Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia’s Former Revenue Authority Commissioner General and Director Arrested for Corruption


Zambia Police has jointly charged and arrested Dr. Kingsley Chanda, the former Commissioner General of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), and Mr. Callistus Kaoma, the former Director of Administration at the ZRA. The duo have been slapped with a total of 44 charges related to wilful failure to comply with laws, abuse of authority, and violations of the Anti-Corruption Act of 2012.

According to the police spokesperson, Rae Hamoonga, Dr. Kingsley Chanda and Mr. Callistus Kaoma were charged with 22 counts of wilful failure to comply with any law or applicable procedure or guidelines, as stipulated under Section 34 (2) (b) of the Anti-Corruption Act. In addition, they were jointly charged with 22 counts of abuse of authority of office, as specified under Section 21(1)(a) read with Section 41 of the same Act.

The charges are linked to their alleged involvement in the disposal of 22 used Zambia Revenue Motor Vehicles between January 2017 and December 2020. It is claimed that Dr. Kingsley Chanda and Mr. Callistus Kaoma acted in concert, wilfully failing to comply with relevant laws, procedures, and guidelines while also abusing their authority of office.

Following their arrest, the two individuals were released on police bond, and their court appearance is expected in the near future. Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga confirmed the development but did not disclose further details regarding the reasons for Dr. Kingsley Chanda’s initial detention.


  1. Hh is at it again. Using tax payers money to fight his personal vendettas with those who served under pf. He has not won a single case against anyone yet he will go on to sing about corruption when his own fellow upnd government officials are not being investigated even when allegations are made against them. Hh will lose next election. Mark my words.

  2. This is long over due
    this chap abused ZRA like his own business
    also the zra portal how much was that contract ? and who was it given too
    his clearing company as well
    This is how PF slowly but surely destroyed the country

    • 22 used cars are worthless naimwe.
      Those 22 vehicles on Zambian roads are just worth $1000 each, which is K18,000. so total for 22 springless vehicles is just $22,000.
      Two grown men with total of 4 balls stealing ka $22,000. Thats what the new UPND ZRA guy making every Friday, before sabbath starts.

  3. UPND government is also corrupt.
    Kingsley was running a big fish money lending business. Go for that to nail him.

  4. So Anti Corruption only sees Corruption once someone leaves office….is this how you fight corruption or is that not being corrupt….so the Anti Corruption is controlled by the ruling party….i see that….only now thats when they’ve realized that he was corrupt….

  5. Zambia is now a real circus, those that are arresting others today will also be arrested in future. Everything that the PF did, the UPND are doing them as well. It’s the price that we have to pay for choosing bitterness to be at the top.

  6. Kaizer my friend so you with all your wisdom cannot see a conflict of interest if the head of the a revenue collecting also owns a clearing agency which collects revenue, I am obviously not as intellect as to so you will be able to explain why there would be no conflict of interest, I rest

    • Where has it been proven that he was doing so in conflict of interest? You and I both know that just like the other numerous cases, this is not going anywhere. You can’t use vendetta as a basis of fighting corruption.

  7. Acountry of of vengeful tribal *****s. Zambia may soon be on fire if this tribal hatred circus is not stopped by HH.. Other tribes are stealing in the the current government but not investigated and zambians are seeing this happening. HH do not think your tribal grouping is smarter than than the rest of zambia. This is the last time your tribal grouping is is to govern zambia because amano tamwakwata.Mark my words.

    • So much wisdom in your comment. I keep telling upnd the same but they don’t listen. They are losing in 2026 and never again will a t0nga rule zambia.

  8. Asians are bringing truckloads of mixed items via Livingstone and in league with corrupt Custom Officials paying tax only on a fraction of items. Most of the items they declare of South African origin and zero tax

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