Friday, March 7, 2025

President Hichilema launches Zambezi Economic Zone


President Hakainde Hichilema officially launched the establishment of the Zambezi Economic Free Zone, which encompasses the Sekute and Mukuni Free Economic Zones. The initiative, spanning 17,000 hectares, is set to create thousands of jobs upon full development, marking a major step in Zambia’s economic transformation.

Speaking at the launch, President Hichilema highlighted the strategic importance of the project’s location near the Kazungula Bridge, a critical link connecting Zambia to Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Additionally, its proximity to the iconic Victoria Falls and surrounding gorges is expected to promote tourism, complementing other economic activities in the region.

“This project is phenomenal and strategic for our economy,” said President Hichilema. “Through public-private partnerships, we aim to create value that benefits Zambians by fostering job creation across the country. I urge developers to ensure that local communities directly benefit from the opportunities this project will generate.”

The President also emphasized the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in driving development across key sectors, including mining, tourism, and agriculture. He extended gratitude to the developers and investors who have expressed interest in the project and encouraged them to attract additional partners. Chiefs Sekute and Mukuni were also acknowledged for their contribution of land for the initiative.

Senior Chief Sekute praised the project’s potential, noting that it has already garnered interest from 12 companies. “This free economic zone will attract significant investment and contribute meaningfully to Zambia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP),” he said.

Buks van Rensburg, Chairman of the BHL Group, commended Zambia’s peaceful environment and the warmth of its people as key factors that enhance its investment appeal. Similarly, Hillington International Group representative Reza Jamili thanked the government for fostering an investor-friendly environment and expressed the group’s interest in contributing to Zambia’s growth.

Tourism Minister Rodney Sikumba highlighted the impact of relaxed visa requirements and the KAZA UNIVISA, which facilitates regional travel. He projected that tourism visitations could reach three million by 2026, generating approximately 40 billion Kwacha in revenue.

Southern Province Minister Credo Nanjuwa expressed gratitude for President Hichilema’s consistent efforts to bring development to the province. Defence Minister Ambrose Lufuma echoed these sentiments, thanking the President for ensuring inclusive development across Zambia.

The Zambezi Economic Free Zone is poised to be a transformative project, boosting investment, job creation, and tourism in Zambia while enhancing the nation’s overall economic outlook.


  1. I greatly appreciate your effective electronic Media platform.

    Indeed, the Zambezi Economic Free Zone is a game changer to Zambia’s GDP. As a corporate social responsibility, apart from employing the local people, I propose investors should consider sponsoring the the revamping of Livingstone – Mulobezi Rail Line for economic reasons.

    • LT why are you ignoring ZESCO’s $82 million blunderous payment to China while you give us useless stories such as those from Shadon Chanda

  2. Where are you going to source amalaiti to power this economic zone? And the AI infrastructure will require elevated power consumption. So, resolving the crippling blackouts is the fierce urgency of now and this is where more focus must be at this juncture.

  3. New dawn is very good at showing us light at
    The end of tunnel.But that light has not come
    So far.May be before 2026?We keep reading
    Everyday about investment coming but indicators are still not showing improvement.

    • The reporters dont help because they prefer to indulge in equally vague political language
      “is set to create thousands of jobs upon full development, marking a major step in Zambia’s economic transformation”
      That quote is political language meant to raise hope even when there isnt. A good journalist would have asked for the precise number of jobs being aimed at. When is full development anticipated? What economic transformation is the objective here? Dont take words from politicians and just throw them at us. INTERPRET.
      And even better give us a follow up afterwards

  4. A swift handshake with his bosses for auctioning our beloved country on a silver plate. How do you focus on economic zones when ordinary people lack basic services? you fail to provide basics such as clean running water, electricity, basic infrastructure but instead you think using AI to map out your country is an ingenious thing? who bewitched these lot imwe bantu? These people don’t understand the need to put your own country first and the importance of economic freedom. Zambia can only be developed by Zambian period.

    • Aiming at the Global Market, the Chinese used economic zones strategically or in conjunction with their human resources-whom they first trained. Are we training manpower in Zambia? This made all major Western industries want to transfer to Deng Xiao Ping’s four economic zones.
      Deng referred to Karl Marx and his theories, which predicted that nations need to undergo urbanization and a stage of capitalism for a natural socialist transition. Are we Zambians urbanising likewise?

    • China grants special economic zones in mainland China more market-oriented economic policies and flexible governmental measures.
      The Chinese may be said to have had leverage that Zambia doesnt have in that these economic policies were consistent. In Zed, when Kalaba’s party takes over from HH he will kick out these policies and start afresh and when Lungu’s party takes over it will dump them, then when Fred Mmembe arrives he will kick everything out.

    • FutureZed

      “…… How do you focus on economic zones when ordinary people lack basic services? you fail to provide basics such as clean running water, …..”

      Are you serious ??

      How do you provide basic services without economic growth ???

      “…Zambia can only be developed by Zambian period..”

      You were incharge of the mines once, what happened….???

  5. None of the speakers ever spoke of project milestones with gantt chart at this event. Every body gave the usual political generic speeches. What infrastructure is being put up here. When are the trickle down benefits hitting the common man from this project.

    • Yet this government wanted to show the world how its president trusts in graphs. That brief “intellectualism” just died???

  6. You need to work hard, things are not okay. You might celebrate somebody’s ineligibility today but Zambians can make you ineligible as well through the ballot in 2026. Less speeches and more work please

  7. These conmen think Zambians are f00ls.

    We need to remove them from office before they send 1 million USD to a dirty offshore account in Panama by “mistake”.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • It’s up to reporters to investigate and tell us. What has happened to investigative journalism in Zambia? Reporters still act like in KK’s time. Waiting for speeches from government ministers

  8. Those of us waiting for overnite economic transformation are living in Dellusions Land.China took 30yrs to get where they are and of course HH had to cleanup the huge economic mess PF left before proper dividends start flowing.


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