Sunday, February 9, 2025

Former Foreign Affairs Minister and Ex-Treasury Secretary to Open Defence in February


Former Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji and former Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba are scheduled to open their defence on February 12, 2025, following a request for more time to file additional documents and witness statements.

The request, made by Mr. Yamba, was granted after the matter was heard in chambers before Senior Resident Magistrate Irene Wishimanga. Mr. Yamba sought an extension to file documents he intends to use in his defence.

The two are facing multiple charges related to alleged misconduct and financial crimes. Mr. Yamba is charged with two counts of willful failure to comply with laid-down procedures. Meanwhile, Mr. Malanji is facing eight counts of being in possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

The case will proceed with the defendants presenting their evidence and witnesses next month, as the court continues its deliberations on these high-profile allegations.


  1. I hope the current ones are learning from this, as this court will outlive their tenure. Meanwhile, let’s stay tuned.

  2. Let due process take its course. The duo are appearing before a court of law. The time extension request was made only by Fredson Yamba. Joe Malanji should have been allowed to start his defence testimony.

  3. Prosecution is bused upon any reasonable doubt which is the legal burden of proof required to affirm a conviction in a criminal case. In a criminal case, the prosecution bears the burden of proving that the defendant is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. So therefore, they take too long because investigations continue until it is proven beyond any reasonable doubt. No person can be at the same time for example, in Lusaka and Kitwe at say, ten hours in the morning nor 16 hours in the afternoon. The events have to be either parallel or are intersecting though at different times. So prosecution has to find any events are parallel or are conceding and decide appropriately.

  4. The lungu era was a festival of thuggery and stealing ………

    It seems nearly everyone was stealing or being a cader


      However this grz is out of control and I feel our president is out of his depth
      and unable to control anything apart from promising investments on the way
      all other facets of grz ignored

  5. Davies Mwila former PF Secretary General warned ‘We will be jailed’. Thieves belong to be in prisons – enough space in jail for Malanji and Yamba.

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