The 156 CDF Ambulance Scandal
By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
When the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) flagged the purchase and supply of 156 ambulances under the CDF vault at a cost of $13million as highly irregular procurement, Local Government Permanent Secretary for Technical Service,Nicholas Phiri defended the illegal procurement claiming that the aim was to empower local suppliers.
The Ministry deliberately refused to buy from Toyota Zambia or Nissan CFAO, or any franchise holder affiliated to manufacturers. It wasn’t long before the contracted suppliers failed to deliver in the 20 weeks period given and have since missed the deadlines of June 30th,2024 and December 31st, 2024. Another extension has been given of 31st May 2025.
However Phiri was quickly embarrassed when details emerged that a foreign national, Sujit Shanani was identified as the beneficial owner of ACE Pharmaceuticals, one of the suppliers of the ambulances.
It became clear that the Zambia Public ProcurementAuthority (ZPPA) Circular No. 1 of 2023, which reserves CDF-funded procurements for Zambian citizens, was breached with impunity.
Shanani has since been linked to the former Minister of Health, Silvia Masebo,and his company was awarded seven (7) more contracts by the Zambia Medical and Suppliers Agency (ZMMSA).
Shanani, an Indian national resident in Zambia, registered a local firm called Ace Pharmaceuticals using his workers.
Records show, Shanani has obtained over seven (7) contracts with the government at ZMMSA under limited bidding (single sourcing).
A check at PACRA revealed that Surij registered as shareholders, his workers Panetta Masala and Sandiwile Piwase Stephanie Banda and Director, Manjit Singh Basan but he is the signatory and his brother at an account held at the Indo Zambia Bank Limited.
The registered business premises for Ace Pharmaceuticals is a pharmacy located in the sprawling Garden Compound in Lusaka.
Local Government and Rural Development Minister Gary Nkombo joined in the defence and told Parliament that the delay in supplying all 156 ambulances procured under CDF was not a scandal.
Nkombo said at least 50 ambulances will be in the country by December 31, 2024, with the remaining 106 to be delivered by May 31, 2025.
Only 11 ambulances have been delivered so far.
Minister of Health, Dr. Elijah Muchima says he is tired of the numerous stories about the ambulances.
Don’t worry! The same Phiri, masebo and others will be in prison after upnd leaves just like the PF thieves are in prison today.
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It’s well known a leopard never changes it’s spots
Unless we stop recycling these failures we are going nowhere
They are all the same, its like a big pool of parasites. you just have to change water together with fish
We are documenting all these issues and when the appropriate time comes, the relevant authorities will pounce on all the people involved. That contract should have already been canceled considering the breach of the terms and conditions. A pity that there is no difference with the way PF conducted such businesses.
I got fired from the civil service for tipping the anti corruption commission about a similar deal in 2006.
Fortunately an international company recruited me from Lusaka and saved me from political warfare in the Zambia civil service.
But Zambians do know that politicians use the civil to enrich themselves. It looks like this is accepted in my country.
Almost 90% of Africans enter politics to enrich themselves………
There is nothing about serving the people
If ACC wasn’t biased in it’s investigations s lot of people would be behind bars. In Unip days action started with one’s property or bank account status… these hard days how can one manage to build a multi million kwacha house and drive a very expensive Mercedes Benz. There’s no harm in asking him or her their source of money….it could be the money for the ” missing” ambulances.
By the way why should the central government be purchasing vehicles using A CDF? Are constituencies supposed to choose what their area needs most.. reason? It’s easier to steal these funds than the normal money.
Refused to use local authorised dealers ?? Why ???
Could it be brown envelopes involved ??
Not unlike a local Grocery General dealer in my area given a gravel road contract for maintenance
Masebo appears like a good hard working person superficially but it seems she’s a snake underneath. Being mentioned in too many scandals. I think it’s high time she took a back seat
The truth will remain the truth. Some people that voters are *****s. Go on daring them. Either the ambulances are delivered or you resign before you’re arrested and sent to jail