Saturday, July 27, 2024

Floods affect over 100 farmers in Manyinga


Over 100 farmers in Chilumba farming block in Manyinga district in North-western Province have had their fields flooded following heavy rains in the area.

The flooding has also affected some farmers in Chongo and Litoya farming blocks

This came to light when the District Disaster Management and Mitigation Coordinator’s Office and the Ministry of Agriculture conducted an on the spot inspection of some affected farms.

John Chisola, one of the affected farmers, said his entire two hectors of maize fields and one hector of groundnuts have all been flooded.

Mr Chisola said his maize crops have even become yellow and stunted.

He is worried that he will not be able to provide for his family since farming has been his source of income.

“I am now worried on how I am going to keep my family and send my children to school,” he said.

Another resident, Amigo Musa, said, his entire three hectors of groundnuts has been affected.

He added that his cassava and maize fields have also been affected.

“It’s really going to be a great challenge to us farmers especially some of us who planted early. We can see how our crops have wasted and you can see my groundnuts are rotten,” Mr Musa said.

Meanwhile, Manyinga District Disaster Management and Mitigation Coordinator, Agnes Chisanga, said most of the farmers in the district have been affected by floods.

Ms Chisanga has since pledged to liaise with the district administration and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) headquarters on how best to assist the affected farmers.

And a local Agronomist, Emmanuel Nkweto, has implored local farmers to avoid cultivating in flood prone areas.

Mr Nkweto said farmers should also acquaint themselves with climate change issues and monitor meteorological guidance when currying out their farming activities.

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