Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Hichilema Affirms Zambia’s Resilience and Unity in Christmas Message


In a televised Christmas Eve address, President Hakainde Hichilema assured the nation that Zambia will overcome its current economic challenges and emerge stronger. Acknowledging the difficulties faced by citizens, the President expressed gratitude for their resilience during what he referred to as “these difficult times.”

President Hichilema conveyed a message of hope and reassurance, emphasizing that the government is dedicated to addressing economic concerns through the ongoing debt restructuring program. He affirmed the commitment to securing a more stable economic outlook for future generations, highlighting the importance of sustained efforts in navigating the challenges ahead.

“As a nation, we will emerge stronger and victorious from the current economic challenges. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the citizens for their unwavering resilience in these difficult times,” President Hichilema stated in his Christmas message broadcasted live on ZNBC TV.

The President took the opportunity to call for unity, reconciliation, and forgiveness among the citizens. He stressed that these values are fundamental to building a cohesive and prosperous nation, especially during challenging times.

During the festive season, President Hichilema urged Zambians to embody the spirit of Christmas by sharing the gift of love. He specifically emphasized the importance of remembering the vulnerable members of society, including the weak, the elderly, and the sick. Encouraging acts of kindness and compassion, he highlighted the power of collective efforts in creating a more inclusive and caring society.

In a somber note, President Hichilema asked the nation to remember and pray for those who lost their lives in the Senseli Mining accident. The tragedy served as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety measures and maintaining stringent regulations in the mining sector.

President Hichilema concluded his Christmas message by extending warm wishes to all Zambians. He wished the nation a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, expressing optimism for a brighter future ahead.


    • @Deja Vu: UPND has the most tribally and regionally balanced cabinet since the days of Kaunda. The president is Tonga from the South; the vice President is Bemba woman from the South. You have ministers from the West, the East, the North, the Central, the South etc. You can look up there and always see someone who speaks your language. This was not the case when MMD and PF were in power. MMD had a government in which 45% of the ministers were Bemba, and PF was dominated by Bembas and Nyanjas alone. I am mentioning these facts to shut you up, not to stir tribalism. You Bembas have an appropriate saying that “To teach the child is to go there”. If lie, I will not spare you the bitter truth. Merry Christmas fellow country man!!!

    • *** correction: the vice President is Bemba from the north. *** Oh by the way, one of the first acts by Frederick Chipuba was to fire all the Luvale, Lozi and Tonga from the civil service and the army. His protege, Michael Satan, then continued this, looted money from other provinces which produce everything to build 2 universities in his, which produces nothing. You want to go there, we will go there. Merry Christmas @Deja Vu!

  1. ARREST BRIAN MUSHIMBA OVER THE FAKE TRAFFIC CAMERAS WITH THE LEBANESE. He’s worth over $1.5 million boasting of buying a $500,000 house in the USA. Extradite him.

  2. There’s a distinct disconnect between what he says and what’s obtaining on the ground. Few days ago he gave a lengthy but empty presser, he’s yet given another empty address to the nation. He’s a man full of emptiness. Empty promises have been forgiven and now empty speeches? Let him just pack his bags and go back to wherever he came from.

    • @Ayatollah: HH is exactly where he comes from. Lusaka is right in the middle of Tongaland. Although it was the name of a Soli man, “lusaka” means “bush or brush” in Tonga/Soli (same people-same language). As you can see my dear, if you do not want to see the president in Lusaka, perhaps you are the one who should go where you came from, because that place is definitely NOT Lusaka. Thank you

    • @Deja Vu: How can you find UPND/HH supporters among your tribalist UPND hating friends? It is like a white racist in the Southern United States, trying to guage the popularity of Barak Obama by talking to his friends in the KKK.

      You are looking in the wrong place. Try the rest of Zambia

  3. The president should just accept that he has failed and he lied to the Zambians. Fuel is at k29 as opposed to k5 that he told the people. Mealie meal is at k300 and not k50 as he said. I will not mention fertilizer and the dollar because this will be a waste of time for his praise team.

    • He can’t concede failure because he only listens to his inner demons. They’re telling him that everything he does is the first of its kind, so he’s very successful! 65 foreign trips in 25 months is unprecedented.

    • @ kci
      @ Ayatollah,
      Can you tell us who on the current political scene, will be capable of bringing down the Mealie meal price or Fuel prices down? Tell me which of the current opposition leaders has so far come up and addressed Zambians on how they were going to resolve the issue. All I hear….is blame after blame…
      Subsidies that kept lower prices of fuel and ubunga are gone, and will never be back any time soon. This Man, HH has acknowledged it is tough, BUT he has told you how he plans to resolve the economic problem, he is asking YOU to be involved by farming and NOT wasting time on LT.

