Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Minister of Foreign Affairs Resigns Amidst Business Transaction Controversy


In response to recent media scrutiny surrounding purportedly malicious claims regarding a business transaction involving his private family business and an amicable business partner, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation , Hon Stanley Kakubo has tendered his resignation. He said the decision was rooted in a commitment to maintain the government’s focus on addressing societal challenges without the distraction of controversy.

The minister asserted his unwavering loyalty to His Excellency, President Hakainde Hichilema, the Government of Zambia, and the United Party for National Development, which has endorsed him twice as a Member of Parliament. Despite relinquishing his ministerial role, he remains dedicated to serving the constituents of Kapiri Mposhi in his parliamentary capacity.

Acknowledging the support received during his tenure, the minister expressed gratitude to President Hichilema, his cabinet colleagues, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff. Hon Kakubo made a promise to elucidate the accurate context surrounding the recent developments in due course.

“In due course, we will provide the accurate context surrounding the recent developments,”he said.

In response to this, President Hakainde Hichilema accepted the resignation and recognized the commendable contributions and leadership exhibited by Hon. Kakubo MP during his term as Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the New Dawn government. The President extended appreciation for Hon. Kakubo’s service in the cabinet and encouraged continued diligence in his role as a Member of Parliament for Kapiri Mposhi constituency.


  1. But why not ACC taking the lead,what has gone wrong with ACC.The system is not working, ACC was sent to grab and investigate YO MAPS just for the car he bought but this one mmmmmm niboza iiii ka.

    • This issue came to light a few days ago, what makes you think AAC are not leading in this matter? We don’t want botched investigations. I am sure they are gathering information. The car from Yo Maps was confiscated because it was believed to have been proceeds of crime by the seller. Yo Maps was not being investigated. The press statement was comprehensible, there was no part which said to the contrary

  2. ACC, we are waiting for you to Act. Prima facie, there is money laundering here as well as tax dodging.
    Will you add your ‘property suspected to be proceeds of crime’ here too?
    State Counsel Musa Mwenye, all eyes are on you as ACC board chairperson. If the hand of the state is too heavy, resign and keep your character intact.

    • @Nostra the truth is Kawana has no job description. He can dream up anything and do nothing for the day, and we will pay him from our bankrupted treasury-just like we did with that Malupenga. The civil servants below him cant do anything because being a political appointee he scares them as they are bullied by HH’s shadowy presence in their offices.
      We not only have corrupt politicians but worse we also have a corrupted system. You can remove a corrupt politician but it is more difficult to remove a corrupt system from which they are harvesting. With a corrupt system running the country we will find it very difficult to recover from our current debt problems.

  3. ARREST BRIAN MUSHIMBA OVER THE FAKE TRAFFIC CAMERAS WITH THE LEBANESE. He’s worth over $1.5 million boasting of buying a $500,000 house in the USA. Extradite him.

  4. The Sensele and sugilite sharks are still at large. Sako mine kingpins are still at large. Kleptocracy reloaded. Everything the PF did, the UPND have perfected and trebled. Zambia is finished

  5. He’s a small fish. Remember how HH rushed to defend the two big fishes against Munir Zulu’s allegations? The proper thing was to let the ACC investigate so that these two big fishes could either be found with a case or not. But as it’s they stand guilty in the public eye.

    • Yaba……..

      Muniur zulu is being given a chance to prove his allegations………

      We are still waiting……..

      He will be dragged to court to tell us what he knows

    • Corruption is not only when your hands are smeared in dirty. Enabling corruption is also when you put a blind eye to wrongdoings. Primarily, the job of a president, a leader in society or CEO is to make decisions. As a leader, you are presented facts / circumstance, and your job is executing decisions. HH’s integrity is being questioned due to poor judgement. Stanley should have gone on Chinese Scandal, but HH shielded him. If HH takes off the seal, more ministers and permanent secretaries would not hold water on their jobs, due to rampant corruptions going on. Lusaka is a very small place to know what goes on inside and outside of government. One phone to players in the game – you get the raw info you need.

    • @Spaka… don’t be naive… there’s no way Munir is going to prove anything. All the courts and investigative agencies are under the president… look at how the imbecile Sampa was red carpeted both by the courts and Zambia police. Try to exercise your brains a bit.

    • @ OBSERVER – Many of us in UPND were dismayed when HH nominated this guy and made him foreign affairs minister. He has countless history of crookedness and he is very immature. UPND has more mature, successful and experienced people in the private sector who HH could have appointed if he thought there was no person good for the job from UPND MP’s. He was sent to represent Zambia in USA and while there he used his diplomatic position to do crookedness business, embarrassing the Zambia. This is HH’s own making. In that sense I agree with you.

    • # Mainga

      I hear you clearly. I managed to get the truth and posted on lusakatimes that HH is shielding crooked Kakubo. I was told by UPND Blind Supporters to F**k Off. Meaning it was a non-starter story.

      The question is why did HH nominate him out of the better candidates and vehemently defend him in the press conference months ago, when he should have asked ACC to investigate the story and pictures released by the Chinese. The whole thing makes the fight against corruption a total joke at the backdrop of this president being praised abroad that he is a corruption fighter.

    • Deja Vu

      Wake up from Your slumber………

      As the Engineer says above, munir has been taken to court and failed to produce anything………

      And if he can’t do that in court, why doesn’t he do that at a private media conference or on SM like he first announced his grand news coup and this corruption ?????

    • Even now he’s going to defend him. When a son of a village chief is in trouble the chief advises him to go to another village until the heat cools down. By the time the prince comes back the issue will have been forgotten. Same same here.

