Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chimbwi Pa kulila nishi naishiba eko ashantilile the Illegality by Hon. Miles Sampa


By Misheck Kasonde

The Patriotic Front Party (PF) constitution indeed serves as the foundational document that outlines the rules and procedures for its internal governance, including the process for selecting leaders. Considering this, let’s analyze the political mayhem between the Sampa PF and the old PF factions, and the importance of adhering to democratic principles and the rule of law in this context.

Firstly, it’s important to note that the PF Constitution establishes the framework for how the party operates. This includes the process for conducting elective congresses and the roles of top officials in the party hierarchy. At the bogus congress held by Mr. Miles Sampa, there was a notable absence of a secretary general, vice president, or president of the party to open the elective congress. According to society’s records, these officials had resigned, raising questions about the legitimacy of the congress.

However, the absence of these officials does not grant Mr. Miles Sampa the right to proceed with further illegalities. The PF Constitution explicitly states that only a top official of the party can open a general elective congress. Moreover, it specifies that only party national branches can participate in such a congress. Allowing party members to handpick patrons in the streets and bars from Break Point or mayela to select new party leaders goes against this established constitutional framework. This can be considered a violation of the party’s rules and should be subject to legal challenge, especially by legally elected branches of the Patriotic Front Party.

For the PF and other political parties, it is crucial to address such violations to avoid further factionalism and internal strife. Transparency, inclusivity, and adherence to party constitutions are fundamental for maintaining public trust and upholding the principles of democracy. As a concerned Zambian interested in the democratic tenets of the country, it is vital that both the ruling party and opposition parties practice good governance and avoid political uproar. The judiciary and legal system should play a crucial role in ensuring that cases involving political discord within intra-party factions are handled impartially and based on the rule of law.

Miles Sampa celebrates his win as PF president in controversial Extra-ordinary General conference

In times of political turmoil, the courts should provide unbiased decisions that maintain public trust, protect individual rights, and contribute to the stability and health of the democratic process. It is essential for the PF national branch party’s to review its constitution, acknowledge violations, and seek legal remedies where necessary. Additionally, all political parties should prioritize transparency and inclusivity in their decision-making processes to prevent similar situations from arising in the future.

Ultimately, politicians come and go, but Zambia remains. It is imperative that all stakeholders, including political parties, the judiciary, and citizens, work together to ensure the democratic principles and rule of law are upheld for the greater benefit of Zambia and citizens. I believe that such an approach will contribute to a stronger, more stable democracy and set a positive precedent for the future.

Furthermore, if the allegations are true that the ruling party is involved in Miles Sampa machinations, Zambians must get worried. We might be witnessing a dictatorship in making that is ready to cling to power by any dirty means.
The author is a legal scholar, comparative politics specialist, History and Cultural Studies, expertise in international relations, negotiation, and protocol (ZIDIS). Author of the book “peering into Zambian Cultures, Ceremonies” and contributor in the book “Young Zambia between poverty and abundant resources”.

Email: [email protected]


  1. Garbage article.
    You all know that Miles is mentally unstable, and that makes him a winner. His mental illness is direct opposite to Sean.
    Let me email privately this dirty looking Misheck he left its email.

  2. It’s very unfortunate that Hakainde has concentrated and spending so much on the destruction of his opponents as a formula for self preservation instead of service delivery. He’s determined to kill all competition but his days as President are numbered. I hope he’s ready for a painful exit as that will definitely come. I hope that he comes back to his senses soon

    • I don’t think he spent a lot of time. PF is disorganised. One day Lungu resigns/retires following day he is appointing members of the committee.

    • @Ayatollah That’s the issue with you PF cadres. Your hate for HH is so much that you can’t see the wrong of Lungu. He resigned and if there is a leadership vacuum be it a chiefdom, others take it. PF have themselves to blame. Moreover, Lungu is stupid, he is being used by those f.o.ols. Kambwili and GBM. They are failures and will not see parliament again. The same goes for Lungu, as Zambians never go back to past leadership.

