Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Government Committed to Delivering Beyond People’s Aspirations, says Minister Haimbe


The United Party for National Development (UPND) government in Zambia is determined to deliver beyond the aspirations of its people, according to the Minister of Justice and Lusaka Central Member of Parliament Mulambo Haimbe. Speaking during his visit to the Lubwa ward, where he toured a newly constructed 7-kilometer road, Mr. Haimbe said that the government’s alignment of resources is greatly shaping the outlook of many communities.

The road, which has been upgraded to bituminous standard through the Constituency Development Funds (CDF), was highly praised by the residents of Lubwa ward. They commended the New Dawn administration for transforming the road and improving the beauty of the community. Bambi, a resident of Lubwa ward, expressed her happiness with the transformation, adding that she faced many challenges when accessing the road before. She thanked the government for changing the face of the neighborhood and making the road accessible, especially during the rainy season.

Mudenda Sikapoto, another road user, hailed the government for fulfilling its promise to work on the road. He thanked the government for aiding them with a high-standard road and expressed his gratitude, believing that more good things are coming from the government.

During the tour, the Minister also donated two wheelchairs and groceries to two families with children living with disabilities. The donated groceries include bags of mealie meal, cooking oil, eggs, Soya pieces, salt, and washing powder. The families expressed their gratitude to Mr. Haimbe for the donation, saying it will help them take care of their disabled children.

Mr. Haimbe emphasized that the UPND government is people-centered and committed to developing the country through active participation from all citizens. He urged the community to protect the infrastructure to ensure it stands the test of time.


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