Thursday, February 13, 2025

It’s all rubbish; no Asian buys money from street kids!


Yesterday, we woke up to a video clip on Social media whereby a young man is warning members of the public to stop giving alms to street kids. The same video has attracted thousands of views and has been shared multiple times.

“From the bottom of my heart, I’ll never give money to street kids,” he laments. “Those kids are evil! I am referring to those kids you see milling around the traffic lights at Mukuba Pension House and ECL Mall in Kitwe. I’ve seen it with my own eyes!”

The young man goes on to claim that whenever street kids are given money by motorists, they go and sale it to some Indians residing in certain residential areas in Kitwe which they later use for ritual purposes! If a particular Good Samaritan has secured a business contract or is indeed engaged in any successful venture, such ‘blessings’ would automatically be accrued to the said Indians. Come on, what manner of primitive thinking is this? For God’s sake, there’s no Indian or Asian buying money from street kids to make them richer!

We’ve been advocates of street kids for the last 20 years; we can attest to the generosity of Asians towards the plight of street kids. For those professing the Islamic faith; every Friday, they invite the poor to their homes or indeed businesses to share part of their ‘wealth’ with the poor. Alms giving is one of the pillars of Islam to which Muslims religiously adhere to. As for the other Asians who may not be Muslims such as Hindus, they equally obediently extend a helping hand to those in need…….not only to the street kids but the crippled, the blind and the aged.

Before we rush into judging those that go an extra mile in taking care of those in need; do we open our doors to the homeless? Are we doing anything for the street kids? What about those those battling with various infirmities in hospitals, does it move our hearts? Are we taking care of widows and orphans as the Scriptures command?

There may be some Asians who may be involved in certain illegalities here and there but we certainly know of many of them who may stand as good examples of humanity. Perhaps a few examples shall suffice at this juncture. Without seeming to embarrass them, the Patels, proprietors of the famous Mama Africa Enterprise in Kitwe have been supporting the charity we are associated with for the last 20 years, unceasingly. Apart from us, they equally extend their grand generosity to many other charities and those in need in Kitwe. One beauty about Mama Africa and many other Asian owned businesses such as Delden Stationeries and Papillon Printers etc is that they don’t scale the mountains in the company of the media to brag about their works of philanthropy in keeping with what the Scriptures say about the right hand giving without the left hand knowing. Why do you want to persecute our Asian friends today out of ignorance?

We are not however surprised that we still have individuals that may reason like this in this day and era. In the shanty compounds where we do our work, those incapacitated by the poverty of the mind have in the past equally labelled us as Satanists for a simple reason of associating with Westerners!

One particular month for instance, we were hosting a team from the United Kingdom. One afternoon, the team invited some kids from the Township to demonstrate to them how the hot air balloons work. As soon as the balloons were released into the air, some women in the Township went down their knees ‘praying and interceding’ that Christ must “bring down those Satanists!” We forever remain indebted to President Hakainde Hichilema for introducing free education; we hope to see many of our citizens liberated from the shackles of utter ignorance and primitivity!

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. My people perish for lack of knowledge. Mr columnist, spiritual things are spiritually discerned. You seem to be blind to the spirit.

  2. I also noticed that this was utter nonsense. The person in the video was not able to clearly show us either the residence or the transaction.

  3. Though this sounds stupid, has anyone wondered why when you buy in an Indian shop, most of them will not give you change directly in your hands?
    While they will accept cash from your hand, they will always put your change on the counter for you to collect.
    Surely they have some funny beliefs though I doubt if that can steal anyone’s blessings.

  4. The person making that video must be arrested for spreading lies and falsehood. He can easily be identified using the same video.

  5. Indians don’t use rituals to become rich in Zambia…all they do is invade paying tax and they’re involved in various corrupt businesses with the government…Trade Kings is on of the beneficiaries of tax invasion and corrupt business deals with any government in power…..


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