration all the way from Europe to attract tourists to the Sanctuary.

He said there need to publicize the migration which is a calendar event in which millions of birds migrate from Europe to the Chembe Bird Sanctuary in Kalulushi to attract more tourists.

Mr Muhanga added that ecologists must ensure that the birds find their longevity at Chembe which is their habitation place.

And speaking earlier, Kalulushi Member of Parliament Kampamba Mulenga commended governments’ efforts to revamp the Sanctuary.

Ms Mulenga hoped that government could find a lasting longer solution for people living in and around the bird sanctuary.


    • These are new breeds of birds that arrived in Zambia with the New Dawn. I wonderwhy theres no mukolwe among them. Howill they know it has dawned?

  1. Why don’t you just leave it alone you fools.
    Indiscriminate selling of public assets must be stopped and even reversed retrospectively.
    Selling public assets should l be criminalised

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