  3. Since when have police tsken it up on themselves to protect a faction in an opposition party?
    The blame squarely rests on Edgar Lungu for delaying the much anticipated general conference.
    Upnd saw the window and took advantage. They saw a chance in the deranged Miles Sampa and took it. You cannot blame them especially in this hard times where they have run out of things to tell us.

  4. This whole episode has been very upsetting for uncle Spider. The hand of the government is very clear here starting from them providing security to Sampa’s illegal convention to the registrar of societies receiving the list of new office bearers as well as giving an unconstitutional order for conventions.
    This is the same government that had an audio leak between Akafumba PS at home Affairs and Levy Ngoma from state house trying to destabilize a small party in the name of DP.
    No one can tell me the hand of State House isn’t involved here. ECL and group should just form another party, our courts are known for their delaying tactics.

  5. With ECL going to the premises was it not a potential hotspot considering there are factions in the party
    it is the polices mandate to keep peace and calm
    Also did someone within PF forewarn the police to protect the property
    So WILD speculation will get us nowhere
    Many are saying they have information it was UPND and HH
    Bring forward the facts and not thoughts in your heads

    • You are exceedingly naive auntie Tikki if you truly believe HH and his party have no hand in this silly affair. Starting from previous actions of state house officials which are in public domain as well as Cornelius Mweetwa publicly proclaiming that he was going to end PF.
      Also, since when have police been deployed to protect opposition leaders when every other time they have been deployed to prevent opposition rallys?

    • Sampa was paid by State House it’s an open secret. Not that it matters. But he’s playing a dangerous game. I lost a good friend in the same way. Also don’t forget Paul Tembo…he played the roulette and bang the bullet hit.

    • Yes he was paid. Earlier he was very broke. He had been hunting for that Ndambo guy to beg for some money from him and I think HH saw an opportunity to exploit the desperate situation Sampa was in while the PF was dilly dallying about their convention

  6. Its clear that u ar biased mr author. U hv not mentioned how illegal it is for lungu to call himself president of pf without being elected by the organs of the party. Someone just wakes up and says I hv cme back to my former position of president? That’s lawless ness..

    • # Chikoombaa. When was HH last elected as Upnd president… don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house… actually you are naive Edgar (though alitumpa) was the bonafide president of the PF until the next convention.

  7. very good move by lungu to keep all his pf people in an illusion. sometimes illusions gives people peace of mind when a fake hope is generated in their minds. clever pipo should actually move away from pipo because instead of rebranding, pf has been swallowed by greedy pipo who want to continue from where they thing for sure is pf is not going anywhere from this. lungu was never a popular person among the zambian citizens, never. pf needed a new leader who can start a new chapter embracing the whole country not lungu who is so ethnically divisive without shame and gets zero votes from some provinces.

  8. Miles sampa is just a mentally retarded weak boy who is being used by the tonga party. Come 2026 he will regret being alive. I will squeeze his neck in front of his wlfe and my boys will steal his unsatisfied wlfe

  9. in all fairness lungu has developed a big ego. this is not good for him and his family. it shall leave him and his family very bruised at the end of his political journey. lungu lacks principles to guide his living on earth but believes in power of MONEY TOO MUCH. No lesson learnt from the 2021 defeat surely mr lungu. did money work for you?

    • In politics people win and lose so if Lungu decide to run for presidential race that’s his choice and his constitution right, if he loses that’s his him simple as that.

  10. I have no sympathy for PF. This is the party that has been creating mayhem & the same nonsense has come to bite them. Question is how was ECL elected in Kabwe? With hand gestures surely?? Secondly who influenced the judiciary to rubber stamp ECL as president before the dispute was clearly heard by the courts. Zambia went down a slippery slope during PF, unfortunately its too much to ask UPND govt to walk upwards on the slippery slope created by PF. They are equally politicians only there to serve their interests. They will drag their feet to correct the wrongs of the past. They have forgotten that they where elected to change PF’s disregard for rule of law. Sadly we have a long way to go.