    • @kci and @Deja Vu: Spoken like the true tribalists that you are; and you still cannot resist calling other people villagers, in spite of the fact you do not live in the cities in your own provinces, but in Lusaka, which is in Tonga land. HH fired his foreign minister: Resigned=fired in political language. When was the last time a foreign minister of Zambia was fired for corruption? Your president “Chipuba, Bwezani, Satan and Chipuba” ate together with their ministers… So please spare us your hypocrisy. You are not qualified to talk about government corruption when you defend criminals who were stealing at Sensele mine when they met an unfortunate fatal accident

  6. A person is considered innocent or a suspect until proven guilty. The resignation of the minister was the proper way to go in the circumstances so that the investigation units of the government can without interference probe the case. In Africa and PF, politicians DO NOT RESIGN. They cling to power like ticks even when they have been rejected by over 1 million people in a national election, or when they have driven themselves in acts of suspected corruption. The UPND govt is NOT CORRUPT. It is the individuals who are in government who choose to be corrupt or remain clean. Individuals are individuals. Individuals are not govt. Learn the difference, you here who voted for ECL in 2021.

    • Mumbi Phiri was pronounced guilty even before she appeared in court. I see there two sets of laws in the New Dawn government….ati New Dawn kanshi it’s darker than ever before.

    • Ba De Javu who pronounced Mumbi Phiri guilty? How possible is it that you anti HH chaps are collectively not very intelligent?

  7. ………..
    Everyone is allowed to enter business, unfortunately even those in GRZ……….

    He is innocent until proven guilty…….

    What he is guilty of, is telling the president lies…….

    Those lies to the president about collecting a calendar when infact it was money is what made his position untenable, he had to go………

    The actual transaction could be legal and a case between the 2 parties……

    To the legal minds, the Chinese also did not tell ACC the truth about what was collected on that day…….have they got a case to answer or not ???????

  8. @Kaizar Zulu
    I agree with DeJavu please don’t call other people “dogs”….even if you don’t agree with them…lets be civil….at the end of the day we’re Zambians

  9. The Law Enforcement Agencies should have been left alone to carry out INDEPENDENT investigation.
    ACC is in State House, what do you expect?

    • Kakubo has resigned to pave way for ACC to investigate without intimidation and the investigation has commenced. Hope you are following proceedings or are you the type of chap who will still make noise?

  10. @ Ba Engineer… Munir has not been taken to court to prove that those two sacred cows are corrupt but for defamation. Up to now the case has just been waffling which means it will eventually die a natural death. The whole court thing is meant to intimidate Munir by the Hakainde Hichilema controlled judges. We are not children.

    • Are you ok upstairs ???

      If munir has been taken to court for defermation……..why can’t he prove that he was not defaming any one but telling the truth…..?

      And if he does not trust the judicial system ………

      Why does he not present his evidence to the nation , like he did announcing the case he supposedly had through a private presser and SM ??????

    • #Spaka you are useless…at his press briefing Munir explained how the transactions were done and how much was involved etc. What more do you need as ACC to start an investigation? But they couldn’t because HH had jumped in the fracas therefore literally shutting out the ACC. You think the ACC could have challenged the president…try to exercise your brains sometimes.

  11. Zambia is at a verge of collapsing. It is ruled by bandits and mafias who pretend to be politicians serving the people. Those days which were built up by the late President Kenneth Kaunda are gone. There is no one occupying te residential state house. Every criminal want to become a politician. It is the easiest way to become rich. The President himself is up to now refusing to review his assets. Which is against the law. Millions of Zambians on th Copperbelt are now suffering because he corruptedly sold all the mines to enrich himself. We Zambians must quickly get rid of all these criminals.

  12. What is it that guides the inner sight of HH in selecting people to appoint? clearly its not merit and not objectivity ? Out of all capable Zambians HH gets attracted to people with thieving minds, cheap mentality and personal egos. What personality, character and profile quality or uprightness is there in Tukuta Chela, Stanley Kakubo, Kasauta Michelo, Frank Tayali, Clyson Hamasaka and all manner of shallow minded people that he should offer to the Republic of Zambia for lofty service? HH knew about these people but anyway that is what reflects his definition of quality manpower to develop the land of Zambia and make it respected abroad through rogues like Kakubo.

  13. Ne mi votele ine. When people were telling you that the person cannot make a good president, you went ahead and voted for him. HH was not the alternative for Lungu. But people went ahead and worst a vote on a capitalist. This thorny bed that you have created be ready to sleep in it. Of all the credible people who can assist him to govern, he appoints Chela Tukuta, Kakubo just to appease them. What you plant is what you reap. You cannot a silk purse from a sow’s ear. These are square pegs in a round hole in as far as real leadership is concerned.

  14. Kaisa Zulu why were you entering State House illegally when President Sata fired you? We know, you were meeting your friend and you assured him jemson and you worked hard with G12 forms.

  15. Criminals mu ma suit! We told you so. The ring leaders who are selling our country should be paraded before a firing squad as a deterrent. These chaps have squandered generational wealth for our future generations.

  16. Why are the relevant law enforcement organs not acting on this individual? So there is one set of laws for politicians and another set of laws for the rest of citizens. He is supposed to be investigated and prove his innocence before the laws of Zambia like all citizens. If he is blue eyed, then that is corruption!

  17. I am hardcore member and card carrying for that matter of Upnd. One thing I have always wondered is the quality of some of our appointees our president make. I mind I have Chella Tukuta, Stanley Kakubo, Chilufya Tayali… the list goes on. Look int faces of the ones I have mentioned you will see one thing in common- crookedness, tha’s all.

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