Sunday, February 16, 2025

Petauke Central MP’s Wife Arrested for Aiding Husband’s Escape from Custody


Lombe Chali, the wife of Petauke Central Member of Parliament Emmanuel Banda, has been arrested and charged with aiding her husband’s escape from lawful custody. The arrest occurred on August 9, 2024, following Mr. Banda’s escape from custody while he was admitted to Chipata General Hospital on August 4, 2024.

In addition to Mrs. Chali, two police officers and three prison warders have also been arrested and charged in connection with the escape. Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga identified the officers as Phineas Mfungwe, Benson Kabole, Moses Sakala, Nathan Mbao, and Musa Spider Zulu.

Mr. Hamoonga stated that all six individuals have been released on police bond and are expected to appear in court soon to answer to the charges brought against them.

The police spokesperson emphasized that the police remain committed to upholding the law and ensuring that anyone who breaches it, regardless of their status or position, is held accountable.

The upcoming court appearances will determine the legal ramifications for those charged in connection with this incident.


  1. The only news that comes from Zambia is arrests and court cases…..and we expect Zambia to develop….the opposition all useless and acting like clowns….the party in Government also all useless and acting like clowns…..we have pompwes vs Pompwes and they’re all trying hard to outdo each other on who is more pompwe than the other…..HH is a pompwe….Lungu is a Pompwe ….Miyanda is a pompwe…Nevers Mumba is a pompwe….all Zambian politicians are Pompwes

    • All Zambians are cowards like Michael Sata said. And I add they are all Lazy expecting Government to feed them. The first republic destroyed us, anlways expecting to receive free things. Then we are thieves, to the extent that when the one arresting a thief is seen as being wrong.

    • WazaZaza

      Apprehending a suspected thief isn’t wrong. But declaring someone a criminal after your political advances to woo him have failed is what is at stake here: blackmail. Criminals in Zambia are only those that are not in the ruling elite. Imagine if JJ were for Akainde, he can’t be a fugitive today.

    • My Zambia

      The fact is a violent criminal like JJ can never work for HH……..

      If you think otherwise, name one violent criminal in GRZ ???

    • And Hichilema boycotts the SADC summit conference taking place in Zimbabwe. A real man would have travelled there and discuss issues. The relationship between Mugabe and Kenneth Kaunda wasn’t all roses, but they eventually buried the hatchet. Avoiding Mungangwa is a form of cowardice. America and Russia cannot drive a wedge between us. In a family you differ but you reconcile.

    • @Spaka What is forcing Kachasu down a minor’s throat? How about checking your cabinet before you make such dares? I end there, you asked for only one

  2. How innocent are the ZP and ZCS officials who were on the bedside? Did they do a better job guarding the convict?
    Why must an old criminal case attract a bounty of K2m when a recent case of murder of the IBA chief has no such seriousness? Police are doing reverse psychology on one the three wives to fish him out. I doubt it whether he would take that live bait.

  3. @ Zaza Waza
    I agree with you….i think stealing and corruption is part of the Zambian fabric….just try to engage a Zambian on a simple project back home and you will hear stories and the project won’t go anywhere….in Zambia you give someone K1000 to go buy food for himself and he will end up stealing the same K1000….and the following day he will come back and ask for more money and you will hear all sorts of stories as to what happened to the K1000 you gave him earlier….Yes Kaunda spent most of his Presidency fighting for liberation struggles of our neighbors and spoonfeeding Zambians with coupon melie meal

    • Kenneth Kaunda knew our nature and that is why he put the leadership code that barred leaders from engaging in business. Unfortunately many ended up being destitute after leaving office.

  4. ……….

    No third world country can develop with the high rates of criminality such as found in zambia……….

    Even law makers are criminals and theives………

    The thevies and criminals support each other based on tribe………..

    In zambia, it seems when a president is elected, he has to be of the right tribe , or there will be no peace to develop……….

    If he is of the right tribe to rule, thieving takes over………….

    • Right tribe my foot. Its the likes of rural born Spaka (and his Bweengwa counterpart)who have dragged our country into tribalism. I grew up in Ndola and tribe never popped up in our conversations at schools, churches, Bus stops, bars, political meetings or anywhere. We isolated people by their characters Kabwalala Ngwangwazi chakolwas we distanced ourselves from

  5. @ Spaka
    And too much pull him down syndrome in Zambia….Lungu is praying hard for HH to fail….and HH wanted things to get worse and Lungu to fail….Sata prayed hard for Mwanawasa to fail… i guess thats how Politicians operate….meanwhile Trump is praying hard for things to get worse and Biden/Harris to fail…..and Trump claims that he loves America….

    • Yeah , that pull down syndrome is copied from the west, however the west is atleast 200 years ahead of us……they can afford that pull down syndrome….they can make space rockets , we can’t even make a spoon………

      Other races like the Asians concentrate on development issues and hard work when it is not elections………

      Now Zambians want to do politics everyday for 5 years, by politics i mean tribal attacks as well since that is the nature of zambian politics………..

      if they not doing politics , they be expecting to get get rich without working hard.

  6. Old habits die hard, and if you’re not careful, the person you used to be can overtake the person you’re trying to become. Legends die hard. They survive as truth rarely does.

  7. @Lupunga
    You are spot on, I also grew up in Ndola. We didn’t have this endless nonsense talk of tribes at every forum available. Thieving was the major problem in the 1980s. I never heard anyone being discriminated agaist for belonging to a certain tribe. The tribe thing came with Sata and was amplified by Lungu and now everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. I would rather people invest their time and money on education than taking each other to pieces on a daily basis.

    • Yea we had neighbours in Wusakili and we didn’t ask their tribe before becoming friends. You shift mu E section and the first thing you do is to look for boys your age…find them and away you go out for adventure…amarabo, uveni etc. Now it’s dog eat dog and cat eat cat.

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