Wednesday, October 23, 2024

SADC Extraordinary Organ Troika Summit Calls for Stability in DRC


The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Extraordinary Organ Troika Summit convened to address pressing regional issues, with a focus on promoting and restoring stability in the region. The summit was officially opened by President Hakainde Hichilema, who also serves as the Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defense, and Security.

President Hichilema expressed his deep concern about the deteriorating human rights situation in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). He emphasized the interconnectedness of the SADC member countries, stating that conflict in one nation has ramifications across the region.

Hichilema underscored the grave challenges posed by armed group insurgencies in the DRC and urged for holistic solutions to address the conflict. He also noted that instability in the region could jeopardize the prospects for peaceful elections.

SADC Executive Secretary Elias Magosi echoed the call for collective efforts to help the DRC find a lasting solution to the ongoing unrest. The summit served as an opportunity for SADC leaders to strategize on initiatives that will restore peace and security in the region.

Tanzanian President Samia Hassan, the Incoming Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defense, and Security Cooperation, and Namibian Vice President Nangolo Mbumba were also in attendance.

Following the summit, President Hichilema, accompanied by Zambia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Stanley Kakubo and Minister of Defense Ambrose Lufuma, returned to Zambia.


  1. Congo will not be at peace. Its not a question of sending peace keeping Soldiers. It is about the root cause of the instability. This is not a today problem. It is a problem started by the same western countries we are embracing today. Who killed Lumumba? The same americans and French supported the dictatorship of Mobutu. Who killed Kabila? What is the role of Rwanda and Uganda in the troubles of Congo?
    Who is raping Congo of its vast mineral resources? That is what you must address. Sending tu ma peace keepers is not the solution . Deal with the underlying problem.

    • BaLusaka Times, can you up your game. What’s “cooking” in Zimbabwe is very serious as a resultof the adoption of the Mumba lead SADC report. According to Zimeye Zimbabweans today wake up in a state of utter chaos and confusion as the nation grapples with the absence of a recognized president. The turmoil began after Emmerson Mnangagwa, who inaugurated himself on September 5, 2023, was stripped of all presidential recognition, leading to a bizarre situation where he now requires journalists to instruct him on what to utter on camera, and even then, what he says is totally scattered in both sense and content.

  2. SADC cannot resolve anything . Its just a club of members who do not trust each other. It is a divided social club. There already a rift between your country Zambia and Zimbabwe. There is a rift between Congo and Rwanda. You are being divided by the West…..

    • Can Africa survive without the west NEVER !!!
      You cannot get along with yourselves let alone country to country
      Obviously SADC is a scam

  3. ……..

    SADC is only usefull for wanna be tin pot dictators……….

    The know the SADC support manual well………..

    Just blame imaginary colonisers and imperialism for your economic woes and derail democracy with full SADC support…………..

  4. SADc Issa toothless body composed of English tea drinkers. It has even failed to coordinate the justice and laws of order between their countries. I can steal a car and just drive around in Zambia or South Africa or in Congo without even being caught. Recently I got scammed through a Zambia colored called Cain Mbaale. With a fake company called Trachmans tractors. Pretending to sell tractors from West Cape in South Africa. It was just a scam. I lost my mone. Reported the matter to both South Africa police ASAP and through Zambia Interpol. It is now 2 years ago. Nothing has happened at all. This cannot happen within European union. Disband this joke called SADC.

  5. First reform the police. Pay more salaries to the police in both countries. To remove bribes and corruption. The work on forming SADC again

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