Saturday, July 27, 2024

22 Heads of States to attend Summit for Democracy


Twenty two Heads of State are expected to attend the Summit for Democracy slated for March 29 to 30th 2023 which will be co- hosted by Zambia, Costa Rica, Netherlands and Republic of Korea.

Ministry of Justice Permanent Secretary for Legal, Mwenya Bwalya says invitations have been sent to twenty-one countries including neighboring countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Botswana and the Republic of Tanzania.

Ms Bwalya said other stakeholders are expected to participate include Civil Society Organizations, Academia and parliamentarians from Zambia and the invited countries and is expecting to draw about 400 participants in total.

“So for purposes of the African leaders, we have sent out twenty one invitations to twenty one Heads of States so including Zambia, we will have twenty two participating. Aside from the Heads of State from Africa we are going to have other non-state actors participating as well,” she said.

Ms. Bwalya stated that Zambia has been given the opportunity to host and spearhead the African Region because of its good history of democratic governance and history of peaceful handover of power.

She said the co-hosts have equally been selected as a result of the leadership they showed in the year of action when the initiative was first rolled out.

“The March 2023 summit for Democracy is the second one that is being held and the reason for this is because of the strong foundation that Zambia has with respect to democratic governance and as a result of that, we were given an opportunity to co-host with other countries,” she said.

Ms. Bwalya added that the Summit will provide Zambia with an opportunity to showcase the strides it has made enhancing its democratic principles as well as showcase its ability to resolve disputes and respect the rights and freedoms of all citizens.

She has assured that preparations for the event have reached an advanced stage and that the venue and other logistics to hold the 400 participants have been settled.

“We have sent out invitations to the Heads of State as I had earlier mentioned, we have also ensured that we have sent out invitations to the panel moderators as well as panel discussants, we have drawn up letters for the various participants as we are looking at 400 participants and so we have secured the venue and the Ministry of Information is working on publicity materials and various ways of showcasing the event,” she explained.

The Summit which will be held under the theme” Free, Fair and Transparent elections as a foundation for democratic governance” is the second to be held, while the first one was hosted virtually by United States (US) President, Joe Biden in 2021.


  1. ew LT a Flop March 9, 2023 At 3:11 pm

    This new look LT is a big bore. Firstly, remember LT thrives on readers’ posts. But now to post you want us to navigate through a hoard of franchised stories which we have read on numerous other sites -because they’re paid for? We have to search for Zambian stories among this huge archive of mostly fake stories of no local relevance. It makes LT very boring and tedious to read. Yes it looks as boring as Zambian Observer and Watchdog. You don’t have to copy your rivals. Is LT aware of brand identity? Or are you chasing us to the rival sites ?
    Secondly its interesting to see where Kaizar or Tarino are blogging from but with this “Watchdog/Observer” format its all a big yawn.

  2. What’s the point of this summit ? How will it benefit the 22 countries that will attend apart from free meals and allowances?

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