Friday, March 7, 2025

Zambia Needs To Pray – Steve Chungu


FORMER Government Chief Whip Steve Chungu has called on Zambians to kneel down before God and pray if the country is to overcome the challenges that the nation is currently going through.

Mr Chungu said in an interview that the current economic challenges the country is presently going through, such as high cost of living, drought which has resulted into power loadshedding need spiritual solutions through prayer adding that no single human being can solve them.

Mr Chungu who is also former Luanshya Central Constituency Member of Parliament said politicians especially those in power should humble themselves and seek the face of God to intervene in the social and economic problems the country is facing.

” As Zambians , politicians those in opposition and Government should choose a day to come together and pray for the nation of Zambia, we have to call on God to intervene in our problems as a nation,” Mr Chungu said.

He further said that those in power should also not treat those with divergent views over the governance of the country as enemies adding that it is only when the party in power accepts positive criticism the country will move forward economically and socially.

” Self praise , will not take this country anywhere, let those in power accept positive criticism and humble themselves before God this way our country will develop socially and economically,” he said.

He said that Zambia’s economy is in shambles saying that those in power should not willingly put a blind eye on the reality and mock Zambians that the economy was doing fine when not.

He said some of the interventions that the Government has put in place to address the economic crisis were not enough.

He said interventions such as cash for food were not enough to handle the economic woes that has hit the country.

” One mistake the UPND has made is to go to bed with the IMF(International Monetary Fund), cash for food is not a solution to our economic crisis,”
Mr Chungu said.


  1. These are failures in life, how does a prayer help to solve a problem? You people are brainwashed to the core. You need brains to solve problems. It’s the reason Africa is sinking because of such hallucinations.

    • No wonder they didn’t invest in energy but prayed about it. You can see the results. Pray with no action, pointless.

  2. Iwe concerned uli mafee.Fyonse kulatalika.No wander God is punishing Zambia because of your utter nonsense of criticising positive ideas coming from great brains. You are just displaying your foolish manners from zambezi region iwe fulwe.Have some manners shetani

    • But why are you tribalising his response? People from Zambezi region are not different from people in Luapula, Luangwa Kafuie regions. We are all the same.
      Also he has a right, just like you have- to talika fyonse. That is the essence of democracy ukutalikana without spilling blood or insulting each other. Thats why we have a parliament so that people can talikana until a common solution is found.

  3. I saw on one group from PHI where they are on over 30 hours of ZESCO loadshedding from yesterday, is that going be resolved by praying, most zambian politicians are the same

  4. Pray & go and do it, nothing wrong with prayers… but the problem is not with God but corrupt, incompetent, proud-full, you foolish politicians…. don’t blame it on God, just do the right things.. you Africans..kikikiki

  5. Mmmm..Pray & go and do it, nothing wrong with prayers… but the problem is not with God but corrupt, incompetent, proud-full, you foolish politicians

  6. Pray & go and do it, nothing wrong with prayers… but the problem is not with God but corrupt, incompetent, proud-full, you leaders

  7. Too lazy to think.

    There isn’t any country in the world that attained developed through prayers.

    Imbeciles count on religion, clever people apply science & technology.

  8. Current leadership upnd do not believe in prayers but in corruption, bad heart, intimidation & blame games even when in power for 3 years

  9. This same loud mouth once mayor of Luanshya never talks about his record , or what he archived for the people of luanshya………

    Because he done nothing……..

    Instead of calling for hard work , he calls for prayer……????


  10. Meanwhile church elder Bally prays and works. You can see the amount of investment in solar energy. It’s in billions of dollars. By next election, Zambia will be exporting and consuming electricity with no load shedding. That is something worth praying and fasting for.

  11. Zambians need to remove the incompetent UPND govt then pray to God. If we let this bunch of people continue leading the country, multitudes of people will die from hunger.

  12. What is dismaying? 99% of Zambians believe in fairy tales…
    How about getting down to work? Really get down to work? And then do whatever you feel like?

  13. Kikikikiki ok lets convert all our warehouses to churches….typical African mentality….what has prayer got to do with development….the Bible encourages people to work hard not to pray hard….. what kind of reasoning is that…hard work….corruption free society and you’re guaranteed of development

    Like Spaka always says its only in Africa where a pastor buys a warehouse and converts it into a church

  14. Africa the dark continent……and Elon Musk one of the richest man in the world said he has better things to do on a Sunday than go to church…..and a poor man wants to pray and hoping manna will fall from heaven

    • But think about it Anonymous. You come on this planet to spend some 50 years 0r is it 60? and whats the use of amassing the kind of wealth that does not escort you to the afterlife? Wealth is only for your stay on earth. Its not a passport to luxury after you are dead.

  15. I can see upnd has just unleashed their praise singers above ( some ) comments above.. wow!!!!!!! Ohh i do NOT believe in any politician.. they are all low lives thugs in suits period!!!

  16. @Nyatwa
    Its called greedy my dear friend….do you know that billionaires in this world have enough wealth to feed the entire world 3 meals a day for 100 years……and you’re right wealth should just be enough for your stay here on earth…just like people who build a house with 13 bedrooms for 2 people

  17. As a country we are putting over K30,000,000 in a constituency as CDF and multiply this by the number of constituencies. My question is how much are we putting in research and development. This is where the problem is.

  18. …….

    It is the media that also helps drag us down………

    Each time a politician wants to write something , they must also state their past or current archivements…….

    Instead total failures come on air with nothing but missing or waisted funds to teir names……

    No matter the political party , let’s have a habit of preaching hard work and no corruption, instead……..

    Our politicians don’t seem to have the word hard work in their vocabulary, it’s either the words …..

    Prayers or hunger

  19. Why is Spaka suddenly sounding as wise as Deja vu? Have these two seizling hot rivals met each other out there and decided to drink from the same gourd of wine?
    Just check: Gone are Spaka’s tribal rantings and UPND praise songs-he seems to be oozing as solid logic as Sishure Sishure! Imwe bantu, Miracles do happen

  20. When the almighty God was handing out common sense, these guys must have been at a political rally or Bar with their cadres.

  21. @Spaka
    Yes exactly the buy Factories and convert them into Churches and its only in Africa where a business meeting starts with a Prayer

  22. A country that is so blessed and yet we need to pray for more? Just use what is there. Wisely. Other countries have zero agricultural land and zero copper deposits yet do not cry to God

  23. Did Joseph go to Pharaoh and say, ‘You need to pray?’
    No, he advised him to find an intelligent guy who can solve the problem Pharaoh looked around and saw that no one intelligent was in his cabinet, so he asked Joseph to take charge. That is what politicians need to do. They need to look beyond the ‘Yes Bwana’ men surrounding them and pick people who are imbued with God’s intelligence. They are many in the country, but the President must look for them.

  24. Per capita, there are more church goers in Zambia than there are in the UK. Is that reflected in the relative country prosperities? I guess not!

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