Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zimbabwe 2023 Elections News Monitor


Today’s bonus day of voting has nearly drawn to a close, with ballot boxes being shut at nearly all 12,374 polling stations nationwide. Reports indicate that Kambuzuma High in Harare was one of the last station to close, with votes still being cast at 21:50 this evening.

As counting gets well underway, preliminary parliamentary results are looking promising for the CCC. The opposition party is currently leading ZANU-PF by eight seats to three. The CCC is also performing well in rural ZANU heartlands, including Matebeleland North.

Meanwhile, results forms continue to flow into the official CCC PVT operation system and will increase in volume as counting and reporting continues throughout the night. Our team is working diligently to submit and process the data, and is on track to deliver a timely, accurate, and auditable result. We will continue to send updates over the course of tomorrow.

The European Union’s Chief Observer Fabio Castaldo is due to present his mission’s statement on Zimbabwe’s elections at 14:00 tomorrow before the mission concludes. An 11-person core team has been in Zimbabwe since July and a total of 101 observers were present on election day.

The mission has yet to deliver any official statement, although Mr Castaldo criticised the late opening of roughly 30% of polling stations on Wednesday.

The African Union – which has 73 short term observers in Zimbabwe led by former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan – is also due to deliver its official statement tomorrow. However, there has been no confirmation of this address recently.

Media reports have already documented the widespread delays to voting on Wednesday, with polling stations in CCC heartlands such as Harare particularly badly affected. Voters were also regularly intimidated by so-called ZANU ‘exit poll’ desks outside polling stations and the shadowy Forever Associates of Zimbabwe (FAZ).

The joint AU-COMESA mission’s own directive states that its assessment will be based on the election’s “regularity, transparency, equity, and fair conduct”. The mission should therefore find it hard to do anything but condemn the ZEC for its shambolic and sinister conduct.


On a final note, election day can be exhausting for everyone but it appears none more so than Emmerson Mnangagwa, who this afternoon congratulated President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine on their independence day.

This strikes a somewhat different tone than when the President met with Russian President Vladimir Putin only last month. There the Crocodile openly declared his support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, before taking receipt of a presidential helicopter and 50,000 tonnes of grain.

Charles Kwaramba

Presidential Chief Elections Agent


  1. Zambians and SADCC must be worried about the SADCC observer team led by DR. Nevers Mumba who has been accused of siding with Chamisa’s party.Dr. Mumba was seen chanting and escorting Chamisa to cast his vote. He then realised that Chamisa chances of winning this election was low. Its seem Dr Mumba has already pronounced the elections as rigged and not free and fair even before the counting starts. Who sent us this man to lead the SADCC observer team?

  2. Monitors job is to observe and report. Their duties do not include influencing the outcome. If nevas Mumba is doing this, he should be arrested and detained in Zimbabwe with no possiblity of bail.

  3. Closely monitoring. It is time for change in Zimbabwe.we did it in zambia they can also do it there. Enough with fake patriotic parties

  4. Many of us expressed our disappointment with the choice of Nervers Mumba as head of the SADC observer mission. Zambia has got several respected statesmen and women who could have represented us well. We lost an opportunity to stamp ourselves as an authority in regional peace, mediation and democracy. Should there be a dispute arising from the current elections in Zimbabwe, none of the parties would consider Lusaka as the neutral arbiter because of the actions of one individual and those that appointed him. We’re fast losing the credibility that our forefathers built at great cost because of mediocrity

    • Kutuma callboy to head such an important mission is the worst insult to our nation. If HH wants to reward Nevas Mumba, why not appoint him DC for Milenge, Kaputa, Shangombo or Kazimule?

    • Bane, let us not believe everything we read. Nevers has already called this ‘fake news’. I have no reason to believe otherwise. The ZANU-PF machine is in full swing here, discrediting those they see as a ‘sympathetic to the opposition’. They are so desperate to cling on, they will do and say anything.

  5. President HH is very wise; His choice of Dr Mumba fits well, as it relives him of the pressure as government’ position with regards the outcome of the Zim election, and i know for sure Dr Mumba, being a Christian will not disappoint.

  6. HH sent a known Bandit to Zimbabwe…Nevers Mumba stole embassy furniture in Canada and Mwanawasa fired him for insubordination…..Mumba is siding with the opposition instead of being neutral…

  7. If for whatever way ZANU PF wins this election our relationship with ZIM is strained.
    It was almost the case with Congo .

  8. HH made a big blunder sending Nevers Mumba…he should have asked Edgar Lungu or any other credible person….Nevers Mumba is already showing signs of siding with the opposition…who does that and he is not supposed to issue any statements before the final results have been announced…its not rocket science…now if ZANU PF wins it will be bad blood between HH and Munangangwa and thats not good if we want to develop and work with our neighbors


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