Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Woman, 19, defiles three-year old boy in Chipata


Police in Chipata in Eastern Province are holding a 19-year old woman for allegedly defiling a three-year-old boy and infecting him with a sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).

Police Service Spokesperson, Bonny Kapeso confirmed the incident to ZANIS in Chipata
today, adding that the minor of Ncheka area in Kapata was defiled on  an unknown

Investigations by ZANIS found that the boy was found to be infected with the disease
on Thursday last week.

The police service spokesperson refused to disclose the name of the woman, who is in
police custody and will appear in court for plea tomorrow.

But police sources in Chipata district identified the woman as Harriet Zulu of the
same area.


  1. Harriet weo wanidabwisa! Are you mad? Jail her and please make sure you follow this case down to the bottom so that you also extend the judgement to whoever advised her to do what even devil is not competent of. I would like to thank the parents of the poor boy for taking the case to court. harriet you are luck, if he was my son, I could have been the one appearing in court for skining you alive! Let her appear on the screen and sensitaize the nation about her lunatic act.

  2. Iwe Ci Citizen have you seen the results of having more lodges than the people of eastern province?Waona babululu bako manje, bayamba kugwira bana?Niyabwamni yaso? Mwasila manje imwe,on sunday it was Elina Mwanza with a 23 year old boy , today is Harriet Zulu your cousin?Its time you stopped those vicious initiation ceremonies for girls, they are the ones driving them luny.Teach them when they are about to get married.This terrible ,stiffer punishment must be netted against Harriet.

  3. #2 Ba D Ku, kanshi nicibululu wakwa ici CITIZEN MUNSHEBWA. Iwe ci Citizen Munshebwa muleka mwambo wausilu. Advice to parents pls lock up ur toddlers (girls or boys) they are not safe kuli aba abena Chipata, nabema amabimbi na nkanshi pa pameso kumulanda wa tunya.

  4. i’m quite sure the young lady thought having “relations” with a minor would cure her of the deadly disease.People, this mirrors the misconceptions probably propagated and encouraged by traditional healers.I would love to read that this woman has undergone psychological examination(and treatment if she is a mental case).If she is sane, the maximum punishment must be meted out to act as a deterent to others harbouring such depraved preferences!As parents we have to educate our children so that they understand from a young age that their private parts are not toys and that they should report anyone who tells them otherwise.Teaching 12-13 year olds bedroom gymnastics in the name of “ukufunda” must stop.These kids are learning things way before their time and you are just encouraging experimentation.In the olden days 12-13 year olds were “initiated” becoz they married at 14-15 or even 16. This is no longer common practise so tradition must change with the times.

  5. Zambia sould come up with tough measures against those who infect another person with HIV intentianally! Let as all forget about rights, thats shit! We will all die and the rights will remain! So my appeal to all law markers is pliz go back to the table and pliz come up with something seriuos and not rights! Let everyone in zambia who hold official positions and all those in contact with the public to go for HIV test! From UNZA students through teachers to ploce officers!

  6. Sadist(5), interesting point but after we all go for the test then what ???…….you shoot all the infected? Give us a solution Sadist.

  7. #2,3 KUKU na AM
    I am sure Elina and Harriet started behaving like this after being conned and disappointed by some Bemba Men.

  8. YWCA where are you????????????if it was a man you would have staged a march past to let the whole world know what has happended

  9. I think we need to cast this demon of defilement and rape in Zambia. Its getting out of hand. thats all we read about in our papers today. God please heal this land in Jesus name.

  10. May i ask the medical council of zambia if acording to the law it’s allowed to publish the name of the victim in the paper especially for the young boys and girls who are defiled by key people in our communities.The defilers must be punished severely but lets put into consideration the psychological part of these minors, some tend to isolate themselves after the act, some hide and stop schooling because they feel every one knows about them. Let me sight an example of an adult who had a secret sexual act and asked if they had it or not they usually die with a no why coz it’s usually betwn 2 pipo. AS we handle these cases observe the outcomes in these minors which will toment them 4 life

  11. Well, im overwelmed at this, but i would like to find out how a woman can force herself on a small boy with a small penis which can even erect.how posible is that.Women pls lets not embarass ourselves with all these acts.Lets try to have self respect.

  12. I agree with chichi all the way,just how possible can it be considering the anatomy of a little three year old boy.A pyshatric evaluation is what this woman needs to go though before they pass any judgement maybe she is few pancakes short of a happy meal.This is indeed an act influenced by low self and personal evaluation accompaned with mixed egos.Please ladies,our consideration of your person is considered overated already,just don’t point the barrel at yourselves,the chances of survival are zero.Self respect,self respect!!!!!!!!!!!

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