Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Deputy Mayor Disapproves Mayor’s Consent for PF Members to Clean the City


In a surprising turn of events, the Deputy Mayor of Lusaka, Ms. Ketty Nanyangwe, has publicly expressed her disapproval of the Mayor’s consent for Patriotic Front (PF) members to undertake a city cleaning initiative in the Lusaka Central Business District (CBD). Ms. Nanyangwe maintains that the proper procedures and channels were not followed in reaching this decision.

The disapproval was conveyed in response to a letter dated January 9, 2024, in which Her Worship the Mayor, Ms. Chilando Chitangala, authorized PF leadership, specifically addressed to Mr. Raphael Nakachinda, a PF member. The letter allowed PF members to participate in cleaning the city as part of efforts to curb the spread of cholera.

However, the office of the Town Clerk, who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the council, rejected the PF’s offer to clean the city, citing the ongoing change of leadership within the council. Ms. Nanyangwe challenges the authority of the Mayor to give consent for such an initiative without consulting the full council.

“The Mayor cannot make decisions on her own without the full consent of the council,” asserted Deputy Mayor Nanyangwe.

While acknowledging the PF’s intention to contribute to the cleanliness of the city and the fight against cholera, Ms. Nanyangwe emphasized that the correct procedure had not been followed. She further emphasized that responding to individuals who are not the legitimate office bearers of the PF could lead to legal implications, particularly in light of recent changes in the leadership registered at the registrar of societies.

“There are legal implications in this whole issue, as we all know the new office bearers registered at the registrar of societies. Should they assemble and proceed with the cleaning, it will be an unlawful assembly,” warned Ms. Nanyangwe.

The Deputy Mayor urged Mayor Chitangala to reconsider her consent and adhere to proper channels of communication and decision-making. She also called on the PF to respect the rule of law and democratic processes.

“We advise Her Worship to call for a special meeting of the council where she can represent this matter that has arisen and will need a council decision,” concluded Ms. Nanyangwe in a statement issued to the media.

As the city grapples with the challenge of containing cholera, this public disagreement among key municipal figures adds a new layer of complexity to the ongoing efforts to address the public health crisis.


    • Where has this mayor been all along, when cholerawas spreading? Now she playing politics, next she will be giving cleaning contracts to PF cadres.

    • Yeah, this attention seeking is meant to steal the thunder from the great efforts of President Hakainde.

  1. My name sake is no longer on the current official list of the part leadership. Why did the mayor write to him “the hijacker” instead of the official office bearers? In what capacity is he being written to? To maker matters work Savimbi suffers from mental cholera.

  2. How petty. No wonder cholera ile minyokola. This little wench is only scared of what HH will do to her for giving a platform to the enemy.
    They have cleaned so what is the problem?

    • Can the junior overrule the senior? This is the rule of law according to the resident of Community House. Either him or Garry Nkombo has instructed the Deputy Mayor to do what she’s done. That’s how petty this administration is.

    • You Party of Pilfering of Fools see every crisis as an opportunity to loot. If this issue was about cleaning the Lusaka CBD, this PF mayor would have issued the contract to the best qualified and least expensive bidder. Instead, she tried to give the contract to people because they were PF members, regardless of cost or competence. This kind of corruption is an example of why Zambia is in this mess. Frederick Chipuba dispossessed councils of the assets they generated the revenue to fund services with, and gave them to his tribesmen. Simon Chushi Mwewa gutted the provision of city services in Lusaka. Michael Satan and Edna Lungu borrowed and looted US $33 billion, leaving Zambia financially crippled and unable to respond these kinds of crises

  3. Politics all the time as usual. That is why when we had covid around no single MP ever asked in parliament whether wearing masks had helped reduce other respiratory diseases and wether the country made some savings on the health budget on that score

  4. ………..

    I even forgot Lusaka has a mayor……….

    Very silent and not seen mayor during a cholera crisis…….

    As for the deputy mayor, does it matter who cleans the city to help control cholera ?

    We all know it is political points, but let them clean….

    • Spaka,Do you remember that at one time during the PF, cholera became so rampant and uncontrollable that it even reached the high class areas of Lusaka where foreign ambassadors live?President Lungu was surmoned by the diplomatic corps and told in no uncertain termst that it was his lawlessness that allowed his cadres to spread the disease so fast threatening their lives is Zambia.ECL was forced to use the military to restore sanity in the country. He was then given “original” not generic cholera vaccines after which there was no reported cases of cholera for more than two seasons
      Many wonder as to how Lungu could have used military to chase his cadres,his support base, from street vending.There is your answer

  5. You cannot award contracts on a political basis. The PF mayor was caught trying to commit corruption under UPND rule. I am glad the deputy mayor checked him. No you should not over rule your superiors, but if your superiors are breaking the law, you have a duty to report them

  6. Hh and upnd brought cholera. Pf tries to sort their mess out literally, and they politicise things. Upnd are ignorant f00Is

  7. One tribe wants independence from Zambia and here you are wasting time on the wretched PF because they have cleaned the town.