    • @General kanene, this is the kind of backwardness that is killing this country. The man is a failure and if we do not tell him that he will continues making the common Zambian suffer. I have lived long enough to see the seven presidents rule but this one his a failure. Tell me which developed country does not subsidize essential commodities. The USA that is telling him not to subsidize are busy doing it. He is busy condemning PF but even the building he holding the press briefing from was built by PF. The Airport he uses on a daily basis was built by the people he is always attacking. The schools he is over crowding were built by PF.

    • @Kci: The only failure of the president is communication. He should have educated the people of Zambia from the beginning of his president how terrible the state of the economy PF left Zambia with was. He should have explained very carefully and very clearly that Zambia was not just broke or bankrupt, it was insolvent. He should have pointed that the coffers were empty, and that the country was due for more payments than what it earned from all economic activity due to the fact that Michael Satan and his nephew Edgar “Johnathan Mutawire” Lungu, had borrowed and completely stolen US $billion of some of the worst loans ever created. …to be continued IN PART 2\….

    • @kci: For example:
      1) he should have explained that Michael Satan got a Eurobond in 2021, in the amount of US$1.2 billion, the terms of which were than Zambia would have to pay US$12 million per month on it for 10 years, totalling US$1.4 billion dollars, at which time the entirie US $1.2 billion which he borrowed would be due, as the monthly payments did not amortise the principle. This bond matured in 2021

      to be continued in part 3\….

    • @kci: part 3\…
      2) He should have explained that Michael Satan got another Eurobond in 2012, in the amount of US $1 billion, the terms of whic where that Zambia would have pay a monthly fee of US $10 million per month for 10 years, totalling US $1.2 billion. This bond would mature in 2022, at which point the entire $1 billion principal would be due because the monthly payments would not amortise it. Also, these payments would be paid concurrently with the previous Eurobond.

      To be continued in Part 4\….

    • @kci: part 4\…
      3) He should have explained that Michael Satan then tried to get a Eurobond of US $2billion in 2013 but was denied, but because the shylocks in Europe knew that they had succeeded in hooking Zambia on more debt than it could afford, and they would soon be coming for their pound of flesh. Still the begging of Michael Satan netted him a Eurobond of US $750 million, the terms of which were than Zambia would pay US $7.5 million per month for 10 years, after which the entire US $750 million would be due because the monthly payments did not amortise the principal. This Eurobond matured in 2023. To be continued in Part 5\….

    • @kci: Part 5\… The total monthly payments of the 3rd Eurobond amounted to US $800million. In 2020, just before the presidential elections., Zambia defaulted on its debts. Basically, the country declared itself unable to pay. At that point, the debtors started demanding their money. When HH got into office, the coffers were dry. At the same time, Michael Satan and his nephew, Edgar “Johnathan Mutawire” Lungu, had borrowed and looted another US $30 billion. Therefore every ngwee Zambia was getting was going to the borrowers, and it was not enough for all of them.

      To be continued in Part 6\….

    • @kci: HH could not renege on the debts because the IMF has a rule that if you renege on your debts, all the members of the Paris Club will not lend you anymore money. Furthermore, the creditors can go to court, seize your assets, and all proceeds from your international trade. HH had to go to the IMF to seek relief. The IMF is the one which removed subsidies on petrol, mealie meal, electricity etc and all this money was sent to the debtors to help pay the debt that Michael Satan and his nephew “Edgr “Johnathan Mutawire” Lungu has accrued and stolen. All the problems in Zambia are therefore the fault of PF. This is why HH should have made minister of information, because I would have sung this sermon so often that everyone would now know it by heart

    • Oh now you are talking about time. What a shame. You think you can turn around the economy when you have given away revenue from the mines? Kaunda educated from money generated from copper.

    • Naimwe ba Dejavu………

      What revenue from the mines has he given away ??????

      He has just given the mines more incentive to stay………

      Before that , every month the mines were threatening to make miners redundant ………

      With every little shock to the economy, was followed by threats of redundancies from the mines.

    • @Deja Vu: In the good years of Copper, which ended with the Vietnam War in 1975, copper was 95% of the exports, but not 95% of the export income since a substantial amount of that went to the foreign shareholders of the mines. Electricity sale to Rhodesia, sugar, coal, maize and beef production, tourism in Southern, Central and Eastern Province, industrial manufacturing and also contributed significant tax amounts to the economy. By 1980, the mines had become a loss making enterprise, and Kaunda had to borrow heavily to cover their deficits. Electrical generation at that point became the number 1 earner of foreign exchange with power going south and north to Zimbabwe, Botswana and DRC.

