Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sampamania: Will HH’s Imingalato Against PF-Lungu Backfire?


If one watches WWE, it’s taken for the fact—yet it is scripted entertainment that has held millions glued to their TVs year in and year out. So is Miles Sampa’s stunt on the PF Presidency—it is HH’s shameful mingalato directed at Edgar Lungu’s ascendancy in the 2026 race. Just as KK threatened FTJ Chiluba in 1996, HH and his cronies know that Lungu is the deadly fence between prison and freedom in 2026. It’s a must win election.

HH knows that Miles Sampa has a billion MILES to cover if he has to dethrone him in 2026. Thus he is a great pony to his political survival. And who doesn’t know Sampa lacks deadpan demeanor of any kind? Sampamania means one thing—an enemy of my friend is my friend! But is it a wise move for HH?

Whether Sampa is PF President or not matters less. Fighting Lungu for three years before the elections when HH is highly unpopular may advance the Lungu agenda. Zambians are now shedding tears of remorse for voting out Lungu—his transformation from a villain to the superstar is a political protest against the New Dark Regime.

The remorse of voting for HH in 2021 would be something every Zambian voter is likely to carry in the 2026 elections. Should Lungu contest the 2026 elections, Sampa’s claims to be an alternative to HH would be dismissed with—“remember the demon of lies who promised taking you to paradise when he meant HELL! This is Sampa’s boss.” This message will resonate with the masses whose hopes are shattered by the Hichilema administration. Yet HH hopes that Sampa will help him win the election just as the MMD factions worked with PF and UPND in 2016 and 2021 elections. Good point. The problem is, HH is now a fake brand–made in Nigeria by Seer 1.

In addition, Zambian politics is highly cultic—Mmembe is Socialist Party and the Socialist Party is Mmembe just as HH is UPND. This is the truth. So for Sampa to think PF members will easily dump Lungu for him is as delusional as Felix Mutati promising to set up Zambia’s own Satellite under the New Dark Regime! The truth is, Sampa won’t be a competitor in the 2026 elections. He will simply fade into oblivion like Nevers Mumba—a President of a dead political Party.

As long as he remains useful to HH, however, Sampa will stay on the top of the Patriotic Front—but will he win the hearts of Lungu followers? Just as they abhor HH for his political mingalato against Lungu and his family, Sampa won’t be viewed otherwise. Hence, his Presidency will be on paper but not on the ground.

Besides, Sampa’s usefulness to UPND makes him less appealing to other opposition Parties who view him as HH’s chola boy. Of course, the televised fights between the two factions paints the picture that Sampa has millions behind him—the truth is, most of those are UPND cadres.

But the UPND strategy might backfire. The PF has 3 years to reorganize. It may rebrand as a new party. For instance, by calling themselves as People’s Patriotic Front (PPF), Sampa’s PF will only claim a very small number of followers. The catch is Sampa would suspend all the MPs belonging to the PPF, and call for by elections. Since turnout is low in by elections, UPND is likely to win some seats—something the Lungu faction must be aware of. So PF MPs may wait until Parliament is dissolved before officially declaring allegiance to Lungu. In this case, Sampa is toast!

Another option is to take the Michael Sata aggressive route—allow new elections in its strong holds. If this aggressive action is taken, Sampa will be exposed should his faction fail to gain seats in PF territories.

Fighting through the courts and court of public opinion also an option. The longer this fight goes on, the better for Lungu. Aside from presenting HH as a deadly coward, many people believe Lungu was a better President than HH. In broadcasting Sampamania, therefore, HH is promoting Lungu’s agenda.
Simply put, Sampa will not erase Lungu from Zambian minds. Neither will he win the 2026 elections. His only prayer is for the HH victory. Thereafter, he will put his tail between his legs and beg for the job from HH. Should Lungu win, however, will he kiss Lungu’s shoes as he did before? Kaya!

By Kapya Kaoma


  1. If an opposition political party is supported and leadership installed by the ruling party, just know it is not a people party. Impactless, it will soon fail. As to whether Lungu’s PF will brave the harsh weather is a matter of time from this crossroad.

  2. What’s unfortunate is that HH has identified the annihilation of opponents as an effective tool to a second term as opposed to service delivery. The PF on their part have concentrated on fighting for positions as opposed to mass mobilization as the key to rebranding. They lack tact to address Sampa’s sponsored lawlessness. They shouldn’t expect much from our tattered judiciary.

  3. Hh is heavily stressed. My friends and spies at state house and ugly community house inform me that he has started drinking alcohol everyday because of fears of ECLs return. Aza mwalila hh. Am driving to lundazi to see my family. Upnd don’t comment on my things

  4. The reality is………

    the majority of Zambians see the work GRZ is doing to correct the mess left by lungu………

    In short, majority of Zambians do not want to relive the lungu nightmare years given a choice……………

    As Davis chama warned……….

    Lungu better have thick skin to withstand what’s comming his way in the political trenches…….

  5. Those that hail from the three provinces assume the majority Zambians still think highly of HH. But Zambians from the Rest of Zambia now have a different view of HH. They think ECL still has another chance at the Zambian Presidency. You should have watched the multitudes of people last weekend in Kitwe who turned up just to catch a glimpse of ECL. He brought Kitwe to a standstill. They believe the cost of living under ECL was not as high as it is today. That tribalism in public service was not as bad as it is today. That PF was not as brazen as the UPND in undermining the oppposition. Therefore, they would rather have a repentant ECL back than continue with a more foreign-aligned HH.

    • Are you for real Kaoma? I wonder what doctorate you have? Your analysis of the current economic situation is equal to a grade 7 student.

  6. Does the author of this article seriously beleive Zambians are relishing going back to the corrupt. violent and muderous days of Lungu and PF.
    If Zambians are, then they are truly a sick bunch of people

  7. The wishful thinking by this writer that Lungu can easily win elections is beyond me! Very naive thinking, envious of HH rule.
    HH has his mistakes, but no where near the corruption levels, violence (Panga family), cadre-rism, economy collapse, etc from the Lungu days.
    Zambians are not that stupid, trust me – Lungu can never come back

  8. Poor and fake write up! How does HH and government come in iwe ka pf? pf is known for lawlessness and violence, remember how your boss ecl was selected against Miles Sampa in 2014? This is the same fight that has come up! Please note that there is no normal Zambian voter regretting voting ecl out, we saved our country from the criminality that engulfed us and we are going to make sure pf comes nowhere near the instruments of power again, just moved on my brother.

  9. I believe PF just got the dose of its own medicine: members of PF believe UPND is playing the same tactics PF used to destroy MMD. And they are really worried.

  10. Lungu’s relative writing this article, believing Zambians would want to vote back ka Eddy lungu,the murderous State house drunkard whose violent cadres & police gunned down innocent civilians.

  11. Mr Kapya. Whatever your name is, you can continue dreaming. Put this permanently into your mind, Lungu will never be President of the Republic of Zambia again. It was a bad experiment. We just dodged a bullet in 2021. Why would a Zambian with a fully functioning brain want to go back to such a brutal regime? Maybe you and your family

  12. Who is going to be the next president. HH is great and even Miles can be also a good president. I like them both.

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