Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zambia Police Denies Patriotic Front’s Mass Rally Amidst Controversy


In a recent turn of events, the Zambia Police Service has officially announced the denial of the Patriotic Front (PF) Party’s request to hold a mass public rally at Muchinga grounds of Zingalume compound on August 26, 2023. The decision, citing security concerns, has sparked controversy and a flurry of political discussions across the nation.

The saga began on August 10, 2023, when the Patriotic Front submitted a formal notice to the Zambia Police, requesting permission to hold a public rally on August 26th. While the notice was received and acknowledged by the police on the same day, their request was met with skepticism due to the prevailing traces of Covid-19 in the region. Consequently, the police advised the PF to notify the Lusaka City Council in light of health precautions.

On August 11th, the PF promptly complied with the police’s request by submitting their notification to the Lusaka City Council regarding the proposed public rally.

However, on August 15, 2023, the Zambia Police Service responded to the PF’s request with a rejection, citing security concerns. This decision set off a chain of discussions and negotiations between the party and the authorities.

On August 16th, the Acting President of the PF, Hon. Given Lubinda, met with the Deputy Inspector General of Police – Operations, Mr. Milner Muyambango, to address the rejection. Unfortunately, no conclusive decision was reached during this meeting.

Undeterred, on August 17th, the Patriotic Front, in accordance with legal requirements, appealed to the Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Jack Jacob Mwiimbu, regarding the Zambia Police’s decision to deny them the opportunity to hold the rally.

In a series of meetings, including one on August 23, 2023, with Hon. Nakacinda and others, the Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security granted his approval for the rally, providing directives for it to proceed. However, the PF was advised to make a fresh application to the Inspector General of Police to agree on an alternative date and security arrangements.

On August 24, 2023, the Patriotic Front met with the Inspector General of Police and his two deputies to discuss the Minister’s approval and their intention to hold the rally. The PF presented a fresh notice proposing the original date of August 26, 2023. They also indicated their willingness to comply with the law requiring a 7-day notice period, suggesting a date of September 2, 2023, as an alternative.

In response, the Inspector General of Police insisted that the PF could only hold a public rally at the end of September 2023. This decision left the PF in a challenging position, as they had already complied with legal requirements and believed authorities were being insincere.

Consequently, on August 25th, the Patriotic Front announced their intention to proceed with the rally on August 26, 2023, asserting that they had adhered to the provisions of the Public Order Act and that the authorities were not acting in good faith.

This development has raised concerns about the relationship between political parties and law enforcement in Zambia, prompting calls for transparency and adherence to due process from various quarters.


  1. In a democrocy all parties should be able to hold rallies regardless whether we like them or not
    This rejection is typical of police incompetence,

    • Zambia has a Commander-In-Chief, where all heads of security and ministers report to. If the commander, really wanted this rally to go on, by this time he could have given a green light.

      One of the first & daily reports any president reads every day on his desk is an Intelligence Report. It’s there to brief him about the state of affairs in the country. The president knows what’s going on. He just does not want this rally to happen, which puts his foot-soldiers in difficulties to deal it.


    • On the other hand. This is “KARMA” coming back to haunt PF. They did the same moves on HH while he was in opposition. So, be careful to what you say or do to others.

    • PF are a Violent Party, full of HATE, who have not even apologized to Zambians for encouraging Division. Complaining about not being allowed to hold a Rally? What of them when they Burnt and Beat up anyone wearing RED? Zambians let’s not be hypocrites. These people are evil and encourage tribal hate. THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. Until we see a truly changed and serious PF. All they talk about is hate.

  2. What’s wrong with us blacks? People thought Zambia was going to become a normal country after 21 August 2021. But alas we seem to enjoy the political nonsense. What security concerns are they talking about when the president has been boasting about the peace and security that he has brought to the country.
    I’m sure they are afraid that the proposed rally would be mammoth and underline the falling popularity of the Upnd….what else can prompt this action?

  3. “This development has raised concerns about the relationship between political parties and law enforcement in Zambia, prompting calls for transparency and adherence to due process from various quarters.”. Who’s opinion was this? The author?