  11. When ECL was elected at a conference which did not follow the processes you talking about, where were you?
    He just played you the same way you played him…. Game is over

  12. Iwe Kasonde stop changing Bemba sayings willy nilly. Te Chimbwi. Ni Mumbwe.
    Mumbwe pakulila ninshi pali ukoashintilile

  13. Poorly written article. Can you give examples of PF conferences that have been held in line with their constitutional provisions? In 2015. Lungu was elected by show of fists…….was that constitutional? Sampa and his group are just replicating what PF had done in the past. PF is party that does not believe in civility. So their uncivil culture is consuming them.

  14. The article above lost me? What is it trying to get at? Had actors and their political parties chosen to be civil after the Zambian people had spoken through the ballot, I am of the view that citizens would not have been witnessing this ongoing nonsense! Zambians had a relationship with PF but it went awry and they chose a new relationship but its like the PF only then came to realize that they had lost a trusting partner and wanted from the outset to have the relationship restored using uncouth tactics to win it back! The democratic principles are years yet to be understood and practiced with civility in Zambia,


    • …….

      They will get together for the sole purpose of looting……..

      For the prospect of a free hand to loot……….

      the theives will accept any alliance

  16. I repeat Miles Sampa litOle.He thinks he can come through the window, like a thief and grab what his friend sweated for. The chap is sick mentally and very delusional. It is a delusional of grandeur to think that you can become a president without the blessing of the party. There is no shot cut in ascending to PF presidency. Go to real convention and compete with your friends not that circus we saw. Moreover,who can vote for a childish person like Sampa?

  17. ………

    Lungu left a carcus of a party totally reliant on corruption, cader violence and looting………

    No one needs any effort for the destruction into oblivion if the PF………..

    On top of that, lungu and his dinasors want to hang on to the leadership at all costs……..

    We welcome lungus reentry into politics………

    Now he must be investigated for the alleged corruption………..

    Or best still………..

    Do your investigations deligently , Wait untill 2026 to question him.

    All accords negotiated by RB for lungus exit should be thrown put the window.

    Top of the list is how he acquired $2.3 million after 18 months on office…………

    I see a hard road for PF and lungu.

  18. ………

    Lungu left a carcus of a party totally reliant on corruption, cader violence and looting………

    No one needs any effort for the destruction into oblivion if the PF………..

    On top of that, lungu and his dinasors want to hang on to the control at all costs……..

    We welcome lungus reentry into politics………

    Now he must be investigated for the alleged corruption………..

    Or best still………..

    Do your investigations deligently , Wait untill 2026 to question him.

    All accords negotiated by RB for lungus exit should be thrown put the window.

    Top of the list is how he acquired $2.3 million after 18 months on office…………

    I see a hard road for PF and lungu.

  19. From authors’ pedigree and qualifications, and the article are, in my view, totally disconnected. The articles bias, logic or the lack thereof, seems come from the combined brains of bowman lusambo, raphael nakachinda and emmanuel mwamba.

    The first sentence “The Patriotic Front Party (PF) constitution indeed serves as the foundational document that outlines the rules and procedures for its internal governance” says it all!!!!!!!!!

  20. HH is creating his own shadowy legacy. Sad part is every shadowy president in Zambia got away with his shadowy past.
    Zamvians are always the losers. Conmen walk in statehouse.

  21. It is Edgar Lungu who has destroyed PF after destroying President Sata and at that conversion in Kabwe, it was non PF members who voted for Lungu. Talking of the late, Willie who went to the Copperbelt and using his buses brought people to PF conversion in Kabwe and Lungu was voted by non PF members. All the Zambians MUST take note that Lungu was NOT even PF member! He went to PF to help his uncle to make constitution. That is the person you are talking about coming back to politics illegally again.
    It is now very clear that illegalities with Edgar Lungu are synonymous. What a Lawyer he is!

  22. Conmen are everywhere 80% of the population is conning someone somewhere
    households and businesses will bear witness to this
    So tell us something we dont know

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