Thursday, February 13, 2025

Detention of Honourable Munir Zulu and Mr. Brebnar Changala


The Zambia Police Service wishes to inform the public of the detention of Honourable Munir Zulu and Mr. Brebnar Changala.

Honourable Munir Zulu has been detained for an alleged offence of hate speech. This action follows an investigation into statements made by Honourable Zulu that are deemed to incite hatred and division among various groups in our society. Hate speech is a serious offence that undermines national unity and peace, and the Zambia Police Service remains committed to upholding the law and ensuring that such actions are addressed appropriately.

Additionally, Mr. Brebnar Changala has been detained for the alleged offence of seditious practices. This follows evidence gathered indicating that Mr. Changala engaged in activities intended to incite rebellion against the authority of the state. Seditious practices pose a significant threat to national security and public order, and the Zambia Police Service will take all necessary measures to prevent such actions and maintain stability in our nation.

Both accused persons, Honourable Munir Zulu and Mr. Brebnar Changala, are currently in police custody. They will appear in court soon to face the respective charges brought against them.

The Zambia Police Service urges the public to remain calm and refrain from making speculative statements that could exacerbate tensions. We are dedicated to conducting our duties with fairness and integrity, ensuring that justice is served.
Rae Hamoonga


  1. Cage them. Too much careless talk and people thinking they can speak on my behalf as a Zambian when I shave a mind if my own. Political nitwits seeking political capital. You think I want my country to burn just to protect looters and political prostitutes?

  2. Zambians, PLEASE wakeup, the opposition is taking us down the road to having the next GENOCIDE in Africa.
    All the hallmarks of what lead to the happenings in Rwanda is happening here.
    1. An opposition leader who is tribal
    2. Hate speeches on the rise
    3. Religious groupings facilitating such happenings
    4. Stage managed abuductions

    • You are an Id.iot of the worst kind. We had Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Banda, Sata, and Lungu. Mention one person who was arrested for hate speech during the tenure of the mentioned presidents. Why is it that the hate speech law is only applied when an issue is raised against Tongas? Have you heard anyone get arrested for speaking against Northerners or Eastners? By the way, the Rwanda genocide was much deeper than the shallow – movie-hearing report you have given. Masupa!

  3. If Malema was Zambian he would have been serving life sentence or death sentence back home in Zambia Africa… Zambia MUST CHANGE the so-called constitution, the thing you call hate speech is outdated & a joke. What about the unpd cadres who were threaten violence & said in Southern Province we will not tolerate nonsense, insulted ECL?

    • @Pirana, the police know them. The arrested duo was arrested because of the video in which they said something. Those Upnd cadres are also on video which the police have seen. Don’t take us for dummies… far more than ten hate speech cases involving Upnd members have been reported and no one has arrested. You are sowing dangerous seeds.

  4. So unpd cadres can insult anyone & boast of Southern Province not tolerating nonsense is NOT hate speech… i thought it was tribal, regionalism hate speech. mmmm i wonder. I am no PF but a very concerned citizen in Diaspora the USA. No. 1 says he will squeeze imikolomino shabantu bambi and is not hate speech, we are so backward no wonder we are so poor as a nation.

  5. ……….

    The tribal supremacist clique hard at distabalising the country……….

    They will not accept a tonga president…….

    • ***** have always held a lot of hatred against Bemba speakers. Don’t play victim. Unless you were not born KK went for one party state because of the violence perpetrated by your people.

  6. Has the UPND cadre in the video clip from Northwestern talking about Edgar Lungu being an ***** and to be circumcised been arrested yet. Just asking. Let us co exist in a respectful way please

  7. Useless police service. People have lost faith in you. A random sample of your last 10 high profile arrests shows that your arrests are sectional – tribally balanced arrests.

    • If the looters were from the same party and that party was dominated by two regions, what do you expect?

  8. Wake-Up-Zambians, PF is playing the Republicans playbook of MAGA in America. They got similarities with only weeks and months apart. Republicans are trashing America through MAGA whilst PF who showed the Zambians their true colors is for sure certain that they can destabilize the country as a way to get back in. PF is somehow a collection of thugs, njala and supplying oxygen.

  9. Hate speech as a concept is very subjective… the rider’s version will be very different from the horse’s.

  10. Both parties, draw draw, same same unfortunately. The more things change, the more they remain the same

  11. Why wasting time just change the law and put 70 years imprisonment for hate speech and non-bond offense if that case takes 20 years to be concluded then let that person stay there in prison for the sake of the security of the nation.

  12. Is it h@te speech when you point out injustice and tribalism? The UPND govt is imprisoning people that complain about tribalism and death threats. That is what Mr Zulu was saying, merely complaining that his tribesmen where being hunted out! A few months ago, a young man called Jackson Chama made a complaint about tribalism under the UPND govt. He is rotting with criminals in Southern Province because his statements were called “H@te Speech”.

  13. PF are working hard to distract from ACC investigations. These are the acts of desperate men and women who don’t see a way out but trying to delay the inevitable by fomenting chaos. PF has continued its violent streak it started during Lungu’s presidency. Zambian citizens, we must remain vigilant, smart and call out these thugs for who and what they are thieves, crooks and tribalists.


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