  4. Remember mwimbu had no issues allowing this rally. People then complained saying it is the police who should decide. So now the police have decided and you are still complaining. This is a failed rally that only few people will attend. It is a waste of time

    • Whether 10 people or 10.000 people attend its not a failed rally
      Also it a good indication how UPND is doing when crowd numbers are known
      unfortunately the police are lacking in every sense of the word
      I doubt if one could find one person in this country who has confidence in the police force

    • #Fake Tarino Orange….do you know what Mwiimbu said in private? You think our police can defy a ministerial directive? This has been the trend in Zambia…a politician makes it look like he’s not involved. Anyway rally or no rally it’s the people who will decide whether to continue with the Upnd or not.

    • Why are you replying to me if I am fake? Go and read the reasoning behind the police decision. With the violent track record of PF, I am not surprised they reached that decision. The safety of this country is greater than the exercise of human rights of one group

  5. Knowing how police in Zambia often work under instructions when it comes to opposition parties, I am certain that Mwiimbu may have publicly greed but then called the police to instruct them to refuse.
    The excuse given by the police that they don’t have enough security will be proven wrong since they will deploy no less than 300 officers to make arrests should the rally go on today.

  6. Not sure if for some reasons we need to import ZP bosses from outside because our own keeps on letting us down. I personally support UPND but these actions go against everything that we fought for. Allow them to hold the rally, this is the democracy we all want…whether in power or otherwise.

    • You see that’s things don’t improve in this country. Every ruling party spends more time fighting the opposition meanwhile things are getting worse. Whether PF holds that rally or not, people will vote for Upnd if Upnd leadership do the right things. Upnd won the election despite brutal machinations from the PF. It’s the people who decide not Musamba.

    • Nope no big no. If we bring everything from outside…ZP bosses,Ethiopian Airlines,SA fruits/groceries,Chinese engineers etc…how will we ever develop homegrown capacity?

  7. The IG can’t overrule the Minister. There’s some coward dimwit somewhere above who’s pulling strings. The UPND would have gained a lot had they allowed the PF to go ahead. Which people would like to see people like Nkandu Luo, GBM, Chishimba Kanbwili and others speak? If that’s what the PF are calling rebranding then only a person out of his mind would stop them.

  8. Ba PF go to the polls and elect a party president
    2yrs past… What is holding you??
    A Party without a president is like a headless chicken

  9. The security concerns lay in the fact, as you all can see is that PF is a criminal organisation masquerading as politicians. The whole idea behind the so called rally is to bring their violet cadres onto the street to cause mayhem.

  10. Did I see a clip on social media recently where an official was admitting that he is among those sponsoring confusion in another party? So then, does this outcome surprise anyone? One official claimed ECL was not harassed in Mambwe during the traditional ceremony, another official from the same party was apologizing on how badly ECL was treated…. Permission is given then cancelled… what’s the definition of ”Chipantepante?”. Ati wakulekafye! Nipano tuli.

  11. Did I see a clip on social media recently where an official was admitting that he is among those sponsoring confusion in another party? So then, does this outcome surprise anyone? One official claimed a past president was not harassed in Mambwe during the traditional ceremony, another official from the same party was apologizing on how badly the past president was treated…. Permission is given then cancelled… what’s the definition of ”Chipantepante?”. Ati wakulekafye! Nipano tuli.

  12. The Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema has been exposed in the just ended Zimbabwean elections as ths biggest puppet of the West via Criminal failed Politician Nevers Mumba who earns a living by handouts…HH IS A DANGER TO ZAMBIA AND SADC….Foreigners are now coming to Zambia as they please with Private jets stealing our minerals…and this is what Bazungu like….When Munangangwa became President the West thought he would become their puppet but he has continued being anti West and following Mugabe’s stance on gay issue….the West wanted a sellout Chamisa but Africans are now waking up….NO MORE WESTERN PUPPET PRESIDENTS

  13. Funny that he had the courage to send Nevas Mumba to go and supervise elections in another country when back the situation is just as bad…. what do they say in English a kettle calling a teapot black.

  14. This is the beginning of the death of UPND , I thought these guys were intelligent to my surprise they are the dullest party Zambia has ever had.
    They have already forgotten what made their predecessors fail to win the 2021 general elections, what happened to them is going to UPND it is waiting for them, they have done everything wrongly there is nothing they have achieved but doing wrong in every sector of a Zambian citizen.
    Everything wrong everything indeed nothing good to point at .

    • Mweetwa Cornelius is on video boasting that he’s one of the people distablizing the opposition PF and was proud of it.

  15. Police are only to be notified and not there to grant permission. That is how Laura miti, pilato and others were acquitted after they were arrested of holding an illegal rally outside parliament. The PF should take this matter to concourt.


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