Friday, March 7, 2025

Funeral Programme For Late Maureen Mwanawasa To Be Released


Government says Cabinet Office is working in collaboration with the family of the late Former First Lady, Maureen Mwanawasa on burial arrangements.

Secretary to the Cabinet, Patrick Kangwa, said a detailed funeral programme will be released once the burial arrangements have been concluded.

Mr Kangwa stated that the funeral gathering will be held at the late Mrs Mwanawasa’s residence in Roma Park in Lusaka.

He said Dr Mwanawasa aged 61, died last evening, August 13, 2024, at Maina Soko Medical Centre in Lusaka, after an illness.
The Former First Lady was the widow of Zambia’s third Republican President, Levy Patrick Mwanawasa.The late Mrs Mwanawasa served the country as First Lady from 2002 to 2008.


  1. Unfortunately for her, she’s left a divided family. Her alienation of LPM’s children born from his first wife wasn’t good. She postured as if bena Chipo were the only children left by LPM. Her greed for worldly properties didn’t take her anywhere as she squandered all the properties that she grabbed from LPM’s family. Life is a vanity, at the end of it all what matters is what you did for society. May God forgive her misdeeds and help all the children to heal and unite as they share the same father.

    • What matters is, how I will be remembered when I am gone? Often it is believed that a dead person should not be spoken ill about; thinking we are passing judgement. However, some deeds are there for us to learn from and some words can not be avoided in some commentaries. Everyone born of Eve, like me, is infallible.

    • Apart from being a wife to Levy….She dis nothing for Mother Zambia. She was the wife to Levy and campaigned against Mazoka. Mazoka worn that election but MMD stole the vote. And today we have people praising and saying great things about her . She jumped on UPND and lost the party’s chances of getting the Lusaka Mayoral seat. What really the official funeral for her about? Does she deserve that?

  2. MHSRIP, however, her life serves as a testimony that managing finances is critical in adult life, Ms. Mwanawasa’s latter years were mired in embarrassment from her own financial mismanagement. As Zambians, if we can be more financially literate and disciplined, we can attain anything.

  3. Be patient, choosing leaders anyhow, will end you with hyenas that will eat you – Hichilema. Look who is talking…mmmmm

    • And we chose Hyenas who have invited their fellow hyenas from abroad to come and eat us by taking away our wealth.

    • Even a dead angel today was a coyote before when alive.
      We have had hyenas before, but the real ones are the UPND in the current form. It is also true that wolves always want to see themselves as sheep.

  4. If good people do not come forth, bad ones will take over. Cowardice will not take us no were.
    Someone once said;
    (Is there nothing to be done by us who stay at home toward the defense of our country and to promote the
    success of the expedition now in hand? Shall we sin on still impenitent and incorrigible? Shall we live as
    if we and our country were self-dependent and had nothing to do with the Supreme Ruler of the

  5. She didn’t die rich like Esther Lungu who is failing to explain her source of income. Her children are poor, yet Lungu’s children are wealth. Mwanawasa’s did teach their children to steal.

    • Ask yourself why? There has been a scramble for the husband’s money and a family fight between her and her step children. She didnt want to share the spoils with other children

    • Are you sure about that?
      Mrs Mwanawasa was prosecuted by govt but by USAID and other multilateral partners took her to court for stealing their money and she was ordered to pay back.
      She stole big time

  6. Stealing is the best what every Zambian knows better. I have a friend leaving abroad. His millions of investments to buy a farm in Zambia ended up in a mouth of a hyena. He scammed of millions and ended up shameless with 6 acre traditional land in Chibombo district. Not even worth 6,000 kwacha. Scammers, conmen never shame themselves. They even pretend to be born again Christians. While in reality they even kill those who com in their way.

    • My relatives are doing the same with me. I give them my hard earned cash in fore they take it and dissappear into the grass!!

  7. Seems like bachimbwi have learnt to write and read! The moment you refer to your leaders as hyenas, then you are equally a hyena because no sane person can be lead by such.


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