Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tasila Lungu: A Controversial Rise to Wealth Amidst Allegations of Corruption


Tasila Lungu: A Controversial Rise to Wealth Amidst Allegations of Corruption

By Alexander Vomo
In recent times, Tasila Lungu, the daughter of former Zambian President Edgar Lungu, has been embroiled in a controversy over her sudden acquisition of substantial wealth despite her humble beginnings as a ward councilor earning a modest 3,000-kwacha monthly allowance. The allegations of corruption against her and her family have raised questions about the legitimacy of her wealth and sparked debates about accountability in public office.

As a former ward councilor, Tasila Lungu’s meteoric rise to immense wealth in a short period has left many skeptical. The public demands transparency and accountability, seeking answers on how such significant financial growth was possible without any concrete evidence to support her legitimate income sources. The lack of clarity surrounding her wealth has only fueled suspicions and further exacerbated public concerns.

It is essential to emphasize that no one should be above the law, regardless of their position or familial connections. The state’s duty is to uphold justice and ensure that all citizens, including those in positions of power, are held accountable for their actions. The allegations against Tasila Lungu and her family should be thoroughly investigated, and if found guilty of any wrongdoing, they should face appropriate consequences as per the law.

This situation also serves as a stern warning to current officeholders that they must operate within the boundaries of the law and uphold the principles of integrity and transparency. Should they deviate from ethical conduct and break the law, they will be held accountable for their misconduct, just like any other citizen. This reminder is crucial to maintain the trust and faith of the Zambian people in their elected representatives.

The case of Tasila Lungu raises pertinent questions about the origins of her wealth and highlights the significance of holding public officials accountable for their actions. No one should be exempt from scrutiny, and it is the responsibility of the state to conduct thorough investigations into any allegations of corruption or misconduct. Upholding the rule of law is paramount in ensuring a just and equitable society for all citizens.

I would like to point out using some examples of familiar figures who have lost their wealth or faced legal repercussions once it was discovered that it was acquired through proceeds of crime:

Former Angola’s President José Eduardo dos Santos and Isabel dos Santos: José Eduardo dos Santos, who served as Angola’s President for almost 38 years until 2017, faced allegations of corruption and mismanagement of the country’s resources during his rule. His daughter, Isabel dos Santos, known as Africa’s richest woman, also faced scrutiny over the origin of her wealth, with investigations revealing that she allegedly amassed her fortune through corruption and embezzlement.

Malaysia’s 1MDB Scandal – Najib Razak: Najib Razak, Malaysia’s former Prime Minister, was embroiled in the infamous 1MDB scandal, where billions of dollars were allegedly embezzled from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) sovereign wealth fund. Investigations revealed that the funds were misused for personal gain, leading to legal actions against Najib Razak and others involved.

Brazil’s Petrobras Corruption Scandal – Dilma Rousseff: Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, was at the center of a massive corruption scandal that implicated high-ranking politicians, including former President Dilma Rousseff. The scandal involved kickbacks and bribery schemes, leading to legal proceedings against several politicians and business leaders.

South Korea’s Samsung – Lee Jae-yong: Lee Jae-yong, the heir of the Samsung Group, South Korea’s largest conglomerate, faced legal troubles for his involvement in a corruption scandal that led to the impeachment of former South Korean President Park Geun-hye. Lee was accused of bribery, embezzlement, and perjury, resulting in his arrest and subsequent conviction.

These are just a few examples of prominent figures whose wealth and reputations were tarnished when investigations exposed their involvement in corrupt practices or proceeds of crime. These cases serve as a reminder that no one is immune to the consequences of illegal activities, and the law must be upheld to maintain accountability and justice in society.

Lastly, A robust and independent judicial system is paramount to ensure accountability and uphold the rule of law. It is essential to have a judiciary that functions without interference from the government, enabling it to hold individuals accountable promptly and impartially, regardless of their positions or affiliations. Waiting until officials are out of office to address allegations of corruption and misconduct may hinder justice and diminish public trust in the system.

To safeguard the integrity of the nation’s resources and protect the interests of the people, it is crucial for the government officials implicated in scandals, such as those related to sugilite minerals and the Kasenseli Gold mine, to be aware that investigations will be conducted thoroughly and without prejudice. The law should apply equally to all, and those found guilty of any wrongdoing must face the consequences.