    • One serial tribalist poster of anti-Bemba comments doesnt equate to the entire Southern province wanting to secede. IHKaizar doesnt represent the Tonga. If he did they could be busy supporting his insults here because they are a large population. Cant you see by the downvotes he attracts that he isnt popular anywhere

  8. Yoya Deja vu which tribe? You and IHKaizar are the only two people that can take our peaceful country into turmoil.

    • One serial tribalist poster of anti-Bemba comments doesnt equate to the entire Southern province wanting to secede. IHKaizar doesnt represent the Tonga. If he did they could be busy supporting his insults here because they are a large population. Cant you see by the downvotes he attracts that he isnt popular anywhere

    • Where have you been? It’s all the media. They want independence and 78million pounds which the queen of England left them.

    • Halupepe?????? What Halupepe..?You are not a Tonga. . I am a Kaunda-phile. I would take Kaunda 100x before I took HH or Levy. I would take Kaunda 10, 000 x before I took Rupiah Banda. I would take Kaunda 10 million x before I took Chipuba, Satan or Edna Lungu. I agree with KK, 150%. I may be Tonga but my in-laws are from Northern Province, Copperbelt, Eastern and Western Province, and I love all of them to death. I speak Lozi, but refuse to speak certain languages, even if I could if I wanted to. I am talking to you tribalists here the way you have always talked us. Halupepe, if you were a Tonga, you would have taken issue with Kaizar kalya-nyoko & Deja Vu for insulting Tongas by tribe. I do not call the names of any tribe, so which tribe am I against? I am not a tribalist.

  9. Meanwhile the people are dying enmass and someone decides to prove a point. This is not time for cheap politics. Let’s save lives please.

  10. Yahoo,the original map of the defunct Barotseland indicate that the larger part of it was in Angola and then Zambia followed by Namibia and Botswana.Is the Linyungandambo also engaging these governments to secede or they think UPND is the weaker party.I dont think Linyungandambo can be entertained in brutal Angola

  11. The government should stop funding traditional rulers. Let those who are subservient to these people fund them financially. The Lozi can certainly start charging a fee to attend the spectacular Kuomboka, the Ngoni their Incwala, the Lunda their Umutomboko, the Luvale their Likumbi Lya Mize, the Bemba whatever their traditional ceremony is. We Tonga do not believed in hereditary rule. I believe we can raise our own superior form of accountable leadership through democratic elections, in which the governor of Tonga land and his parliament would serve a term of 5 years. We would have to fund this by our industry and agriculture. This would go a long way to curing this tribal nonsense, based these tribal rulers.

  12. The government should stop funding traditional rulers. Let those who are subservient to these people fund them financially. The Lozi can certainly start charging a fee to attend the spectacular Kuomboka, the Ngoni their Incwala, the Lunda their Umutomboko, the Luvale their Likumbi Lya Mize, the Bemba whatever their traditional ceremony is. We Tonga do not believed in hereditary rule. I believe we can raise our own superior form of accountable leadership through democratic elections, in which the governor of Tonga land and his parliament would serve a term of 5 years. We would have to fund this by our industry and agriculture. This would go a long way to curing this tribal nonsense, based these tribal rulers.

  13. Halupepe, the Bangala of DRC have a saying that “Okotiya libanga, tokotiya mabanga”; meaning “You throw a stone, we will throw stones”. In other words, do not throw stones if you live in a glass house. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. These people have been insulting us for a long long time, and now we are giving them back a taste of their own medicine and they do not like it. And we still have a long to go before we even the score. No Tonga has as yet answered the insults of Chisimba Kambwili, or even of the white foreigner, Guy Scott, who as the so-called vice President of Zambia, called Tonga “people from a small tribe in Southern Province”

  14. Here on this forum, Deja Vu derogatorily stated that “this is not the village of Bweengwa”; Before that, “Kaizar Kalya-nyo” made denigratory references to Bweengwa or other villages in Southern Province. I had to ask them to name the great cities the Northern and Eastern Provinces where they respectively come from. Of course they were silent. Both of them are disparaging what they consider the rural origins of Tonga people, while they are living and speaking from the vantage point of the Tonga Land city of Lusaka. When I apprised them of this fact, they felt a great anger. No one ever contests what I say; in stead they choose obscure unrelated posts to assail me personally because the logic of my arguments is beyond reproach. The facts always are with me.

  15. How many procedures have you broken ba deputy mayor people are dying and this is not a myth.Please when are we going to developed every were nibukamushi bweka bweka.

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