Saturday, July 27, 2024

Markets, bus stations, and crossing points to be constructed in rural areas


The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has disbursed over K23,000,000.00 to seven districts in Zambia to accelerate rural development projects which include the construction of markets, bus stations, and rehabilitation of critical crossing-points.

The funding is part of this year’s National Budget allocation for Rural Infrastructure Development under the Ministry. Permanent Secretary (Administration) Mr. Maambo Haamaundu announced that the funding would support the following seven Local Authorities: Mongu, Mufumbwe, Chongwe, Choma, Ndola, Serenje, and Chasefu for various infrastructure projects.

Mongu Municipal Council has received K4,000,000.00 for the construction of Kasima Bulk Market, while Chongwe Municipal Council has received K5,000,000.00 for the construction of a market shelter, an ablution block, and other assorted infrastructure works. Mufumbwe Town Council was given K5,000,000.00 for the construction of a Bus Transit Station and other assorted infrastructure works.

Choma Municipal Council had received K2,291,789.33 for the construction of crossing points in the district, while Ndola City Council had received K3,000,000.00 for the construction of a major bridge in Bwana Mkubwa Constituency, which had been in a deplorable state in recent years.

Serenje Town Council received K2,000,000.00 for the construction of Mpemba and Kababa Bridges, which are strategic crossing points. Chasefu Town Council received K873,807.82 for the construction of Khuli-Khuli Crossing point, and K998,572.08 was released for the installation of a new culvert in Khathale area within the District. This brings the total to K23,164,169.23.

The Permanent Secretary stated that the funds had already been disbursed to the respective Local Authorities and urged them to expedite the commencement of works to improve the livelihoods of local people in the Districts.

“As you have received this money, ensure that you commence on the works as soon as possible to improve the livelihoods of people,” Mr. Haamaundu stated. He directed the Local Authorities to ensure the funded markets and bus station projects were successfully completed, and all targeted critical crossing points were also urgently worked on to ensure easy movement of people, goods, and services during the 2023/2024 rainy season.

The Ministry has implored all Local Authorities to ensure contractors implementing various projects under Constituency Development Fund (CDF) give employment priority to all eligible youths in possession of skills training under CDF empowerment.

The Permanent Secretary warned that the Ministry would not tolerate shoddy works from any contractor carrying out infrastructure works. He implored all Local Authorities to ensure that any contractor carrying out public projects does not compromise quality because Zambians demand value for their money.

He said Local Authorities should be proactive to ensure contractors and those charged with the responsibility of supervising the construction of various projects ensure that they are constructed to the highest standards.

Mr. Haamaundu further guided that the Local Authorities should submit progress reports.

In August 2022, the Ministry disbursed amounts totaling K43 million to facilitate the construction of critical crossing-points and road improvement works in selected Districts. The Districts that benefited earlier include Chama, Kasenengwa, Mongu, Chadiza, Gwembe, Vubwi, Mulobezi, Katete, and Mambwe.

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has once again demonstrated its commitment to developing rural areas by providing the necessary funding for infrastructure development projects. These projects will not only improve


  1. This kind dependency on central government is troubling and I hope Maambo Hamaundu also finds it troubling. What local government exists in Zambia?

  2. It was disheartening to see Chinena burn down to ashes in that manner. Where was the fire brigade? Ba PS that market is a very important market . What are you going to do about?

    • If you know the area and stalls you may understand
      have you askes how far the fire brigade station is ?
      and how long did they take to call, ? I tell you it was sometime

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