Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema Leads Lobito Corridor Investment Forum, Calls for Collaboration and Affordable Capital


President Hakainde Hichilema officiated at the Lobito Corridor Private Sector Investment Forum in Chongwe District. The event, attended by delegates from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Zambia, alongside partners from the United States, the European Union (EU), and other collaborators, highlighted the transformative potential of the Lobito Corridor Railway Line project.

In his address, President Hichilema expressed gratitude to all participants and emphasized the significance of the Lobito Corridor project. Once completed, the railway line will establish a vital link connecting Zambia to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans through Angola and Tanzania. This infrastructure development promises to modernize transport logistics, facilitate trade, and attract investments across various sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, renewable energy, and tourism.

Of notable mention is the collaborative initiative in electric battery trade involving Zambia, DRC, and the USA, which the corridor is set to support. President Hichilema extended special thanks to key contributors to the project’s development, including the United States, EU, Africa Finance Corporation, and African Development Bank.

Addressing fellow Zambians directly, President Hichilema stressed the importance of seizing the opportunities generated by this investment. He urged citizens to make the most of the jobs and prospects that will arise from the project’s implementation.

President Hichilema also emphasized the need for affordable capital and access to the best technology in realizing the Lobito Corridor development. He urged the private sector to communicate any challenges that may hinder the project’s progress, ensuring timely resolution for its successful realization.

The Lobito Corridor Private Sector Investment Forum attracted over 250 business leaders from around the world, signaling global interest and support for the project. US President Joseph Biden’s Senior Advisor, Amos Hochstein, expressed optimism regarding the project’s timeline, foreseeing its commencement by 2026 and operationalization before 2028.

Furthermore, Samaila Zubairu, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Africa Finance Corporation, highlighted the corridor’s potential to boost minerals exports by increasing capacity along the rail link.

As discussions continue and partnerships strengthen, the Lobito Corridor project stands as a beacon of economic growth and cooperation, poised to uplift the lives of citizens across the region.

President Hichilema officiated at the Lobito Corridor Private Sector Investment Forum in Chongwe District.


  1. The government of all talk no substance….its now story after story….lobito corridor 24/7….and the story will just die in a few months……we started hearing about lobito corridor more than 2 years ago……and what happened to the Chipata Muchinji Railway project

  2. HH’s sponsors are coming to collect. What interest does the US have in the Lobito corridor? Same interest like they had in the slave trade.

    • Who ever bankrolls the lubito corridor, will be making money for 24 hrs , all days of the year……

      Especially if they bankroll production and processing of minerals along that same corridor…….

      It’s money from everywhere…….

      Do you blame the Americans for wanting a part of this ?????

    • Stop swiping and using my comments. Stop associating any Tonga man with slavery. No Tonga anywhere in history have ever started war against another tribe, much less enslave it. No Tonga in history have ever gone to another tribe to rob. Your tribes attacked, robbed, captured and sold other tribes, especially the peaceful Tonga, to Arab slave traders in the past. You have continued this slavery business into this modern era. Michael Satan and Edna Lungu yoked Zambia to the irresolvable and unpayable debt slavery of US $32.5 dollars, of money the borrowed and looted. The US is interested in this area because it produces more than 70% of the cobalt in the world. In order to make the EV industry viable, there needs to be quick access to the sea. Hence this Lobito corridor initiative

    • @I hate Kaizar Zulu , who said anything about Tonga people? HH is a western puppet and not Tonga people have done anything to great country. When KK got Independence, someone decided to go to drink withe white women.

  3. guys do we really need america to build a rail line really?????? what kind of people are we? angola , zambia and drc we need america to build a rail line????? we are fkuen useless

  4. The Lobito corridor is one of the most unstable in the southern Africa region. There are signs of instability in Western Zambia and so far it doesn’t seem like government is on top of things. Why are separatists being hosted by foreign press? People that condemned Nervers Mumba’s shameful behavior in Zimbabwe are facing espionage charges while those that have called for cessation of Western province are free. What’s more serious between the two acts? When US companies begin to pump money into unstable regions it becomes a source of worry. Lord grant them wisdom so that they preside over national affairs prudently

    • Badala………you are making it sound asif there is an active war along that corridor……

      The western province can be seen as an elder sister wanting her own room in the matrimonial house where there is no spare room………a compromise can be reached.

    • The reason why you are angry is because this project does depend on or pass through the land of your tribe. When it was announced that an oil pipeline was being built from Ndola to northern province, you cheered even though northern province produces nothing. When they were building universities in your tribal provinces you cheered. Here the government is trying to work with DRC and Zambia, to capitalise on an area that is full of minerals, to move Zambia and DRC up the value chain, and you are complaining. You want people who are peacefully asking to secede arrested, and yet you have nothing to say about your tribesmen who borrowed and looted the US $32.5 billion that Zambia owes in debt…

    • The railway won’t even pass through Western province. You just do not like it because it’s HH government that has made it possible. Thank goodness the project does not depend on what you think.

  5. The effective connection of Portuguese-French–English and Swahili speaking countries from the eastern to the western coasts close to the equator makes a good nucleus for the practical and eventual creation of the United States of Africa. Railway, land, air, sea and telecommunications will make it easier for the socio-cultural integration necessary for Africans, especially the youth, to begin to reclaim their rightful place in the world order of things.The combined natural wealth of these four countries( Angola,Congo DR,Tanzania and Zambia)are more than five times the total wealth of Russia and the Unied states combined.

  6. zoona zoona…..pakafye muzungu must make even a simple rail line…what happened to us africans. 3 big countries cant make a rail line????? ok atleast call South Africa to help….not all the way to america

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