Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Zambia Police Advise Emmanuel Mwamba Against Inciting Unauthorized Mass Protests and National Shutdown


The Zambia Police Service has issued a statement advising former Ambassador to Ethiopia, Emmanuel Mwamba, not to abuse his freedom of expression by calling for unauthorized mass protests and a national shutdown amid ongoing internal strife within the opposition Patriotic Front.

According to Police Public Relations Officer Rae Hamoonga, Mr. Mwamba’s call for a national shutdown and mass protests, lacking proper authorization, could potentially lead to severe disruptions, harm to individuals, and damage to public and private property. Mr. Hamoonga emphasized that engaging in unlawful activities, especially those that disrupt public order or safety, constitutes a violation of the law and may result in legal consequences.

In a statement posted on his Facebook page, Mr. Mwamba had called for mass actions and a nationwide shutdown in response to the election of Matero Member of Parliament, Miles Sampa, as PF President. He contended that the extraordinary general conference, which resulted in Mr. Sampa’s election, was illegal and violated the provisions of the Patriotic Front Constitution.

The Zambia Police Service has stressed the importance of upholding the law, maintaining public safety, and safeguarding individuals and property. While recognizing freedom of speech as a fundamental right, they also noted that this freedom has limits, particularly when it poses potential threats to public safety or incites unlawful activities.

The police have advised Mr. Mwamba to reconsider his actions and express his concerns through peaceful and legal means. They have issued this warning as an opportunity for him to make an informed decision regarding his course of action, and urged him to act responsibly, considering the potential consequences of his actions.


  1. Since when did government authorize mass protests… from KK FTJ LPM RB MCS to ECL? Why don’t you do it differently. Allow them to protest and assign security to ensure property and life are safe. That will be record breaking.

    • “The police have advised Mr. Mwamba to reconsider his actions and express his concerns through peaceful and legal means.”
      In a Democracy, protests are legal. Indeed since you love helping the opposition when they hold dubious conferences why not help Mwamba with his equally dubious protests by providing them with police escorts? How inconsistent our police Force is!

    • Men of little faith, they can’t speak any other language. They don’t want other tribes to lead PF, but are quick to raise the “tribal card” when it suites them. Is it a mental problem or its just decit, bupompwe and semi illeracy? Now the person they used to insult and call names is making them “dance” him. Ask for enough money, otherwise you will cry again.
      Watch “Throwback: PF DRAMA: Double dealing.” on YouTube

  2. …….

    “….Mwamba had called for mass actions and a nationwide shutdown in response to the election of Matero Member of Parliament, Miles Sampa, as PF President……”

    Mwamba and the old corrupt dinasors of PF are delusional about their importance to Zambians………..

    It is only the clique tribal supremacists and other corrupt elements who were getting free handouts from PF , that care………..

    The rest of Zambians don’t give a darn PF and lungu……….

    • Absolutely and completely right. What HH should do it to clamp down on them. When UPND and any other opposition party had problems in its ranks, it did not try to take the country down with it. HH should not show mercy on these tribalists. He bring down the hammer on them.

  3. Even you police can you kindly change your imingalato or else you are the causer of all this things because you what doing totally wrong,giving security to Miles and not to those who want to hold rallies.Is this a police state or what?Last time we had a cadre state but now it is a police state.So mmmmm kkkkk kwena next it will be …………..state.

  4. Even you police can you kindly change your imingalato or else you are the causer of the happenings because what you are doing is totally wrong,giving security to Miles and not to those who want to hold rallies.Is this a police state or what?Last time we had a cadre state but now it is a police state.So mmmmm kkkkk kwena next it will be …………..state.

  5. The rest of Zambia doesn’t give a damn….then allow Mwamba to protest and since he will be alone he will phoolish

  6. Mwamba and his PF should know that not every Zambian understands Bemba. Engage translators into English or other Zambian languages if your intended audience is the Zambian nation. I am fortune to know and understand Bemba but I dont think many other Zambians understand Bemba. Does PF want other political parties in Zambia to promote and use any Zambian language of their choice without any translation when their audience is the Zambian nation? How does using Bemba to address the nation promote one Zambia, one nation motto?

    • Bemba is a universal language in Zambia. Tell be a part of Zambia where this language is not spoken or understood. If you are real and you mean well you will confess that Bemba is most widely spoken language in Zambia.

    • You have just exposed your tribalism…. I have eventually given up on pleading with your ilk on how to live in harmony.

    • First of all, you are NOT Nduna Liswaniso. There is no Lozi who would utter such rubbish. Only a tribal supremacist would imagine that everyone knows or loves his language. You to Sinazeze, where there is crude oil and see if people know or care for your language. You go to Mulobezi and see if people will answer you when you speak that tribal language. Emmanuel Mwamba is talking this nonsense in his language because he is appealing to tribalism. That is it and no more. He is frustrated and desperate. We do not care about his frustrations; if he break the law with his national shut down, he should be arrested

    • @Anti vau Mbuzi: Sometime ago, he says he was eating the woman who gave birth to him. He is not normal. He himself may be inbred. Usually that is how this sort of sickness runs. By the time it is admitted publicly, it has been running in the family for year. Look at his facial features- they are classic phenotype of parents of close sanguinity. This is why I do not reason with him, because one feature of this condition is it leads and lends to delusionary mindsets, and tendency to hallucinate… This is what you see in Kaizer Zulu

  7. Induna Liswaniso, what evidence do you have that Bemba is a universal language in Zambia? My foot. Dont impose Bemba to all Zambians. Do you think Zambians who are not born speaking Bemba will agree with your stupid statement that Bemba is widely spoken in all parts of Zambia. Stop creating another faction problem in Zambia. Just deal with the PF factions problems which are self created!

    • I was born in Western Province, even though I am a Tonga. I speak Lozi as my primary language. I know the Lozi inside out. There is not a single Lozi, certaintly not a Nduna, who would aver the nonsense that Bemba is a national language. But this is how some of them behave. They try to impose their language on you, and it is important to put them in their place.

  8. Some people are just good at down rating a comment without capacity to explain their reasons for either up rating or down rating a comment. No wonder 59 years after independence we still have people pushing for one tribal language to be supreme in a country comprising 73 languages. Our strength is our diversity in unity. Stop pushing for stupidity in a peaceful country!!

  9. Mwamba has every right to call for massive protests, national shutdowns, even early elections as that is his democratic right of free speech. Such tactics are used all over the world without hindrance and was even used in this country pre independence and even after independence by rival political parties ANC, UPP, UNIP etc including by the people against the one party state and even the movement MMD to force Kaunda to introduce multipartism. Whether people listen to him or not us a different story.

  10. That of course was Sata, Chiluba, Chikwanda and Bem Mwila’s agenda, they wanted to Bembanise Zambia. Nobody is going to accept such stupidity, every person outside of your Bemba adore their language. For one, I speak siLozi which is the same thing as Pedi, Sotho and Tswana, spoken by half of the population of Southern Africa starting from Eastern Cape (Matatiele), Lesotho, Freestate, Gauteng, Limpopo, Northwest, Northern Cape, Matebele Land, Botswana, Namibia, and Zambezi. And you want me to vocalize that Katangese vernacular of yours, no chance.


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