Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government won’t get loan for Lusaka-Ndola dual carriage way-Nalumango


Vice President, Mutale Nalumango, has clarified that government will not get any loan to reconstruct the Lusaka-Ndola road into a dual carriage way.

Mrs Nalumango said government will instead reconstruct the road into a dual carriage way using the public private partnership (PPP).

She explained that the contractor is the one that might get a loan in order to undertake the project.

She said the agreement will be signed between the contractor and the financial institution which will fund the dual carriage way project and not with government.

ZANIS reports that Mrs Nalumango said this in parliament today during the Vice President’s question time.

She was responding to Chinsali Member of Parliament, Kalalwe Mukosa, who wanted to know if government will get a loan to construct the Lusaka-Ndola dual carriage way.

“Honourable MP, this statement is misleading, please stop misleading people on this subject. Government is not getting any loan to construct this road. The contractor is the one getting a loan from whoever that financial institution is, and the agreement will be between the two and not government,” Mrs Nalumango explained.

She has since advised Zambians to desist from coming up with assumptions that will end up misleading the public.

She said a comprehensive statement will soon be issued by the ministry in charge of the project, adding that more information will then be given to the public.

The Vice President has however thanked Mr Mukosa for asking the question which she said will clear the misconceptions surrounding the financing of the Lusaka-Ndola dual carriage way project.

“I want to thank you sir for coming up with this question and I must say that the ministry in charge of this will issue a comprehensive statement on the matter,” she said.

Last week, government signed the US$577 million concession agreement with Macro Oceans Investment Consortium Limited for the commencement of works to construct the 327 kilometre Lusaka-Ndola dual carriage way.

The concession agreement also includes the rehabilitation of the 45 kilometres Luanshya-Fisenge-Masangano road.


  1. Madam it’s easy for you to say this. But to every “free” thing there’s always a catch. Don’t come and wash your hands when things become sour.

    • Madam , you and your govt are LIARS with no shame. Your record tells it all.
      1. FUEL will be cheaper- BIG lie fuel now is more expensive-K30
      2. Fertilizer will be cheaper- LIE fertilizer is now K1250
      3.KWACHA will appreciate-LIE dollar is now K20
      4. Mealie meal will be cheaper-LIE it is now K220
      Now this LIE at the road will cheaper- Kikikiki…….who can believe you? 25 Years consession ?
      Contractor using NAPSA money? No more township roads for Ndola, Kapiri and Luanshya. What a loss!!!

  2. If the contractor will borrow the money from our own Napsa why can’t the government do the road itself. Madam there are more questions than answers to this deal. There’s no misconception here. People want to know the real truth of the issue

  3. Ba new doom government bali confused. They are running the country like headless chickens.

    Anyway, what do you expect from the government that has full of novices and cr00ks.

  4. Why is it difficult to publish the concession agreement for the people of Zambia to see and judge for themselves. Zambians are not styup1d ba upnd.

  5. @Deja Vu and Henry. Very good comments! Why can’t the UPND govt publish the concession agreement for all to read and make their own decisions? What’s in there that they do not want people to see/know?

  6. These chaps in upnd anything for them it’s sale sale, spirit of privatization. Too much secrets which means something is not right. Crooks these are waste than pf watch the space.

  7. Of course the govt wont get a loan but the contractor will and then pass it on to road users in toll gate fees and high rent…best option would have been a design and construct or construction management contract.


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