Saturday, July 27, 2024

Connect schools to national grid – ZNUT


North Western province Zambia National Union of Teachers organising secretary Setty Maseka has called on government to ensure most schools are connected to the national grid to enable pupils to fully benefit from digital education.

Mr Maseka commended Government and partners for the initiative of training teachers in digital technology but noted that the training should not only benefit children in urban areas.

“Most of our schools are in rural set ups where there is no power that’s the more reason why we should all of us as stakeholders lobby government to ensure that most of these schools are connected to the national grid” Mr Maseka said.

ZANIS reports that Mr Maseka said if power connection is not possible at the moment, other alternative sources of energy such as solar can be provided.

“If some of these schools can be provided with some solar gadgets to be able to access some internet connectivity, that will go a long way in meeting the education standards” Mr Maseka stated.

The Provincial organising secretary stated that the need to equip teachers with digital technology education skills now cannot be more emphasized especially now that the world is shifting online.

Mr Maseka said if teachers are equipped with these skills, the skills will be imparted also in the learners to help them acquire skills of research.

ZNUT Provincial organising secretary said research increases the knowledge levels of pupils as well as grasping of concepts.


  1. It will never happen under upnd where your hh is told what to do by the west. We are the only party that believes in infrastructure development

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