A stern warning must be sent to these officials, emphasizing that Zambia’s well-being is greater than any individual or political party. The nation’s resources belong to the people, and it is the responsibility of those in power to handle them with transparency and integrity. Any attempts to exploit these resources for personal gain or partisan interests will not be tolerated, and the full weight of the law will be brought to bear on those who violate the trust placed in them by the citizens of Zambia.

By maintaining an independent judicial system and ensuring accountabilities for all, Zambia can foster an environment of trust, transparency, and justice, which are essential pillars for the nation’s growth and prosperity.


  1. We don’t care about politicians. All we want is equal and fair rights for those that fly the rainbow flag. We demand equal opportunities and justice for pro LGBT. This is the 21st century. Why are we backwards in zambia. The day we gave a gay president is the day I will be most proud to be zambian

    • When you see the main resident troll/ Impostor is absent just know it is either cloning other bloggers accounts or playing silly games like above…it has too much time on its hands.
      LT please bring back the location flags so we can place this numpty above.

    • @Wagner…You’re not even Zambian. You imposter. You need to be behind bars for promoting a decadent LGBTQ lifestyle that’s illegal in Zambia. Why don’t you go to the West and live there, where it’s tolerated ?

  2. There are current leaders in government who have millions upon millions of kwacha and large property in their possession. Can they explain how they acquired millions upon millions of kwacha and large property in their possession?

    • It’s clear that like Lungu’s kids HH needs to be arrested and charged for the offense of possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime.
      Like Lungus kids HH should explain how he has more money than he should have earned selling Zambia’s national assets. He should explain why he should not be charged for money laundering

  3. Her name popped up in the mukula scandal investigated by some foreign media outlet. Now put 2 and 2 together.

  4. I think ACC and ZP has been very kind to Lazy Lungu’s favourite daughter if they were truly independent they would have gone for her…remember when she fenced off a govt forest in Sinda and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I feel this govt is holding them back wanting to use it as leverage on Lazy Lungu when he decides to stand again.

  5. Lungu will just corrupt the authorities with his million stollen money. Very soon she will plead innocent

  6. Tax evasion is also a predicate offense under money laundering.
    What is ZRA and PACRA doing about her corporate or turnover tax returns as well as withholding tax returns since 2015?

  7. If you want to get a witness to help with this Daddy’s girl arrest just find that garden boy or maid who stole money from her house and was arrested…that person will tell you alot about how much moeny was laying around in the home of a mere ward councillor.

  8. What if the father gave her some money? Is that still an offence? Don’t we give our children money? What was she doing in the USA? Worked for nothing?

  9. The chief privatization officer is never questioned about his wealth but people are busy talking about those that have “change”. The man has blatantly refused to declare his wealth for fear that everyone will ask how he amassed such wealth. And those who “Love” their leader are happy to ask anyone else how they got their whealth except their loved leader. This society is skewed it is not normal. Let us use the same ruler to measure everyone on these issues.

  10. A lot of whataboutisms here. I believe HH declared his wealth in detail, so stop trying to change the topic.
    The topic – reading comprehension is critical – is HOW DID TASILA LUNGU get her money? If she brought it from the US from her job(s) and/or investments there, this should be easy to prove. Similarly, she should also have proof in Zambia. What is the problem? Her crying like a twit for sympathy isn’t answering the question and providing the proof.
    The problem is we all know she’s lying because her wealth was not obtained legally and hence no way for her to show it transparently.
    Stop being willfully stupid Zambians. This is YOUR MONEY that these people are stealing.
    If HH is stealing money, have no fear he too will answer for this.

  11. The damn little ***** was financially broke in the US where she was scrounging around as a refugee. The moment Jameson Mutaware Dununa Reverse Lungu stole an election, she came back to loot. This time we want our money back ba sakalanyongo mina!

  12. So you give councilors K3000 as a salary? You don’t know that this is a recipe for corruption? Pay them decently to avoid them being engaged in corrupt activities. K3000 cannot even pay rentals or send children to school. These are indications that most councils are filled up with corrupt elements. How do they survive out of meager K3000?

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