Friday, March 7, 2025

State Seizes Tasila Lungu’s Farm Following Court Ruling


The State has officially taken over a farm belonging to former President Edgar Lungu’s daughter, Tasila Lungu, located in Sinda District, Eastern Province.

The seizure follows a judgment by the Economic and Financial Crimes Court, which ruled that Ms. Lungu failed to justify her source of income to warrant the purchase of the property.

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Gilbert Phiri, announced that the government is drafting a bill for the management of forfeited properties. He noted that law enforcement agencies have recovered and forfeited numerous properties suspected to be proceeds of crime, which are now benefiting the Zambian people.

Speaking in Sinda District during a visit by law enforcement officials to the forfeited Kumawa Ranch, Mr. Phiri emphasized that asset recovery and the fight against corruption are not targeted at specific individuals. Instead, the efforts are aimed at ensuring that the country’s resources benefit all citizens.

Drug Enforcement Commission Director-General Nason Banda revealed that the 614-hectare farm is valued at over 8.8 million Kwacha.

The government remains resolute in its commitment to combating corruption and ensuring transparency in the management of national resources.


  1. Why aren’t the tribal supremacists crying tribe in this case…….??

    Is it because she belongs to the wrong tribe , ??

    • Stop peddling division. What does tribe have to do with a crime. Does crime choose crimes? Lets reason like adults, these statements clothed as jokes and humour have a habit of being taken as fact.
      Its not HH or UPND that has defined what is the law. Nor do those enforcing the law define it. They just apply it and the courts intereprate from the facts if the law was broken. There are am PF officials who have been aquitted. So please it has nothing to do with ones sex, gender, colour, or tribe. Its the law.

    • #Jatta Bulenge Spaka is one person who who makes Tongas look like hardcore tribalists. In 90% of his posts he talks about tribe.

    • That’s because of distance tribal supremacists like Dejavu who hates tongas………he has always said how bad tongas are from his time working in the mines……..

      He forgets he said this, now he tries to act neutral , but you can smell the dirty tribalism from all his posts…….

    • This tribalist from some Gwembe Valley village wants to divide us along tribal lines. He breathes tribe, lives tribe and blurts out tribe. What a retard! Zambia needs to go forward. People like Spaka keep dragging us behind

    • Beware! Politicians like Dividing People

      Another coward inadequate man hiding his real log on name……….

      You are just frustrated I have exposed you tribal supremacists……..and continues to do so………

      Now trying to act against tribalism, yet in the runup to 2021 you showed your true colours…….

      Just like a theif , a tribal supremacist must be given no hiding place…….

      Foreadee 2031

  2. I hope the current guys are learning from this. Sadly, politicians often never learn and we expect this ‘movie’ to repeat in the next republic!

    • Unfortunately they are taking money to foreign countries meaning we won’t recover anything. The FIC report cited billions having been externalized…. remember no names were mentioned…. for obvious reasons.

    • They have been warned. The arm of the law is long.
      @Deja Vu taking the money abroad doesnt mean you have gotten away with the crime. If you read statements from the current regime, there suggestions that the previous officials did the same. Court orders can be sought to freeze those accounts. Money laundering laws like human traffiking have a global reach and most countries have signed cooperation agreements on the issue.

    • @Jata I wont believe you. Someone stole our money and was arrested in Turkey. She has not been brought here. We will never see that money

  3. Do not worry Tasila. Zambians will give it back to you after the Tonga tribes Headsman is kicked out in 2026. He thinks him and his people have the right to be rich and own property. Zambians tried HH and they have now realized what they gave power to. Instead of addressing loadshedding and high cost of living living, the privatization thief is busy protecting his stance as the richest person in Zambia.

    • What kind of reasoning is this?
      You seem MORE concerned about HH, who has only created an environment where these stolen resources are being returned to the Zambian people. Clearly, you are NOT fighting for Zambians; a true patriot would be pleased that these resources are being returned to the Zambians.

    • I am aware that some Zambians think that there is nothing wrong with looting particularly if you hail from former North Eastern Rhodesia.

  4. @ You should be ashamed of yourself being the only tribalist in Zambia….just you are the tribalist and no one else ..even here on Lusaka Times Spaka is the only tribalist

    • That’s because I have unmasked those who think zambia belongs to one tribe………

      The tribal supremacists, who are infact mostly theives…….

      When I started this crusade of unpaid the tribal supremacists, even a death of a tonga was celebrated on LT…….it was bad

      Now they only lace their tribal hatred with support of anyone from their tribe who is being charged with looting and stealing……

      Forawadee 2031……

    • He is So evil this Spaka. He imagines things and tries to make them real. He imagines one tribe he is scared of and starts seeing they think Zambia belongs to them. When did one tribe ever rule Zambia? Just look at all our Presidents and show me what tribe they belong to. Zambians dont be drawn into such primitive dialogue by these villagers like Spaka.