    • @Deja Vu: In the 2000s the copper industry revived due to the rise of demand from China and India. However, Frederick Chipuba had given the mines away to white foreigners, while his fellow tribesmen took over some of their assets. So when the export of copper was getting US $10 billion a year, Zambia was get no more than US $30 million, or about about 0.3% of the gross amount. Again electrical power is generating more money than the mines. The calamity that has befallen Zambia is that Michael Satan and Edgar “Johnathan Mutawire” Lungu stole US $4 billion they found in the reserves. They then borrowed another US $33 billion that they stole. This money represent 150% of Zambia’s GDP, and it cannot afford to pay the debt. This why HH is talking to the IMF

  4. And you who called me to say Veep says we should be eating roller meal against our choice, and Davies Chama said we should be eating sweet potatoes and Elijah Muchima said we should be going to the grinding mill for mealie meal and the President saying we should be buying tractors and not cars and you are saying all this is against our choices. But why are you addressing all these to me just because I an UPND

  5. He wanted to be President,the Zambian people gave it to him now he is showing the Zambian people he is a Liar and a man with no care for the people who voted him in

  6. How can we be resilient when HH doesn’t want any Zambian to be rich. Chief Nkana raised money through selling his mines, he didn’t hide the money, he banked it in Zanaco our national bank and not in offshore accounts or the mushrooming private banks. Someone decides to block this account. So what is the use of talking about resilience.
    Each time I see HH’s face I see a different person from what he was before… there’s that conny sneer.

    • @Spaka I wonder what you use for brains….Any mine owner can sell their mine just like you can sell your house. Mr Shamanene owned mines not as Chief Nkana but as Mr Shamanene. He’s not the first one to sell a mine whether emerald or copper.
      I don’t know what logic you people in Upnd use.
      My friend sold his mine for $700,000.00. Nobody questioned him.. it’s a simple business transaction.

  7. ………..

    Thank you Mr President………..

    The majority of Zambians understand where we are coming from , the failed state…….

    and where we are headed, a land of work and joy……..

    Most of loudest detractors are those who have been denied stealing and looting rights……..

    We have a 5 year mandate………soon to be increased to 2031

    Forward 2031

    • The majority of the 2.3 million who voted UPND will vote UPND come 2026……….

      It is you corrupt theiving tribal supremacists who have a problem with a tonga being a president……..

      Try again in 2031………

    • That 2.3m is reducing and only remaining in Southern Province…if you put a piece of butter in the sun are you going to find the same butter in size?

    • Its a 5 year mandate badala……..

      There is room for easing living conditions in due course for the majority… ……

      For people like you nikulimba ka, opportunities are abound……….you are complaining everyday, foreigners are working and getting rich

    • @Deja Vu: The number will go up. UPND will win by a bigger margin. The power of incumbency, the fact that people are experiencing freedom, transparency, and the air is free of the stench of corruption means that when they look at their options, they will vote UPND as they did in 2001, 2015, 2016 and 2021. In the 7 elections since Kaunda, UPND has won 4, of which MMD/PF have rigged 3. Get ready to cry in 2026, because HH will win by even more votes in 2026.

  8. Only a conman says something and does a complete different thing. This is what Akainde is. We must guard our vote in 2026. The chap had probably already rigid the election results

    • @Choolwe Haantuba: No Tonga on earth would call “Hakainde” as “Akainde”. The omission of the “H” nullifies any meaning of the name, but you would have to understand beautiful Tonga language to know this. Your real name is probably Chomba Handwell, but you are masquerading as a Tonga to hide your tribalism, so that you can attack HH. You cannot accuse UPND of rigging. They have never done such a thing before. You people are always quick to project your nature on other people. E.g: In a country completely devoid of money, you accuse people of stealing, because when you were in power, you stole the $4billion you found in the coffers, and then borrowed another $33 billion and stole it. Get in your head: Some people know stealing to be wrong.

  9. @I HATE KAIZER. Are you following events in the country? It’s sad that you the same people who blocked your members to serve in previous government are boasting of tribal balance…. tell us how many of your people are heading GRZ departments and institutions.. cabinet HH has no choice.

    • @Deja Vu: No one blocked anyone from serving in the government. Get it in your head, we Tonga have been serving and saving the country, from before it became Zambia. We paid the money for Kaunda to negotiate independence with the English. We fed the country for 60 years; we supplied the electricity and coal that ran the mines; the electricity generation in Tongaland has been the main source of dollars for Zambia in the last 50 years since copper mining collapsed. We rioted to get the Congolese pygmy, Titus Chabala Kafupi aka Frederick Chipuba released from prison in Choma, and then he fired all Tonga, Luvale, Lozi from the army and civil service. Michael Satan then tried to steal 2 districts from Southern Province, which is already one of the smallest in Zambia

  10. Hakaindi Hichilema is not a conman. Market forces and international economic dynamics have conspired to make some of his promises untenable – that’s a fact.

  11. Anyboy with full stomach can give lecture to hungry masses. HH is the most selfish self-centered egoistic political clown. Zambia needs a leader from hungry masses.

  12. I can really tell that UPND are blind to what is going on on the glass roots, the man is busy talking about resilience, does he know what the poor are facing? He is busy telling the people to go and farm, who doesn’t know that Zambians eat from their farms? You can not teach Zambian people how to farm because they know it better that has been their life since independence, so as the president do the needful, or you are likely to go come 2026, praise singers tell your master to do the right thing and stop praising failures.

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