Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government launches national mechanism on human rights


Government has launched the National Mechanism for Implementation, Reporting and Follow on human rights.

Minister of Justice Mulambo Haimbe explained that the establishment of the National Mechanism for implementation, reporting and follow up was necessitated to enable the government to timely prepare state reports on the implementation of human rights for the international community.

In a speech read on his behalf by Solicitor General Marshal Muchende, Mr Haimbe observed that the establishment of a national mechanism for implementation, report and follow up had become important in the country’s quest to uphold human rights.

“The nation enacted the ratification international agreements Act, no 34 of 2016 of laws of Zambia. The act gives line ministries the responsibility to prepare state party reports under their mandate,” he explained.

The Minister further stated that reporting and engaging with international Human rights mechanisms offered a unique opportunity for self-assessment of the situation on the ground, Including through data collection and analysis, legislative and policy review.

And Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Oliver Kalabo called on the Ministry of Finance to consider allocating a budget for the national mechanism for implementation, report and follow up so as to facilitate its operations.

Mr Kalabo indicated that realistic progress in human rights application will require supporting resources to identify the recommendations from the international community.

He explained that the structure has been established to coordinate line ministries for the implementation of human rights based on all three major international mechanisms that make up the United Nations human rights architecture.

“We wish to urge the ministry of finance to include a budget line for the implementation of the national mechanism for easy facilitation of the operations of the structure,” he said.

Meanwhile United Nations Resident Coordinator Beatrice Mutali assured the government that the UN will support the implementation of all the activities of the structure.

Ms Mutali added that the structure will equip government officials and civil society organisations with the capacity to implement mechanisms recommended to the country.


  1. What needs to be done is HH should stop instructing the police to brutalize Bemba and Nyanja suspects. You are saying this today because the US said you are abusing human rights. Mmembe and others have said what the US has said and you were mute. This government cares more about the International community than it people.

  2. Hello, just be plane money was given to support the so called minority on human rights. Don’t hide in statement which are deceptive.

  3. This young man lacks morality. How do you talk of human rights if you are running a POLICE STATE and pushing TRIBALISM. You are using the police to drive your tribal agenda and when people question you you are arrest them using oppressive laws like CYBER CRIME and the so called HATE SPEECH. Everyone is aware of your tricks. This is just mere propaganda. Stop it.

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