Friday, September 13, 2024

The Day A Bank Manager Escaped Lynching From The Brutal PF Cadres!


As the campaigns heated-up during the run up for the Presidential by-elections in 2015, some Patriotic Front (PF) cadres…..thugs if you like, besieged one of the prominent international Banks in Kitwe. Their mission was to splash their posters on the wall!

However, the vigilant security guards quickly alerted the Bank manager.

“This is private property and it’s a Bank for that matter” the soft-spoken Bank manager said to them, calmly, “We can’t allow you to stick your posters on these premises.”

The gentleman had just rubbed them the wrong way! The cadres were seething with murderous rage. They were a few seconds from manhandling before the guards whisked him away into the safety of the Bank.

By this time, pandemonium had broken out. In their usual style, the cadres were hurling insults and threatening to set the building on fire.

“Plus chimu Tonga (he’s in fact Tonga)” they were screaming. “We won’t leave here untill we sort you out!”

The gentleman had to phone Elias Kamanga, the district commissioner then, who came to his rescue. Kamanga had to literally plead with the cadres to vacate the premises.

The drama didn’t end there. A few days later, a senior party official who happened to be one of his closest colleagues called him to warn him his name was featuring prominently in the PF meetings. They were plotting to sternly deal with him for standing up to the mighty PF party cadres!

When his initial contract expired, the Bank chose not to renew it.

Your guess, is of course, as good as mine. When we say the PF regime was brutal and evil, this is one of the several examples we can cite.

Ati alebwelelapo…….God forbid! It’s HH Mpaka 2031!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


    • What does language like ,” kanshi chimu-Tonga” lead to? Is that the way to express disagreement with a fellow citizen? This kind of language has been tolerated in Zambia since Kenneth Kaunda’s time. It should attract sanctions but the security services in Zambia do not really know how post-colonial states slowly descend into divisions that end up threatening their very existence.

    • For those who are familiar with the history of modern nation-building, this is one of the contours of a post-colonial state trying to be a nation. In other words, nation-building in Zambia is still work-in-progress. It has its own dynamics and it’s important for those who want to take political leadership positions to familiarise themselves with appropriate literature. Common sense is not enough.

    • Ba Mutati and Ba Mwiimbu you told Zambians that you be arresting people who post nonsense, including administrators and editors.
      So why are you not arresting that Prince Kampinga and close LT website?
      DO IT if you are serious and have balls.

    • There is no Kalimanshi to carry Chawama cadres to have open violent wars with Matero cadres threatening the general population. There is nobody playing golf with bundles of kwacha. No one is sleeping on bundles of kwacha or burning kwacha on braziers. No semi illiterate drop outs showing off cars and houses on social media, no police being slapped by civillians, just to mention a few, no opposition leaders banned from certain parts of the country or running for their lives for doing radio interviews…

    • #The One. Of course you can’t see Kalimanshi because you have replaced him. You guys are worse in everything including lies.

  1. This praise singer is trying to distract us from what is now more than a crisis. Ulekatako timing, every time PF bo bo bo bo? Ask your lying president to step down, he has clearly failed to fix anything.

  2. Law, saw the headline and knew who the author was, read the first two paragraphs and skipped through to confirm author name, not disappointed.
    What grinds my gears with Auntie Bill is her conviction that reminding us that PF was bad is somehow helping the country or his party. I actively campaigned against PF and I did vote for the current government but the difference is the same. Examples abound of UPND terrorizing private businesses demanding that pictures of HH are displayed.

  3. For anyone who may not know, Auntie Bill is the complainant in the case involving Brebnar Chalala where said Chalala is charged with sedition.
    Until Bill is also a witness for another frivolous case of sedition. She is being paid by the state and being ferried from Kitwe to the magistrates court.
    Lastly, said Auntie Bill is related to Gary Ngambo by way of marriage.
    I say all this to let readers here know that the only time Auntie Bill is reasonable is when she is writing about street children.

  4. There is an improvement in caderism this time though not totally eliminated but what is overshadowing this gain is the extremely sick economy.

    • Caderism has taken a new face. I’m a victim just commenting on tvz news item I was reported to the police. After explaining the police saw the nonsense in the complaint and let me and advised me to be careful in public places.

  5. UPND trying very hard to destruct Zambians from none existence electricity, poisoned mealie meal, high cost of fuel. This is what should be making the news and how Hichilema is sorting out these things. If people’s problems are not addressed, the fear of Lungu coming back will continue haunting this government and unfortunately people will be left with no choice but bringing back Lungu who by today’s comparison is far much better than the talk show president.

    • It is better to go back to boundaries of 1911 when the region people are now calling Zambezi was called North Western Rhodesia than to be under PF again. Then we will see if those from North Eastern Rhodesia will reduce the price of maize meal in their areas.

    • Musumali Liyunga, that is needless. There are no nation-tearing differences in Zambia unless Zambians lose their guard.

  6. Unless I’m mistaken, I thought people are free now to do their business in markets even CDF is given to places which did not support the new party in power. On this one Bill is very correct, that why I always say we need an urgent law to ensure that these chawama kaponyas have no chance again to bring us another chakolwa in power to experience what we went through. Remember the kaponyas are in the majority they will regroup again and do the same thing and it will very difficult to defeat them.

  7. PF killed the spirit of one Zambia one nation. Now we are just pretending. It is a result of such experiences under PF that I have started not to like the country called Zambia. People should be realistic. What is the realistic and economic price of maize meal in Zambia?

    • Mune you have actually fallen into the Upnd propaganda trap. Several individuals from Southern Province were appointed to cabinet by PF (I’m not PF but facts are facts) even the defence portfolio was given to one of them (Greyford Moonde). All the key now are held by….finance, Home affairs, defence. These people were expelled from the Upnd and lost the ensuing by elections terribly. The Chilanga Council Area chairman welcomed Edgar Lungu to town….he was immediately expelled from the party. There are many examples where HH and Upnd succeeded in labeling the PF as a Bemba party and made it difficult to carry out projects.
      Edgar Lungu was booed and jeered in Monze but Mwiimbu simply said it was their democratic right. PF were bad but sometimes you should try a bit of analysis.

  8. The day human beings will learn and accept our differences, the better for this world. We differ even in the same family- by age, by gender, by height and in polygamous homes, by parents. We differ by tribe, by language, by race, by culture. We differ by religion, by profession, by politics. There is no reason why we cannot live together in harmony with all these differences. We cannot all be the same. It would be boring.


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