Saturday, July 27, 2024

Timely Warning to UPND Members & Sympathizers!


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

In light of one DPS and of course, several DCs who’ve recently suffered the misfortune of the white gloves touching them and unceremoniously stripping them of their duties for various offences, we would like to sound a stern warning for the other leaders to remain steadfast and avoid getting entangled in corrupt activitie or indeed pepertrating illegalities of any kind that may bring them in conflict with the law.

Why do we say so?

We understand and obviously empathize with UPND members that they endured over 20 donkey years in the wilderness being feasted upon by mosquitoes, sleeping in trenches and surviving on meager meals as near paupers. It’s not easy!

While some of them had their once thriving businesses crippled by the government machinery, others were demoted or relieved of their duties on account of being suspected to be sympathizing with the then largest opposition political party. To further inflict hot chilly to injury, regions perceived to be strongholds of UPND were unfairly denied meaningful development, while their children, the youth who the leaders of tomorrow were denied bursaries and left out of recruitments to any government positions. Simply put, UPND members were regarded as a pariah…
……. nay, outcasts in their own God bequeathed land!

Now that UPND has formed government, it’s natural that there may be a few individuals within its ranks itching to be the new Dons in the village and take after the repugnant conduct of PF cadres – cruising around town in impressive Landcruisers straight from the showroom, showing off massive wads of cash on Social Media, flaunting breathe taking properties in exclusive neighborhoods and getting away with wrong doings with impunity!

But wait a minute………unlike in the recent past, we now have a disciplinarian……….a no nonsense leader in State House. You can even take a step further and add, a God fearing man of sober character, if you want. You dare break the law and commit any SIN in the course of your duties, “you are on your own,” as he would love to put it.

We would like to caution all those still holding government positions as cabinet ministers or indeed other portfolios to consider them as a poisoned chalice.

If they are going to engage in any wrong doing, they must realize they are trading on perilous trajectory.

First and foremost, our president has demonstrated that he is allergic to corruption…….he is not going to shield any of them from prosecution like his predecessor just in case they are found wanting. Secondly, there are still many sympathizers of the previous regime still embedded in either the police service or the judiciary who will waste no time arraigning and quickly sending any of them to prison to prove one or two points!

Mule kutika?


  1. Politics is such an interesting space.
    People dream up narratives to support the leaders of their political parties.
    A few small fish have been sacrificed for the sake of showing that they are doing something.
    The only correct assertion here is that people are cruising in their landcruisers with police escorts. Every upnd senior party member is a VIP these days.

  2. Upnd members fikopo sana. God help me. Ncwala was very heavy. I have serious diarrhoea. Hangover iyi te malaria iyi

  3. This guy tries to convince but always fails because he thinks we’re children who can be quietened with a piece of candy. Those were small fish with unfortunate names.

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