Saturday, July 27, 2024

Judge Muma Resurrected from the Dead… Well, Almost


In a surprising turn of events, reports have emerged that Mongu Resident Magistrate Wilfred Muma, who was allegedly believed to have committed suicide by jumping into the Zambezi River, has been found alive! That’s right, folks, it seems that the judge has been brought back from the dead… well, almost.

Apparently, Judge Muma decided to test his own resurrection skills and placed a bet on whether he would survive his suicide attempt or not. Fortunately, he did manage to survive, but he found himself stuck in the reeds in the middle of the river. It seems like he has some kinks to work out before he can start performing actual miracles.

Witnesses have revealed that Judge Muma was driving a white Toyota Hilux with registration number GRZ 437 CX before he abandoned it in the middle of the Mongu-Kalabo road and jumped into the river. The reason behind his drastic action remains unclear, but it’s evident that he was in dire need of assistance.

Thankfully, residents of Ndata Village found him and promptly rushed him to the Mongu Central Police Station for attention. While the incident is no doubt alarming, it’s a relief to know that Judge Muma is still with us and can hopefully receive the help he needs.

On a lighter note, it seems that the Zambezi River now has a new resident, Judge Muma. Who knows, maybe he can start a new career as a river guide or even open up a rafting business. Jokes aside, we sincerely hope that Judge Muma can overcome whatever pushed him to attempt suicide and seek professional help as needed. In the meantime, let’s hope he stays away from any more bets involving his own resurrection and focus on his day job.

Picture Courtesy of Mwebantu.


  1. I’m not sure I can believe a story filed by a journalist who doesn’t know the difference between a magistrate and a judge.

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