Wednesday, February 12, 2025

President Hakainde Hichilema Embarks on a Historic State Visit to Israel


President Hakainde Hichilema has embarked on a significant 3-day state visit to Israel, following an invitation from Israeli President Isaac Herzog. The presidential plane touched down at Ben Gurion International Airport at 07:00 hours today, marking the beginning of this momentous diplomatic engagement.

Accompanied by First Lady Mutinta Hichilema, President Hichilema was warmly received by Gil Haskel, Chief of State Protocol, upon his arrival in Tel Aviv.

One of the highlights of President Hichilema’s visit is his planned visit to the Old City of Jerusalem, where he will partake in a guided tour. The Old City holds immense historical and religious significance, as it is home to revered sites associated with the kings and prophets of the Old Testament.

Later in the day, President Hichilema is scheduled to attend a meeting on creating an ecosystem for innovation, where the Israeli model will be discussed. The venue for this important gathering is the Ambassadors Garden Hall at the King David Hotel. Following the meeting, he will be hosted for a television interview by Channel 24, providing an opportunity to share his perspectives on various issues of mutual interest between Zambia and Israel.

In the evening, President Hichilema is expected to have side meetings, fostering bilateral discussions and exploring areas of cooperation between the two nations.

President Hichilema’s visit to Israel is focused on enhancing diplomatic ties and exploring opportunities for collaboration in various sectors. The State Visit symbolizes a commitment to strengthen friendship and cooperation between Zambia and Israel.

The President’s itinerary also includes a pilgrimage to significant religious sites in Jerusalem. He expressed deep reverence during his visit to the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall, a place of prayer and devotion for millions of pilgrims from diverse faiths. Additionally, he paid his respects at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a site of great significance to Christians as it represents the crucifixion, entombment, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In a heartfelt message, President Hichilema emphasized the importance of social justice, peace, and unity – values rooted in Christianity, which holds a special place in the hearts of Zambians. He extended gratitude to the people of Zambia for their unwavering support and reiterated his commitment to promoting goodwill and compassion in the nation.

President Hichilema expressed his hope for peace in Jerusalem, quoting Psalm 122:6,7, “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.”


  1. Isnt he forsaking his church? Do Seventh Day Adventists follow Judaism? And the Pope’s cap on his head?

    • Look at this black man censuring another black man for not knowing European culture. He wouldnt have labelled his friend ignorant if Kulenga had mistaken Shona culture for Masaai. For those with inferiority complexes Ignorance is not knowing anything Western

    • He’s running away because he told us that on 31 July 2023 his government was going to announce the new investors for our beleaguered mines. He left hapless Kabuswe to bear the brunt.

  2. For as long as gay rights are not allowed in zambia, you will not achieve anything positive. This is because when you legalise homosexuality you will get a diverse Ieadershlp of gay people who are highly skilled and motivated. If hh does not legalise it , he is losing next election because many gay people in zambia voted for him

    • Wagner make sure you take your meds and stop spreading filth on LT. Zambia is not interested in your LGBTQ insanity. Go practice that in the West.

    • Patriot i am in Zambia. This is my country. Where do you want me to go? If you are so insecure and threatened by another man’s sexuality then you move away to an Arab anti gay country where they hate blacks.

    • It has nothing with Arabs hating blacks. They just want to preserve their morals. LGBTQ is Western culture. It’s not African culture. Are you even black yourself? I don’t think so. No black African is promoting this decadent lifestyle. And no black African is named “Wagner.” Stop spreading your decadent, filthy lifestyle and take it back to the West. Or go to South Africa. At least they tolerate it there. You’re lucky HH is tolerating this nonsense. Lungu would’ve thrown you behind bars already.

    • @Patriot there is a story on Sky TV reporting that Indian doctors are treating homosexuality. The charge is 50 pounds. Im sure Wagner can raise that amount

  3. Correlation Is for politicians, hypothesis is for innovator.

    “It is very difficult to understand why most Zambians are poor -Fr.Mupula” LT

    • In fact what’s more difficult is to understand why Zambians should be rich. Why should people incapable of cooperating and forging alliances in business be rich?

  4. @Kulenga, so no one told you NOT to think like me NOSTRA??? why you take my words?
    My future Mutinta looks an hypocrite to for her beatiful hands like a catholic. But I like her dressing there in Jerusalem, so hotty!!

  5. It isn’t an historic visit because he isn’t the first sitting Zambian President to visit those sites. One Philanderer made a similar visit and in fact made the symbolic swim in the fabled river Jordan to wash away his sins. On his return Mr Mwanza lost his wife and Zambians all proceeds of privatization. To date the money realized from the sale of companies hasn’t been accounted for. Those that enjoyed brown envelopes still try to convince us that we’re indeed a Christian nation. My foot!

    • Everything is historical I am afraid…
      Is the first person to be elected president of the republic of Zambia
      Is the first president to address the United Nations
      Is the first president to negotiate a deal with the IMF
      etc etc etc

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