    • From Mansa with Love

      You must be one of those tribal supremacists…….

      Why are you bothered by me calling out tribal supremacists……????

      You should also be against tribal supremacists, but you seem to be bothered by that tag ??

      Forwadee 2031

    • Unmask my foot. Who have you unmasked among the 20 million Zambians? Who have you sent to jail for tribalism? You just fanning tribal divisions.
      You think we don’t know how you villagers derive satisfaction from tribal fingerpointing? What a bighead! Thinking he is a god to unmask anyone’s thinking.

    • Unmasked my foot. Who have you unmasked among the 20 million Zambians? Who have you sent to jail for tribalism? You just fanning tribal divisions.
      You think we don’t know how you villagers derive satisfaction from tribal fingerpointing? What a bighead! Thinking he is a god to unmask anyone’s thinking.

  5. @ General Kanene
    If these stolen properties are genuinely returned to the Zambian people then HH deserves credit…but if they’re being looted and grabed by UPND cadres then HH is doing nothing

    • @Anonymous,
      The UPND government is under scrutiny, as it is the most closely monitored government ever. Everyone is watching closely; it would be unthinkable to seize TASILA’s farm, TASILA’s brother’s cars, or Bowman’s houses only to hand them over to UPND cadres. Doing so would be a major misstep for the GRZ, and I doubt they would be foolish enough to act that way.

  6. I am also sitting on the fence regarding her confiscation of farm what troubles me is driving to the copperbelt from Lusaka ones sees houses and lodges costing many millions why aren’t these people questioned as to where the funds come from ?
    It only seems politically connected persons are being questioned when in fact some private people have laundered great wealth and getting away with it
    and @anonymous is quite right are all assets recorded infront of her, and handed over correctly
    if accident victims are looted by police and baliffs when seizing property sell to friends and relatives at reduced prices one can then understand how some feel


    The UPND government is under scrutiny, as it is the most closely monitored government ever. Everyone is watching closely; it would be unthinkable to seize TASILA’s farm, TASILA’s brother’s cars, or Bowman’s houses only to hand them over to UPND cadres. Doing so would be a major misstep for the government, and I doubt they would be foolish enough to act that way.

  8. The UPND government is facing intense scrutiny, making it the most closely monitored administration to date. Everyone is watching carefully; it would be unthinkable to seize TASILA’s farm, her brother’s cars, or Bowman’s houses only to give them to UPND cadres. Such actions would represent a significant misstep for the government, and I doubt they would be reckless enough to proceed in that manner.

    • The suggestion General Kanene is ludicras. Absurd, out of this world, unthinkable bwana.
      This Party and its government tag from the UNIP era can not be fathomed in a multiparty era. The Ruling Party is distinct from the Government. We need to get the concept right. We can not have that misconception to justify bad behaviour. There is UPND then there is government. Dont mix the two.

    • UPND has its members who lead government, but Government exists without UPND. It existed without PF, without MMD. This is why the institutions of government are independent of the Political parties. And its hope that those that head Government follow the government of the day policies but dont break the law. And Party policies dont break national laws. This is why people like Tasila are losing farms.
      HH has been very clear with his members. Stay clear of government property. Otherwise you are on your own. A bill is reported to be in the making to deal with proceeds such as this farm. How will the state deal with it.

    • @ General Kanene
      Unfortunately we don’t have good accountability in Zambia and probably the entire Africa….Donor funds disappears., recovered properties still end up being stolen…ask Musa Mwenya

  9. What is the cost of land in rural Zambia?
    Was it traditional land or was it titled at the time she acquired it?
    Sorry I haven’t read the article

  10. @ Spaka
    Love Trumps hate…its about time you realize that hatred of certain individuals based on their tribe or skin color is the thing of the past…don’t follow the American Mainstream media platforms which misinterprets Trumps messages to suit their agenda…..we are all God’s people at the end of the day….whether PF or UPND… Tonga or Tumbuka….Republican or Democrat

    • I am unapologetic to tribalists who think zambia belongs to one tribe……..

      Those that support stealing and looting if it is done to their tribesmen…….

      Those that attack any investigation on looting and plunder if it is being carried out against their kin………..calling those investigations a tribal crusade…..

      You know who you are…….

      I will never end my attacks on the dirty tribal supremacists……until you understand zambia belongs to 72 tribes……

      Forwadee 2031….

  11. Good job by this GRZ , now let’s go after the ill gotten riches of Edgar Lungu himself ,that’s including his Eswatini mansion.

  12. It seems strange. The issue is how much she paid for it, not how much it is valued at surely. Where’s the document

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