Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Students ran amok


Pupils from Mboza secondary school ran riot and destroyed deputy headteacher’s house following the death of school headteacher a Mr Chavula.

The students running riot between 2100hrs and 0300hrs where deputy head teacher’s house was destroyed by students on suspicion of witchcraft following the death of the head teacher.

Eastern Province Police Commissioner Alex Chilufya confirmed yesterday stating that nine pupils have since been apprehended for riotous behaviour and malicious damage to the property.

He said the deputy head and his family were safe.

“Nine students have been picked and detained for riotous behaviour and malicious damage to property,”he said.


    • The teacher dies of AIDS complications and the poor pupils are set up on an innocent person. All these are effects of Dununa reverse. Even the thinking is now in reverse mode. How Preposterous!

    • Pastors of Synagogue of All Nation are preaching wrong messages.
      Please send Namulambe and his witch-finder to Eastern province to do postmortem.

    • Now you know why their Voting patterns defy logic, just like a Chicken that votes for Kentuccky Fried Chicken.
      To much superstition entwined with religion, leading to many abandoning any rational ways/ patterns of logical thinking.

    • Zambians are backward socially, politically and economically. There’s no need to be defensive about our extreme poverty in everything. This is confirmed by the dregs and riffraffs in society, such as Sata and Lungu, rising to the top.

  1. The consequences of a Christian nation declaration is that you counterintuitively start believing in witchcraft as you ascribe bad stuff to the devil. It is a normal process. Now with the institutionalizations of religious affairs at state level all hell will simply break loose – literally! Fimo ifi kulafileka fye. We were OK until you started pushing us into this nonsense.

    • Even before Zambia was declared a Christian nation people believed in witchcraft. Please do not try to help satan’s plan to break Zambia.

    • Christianity and witchcraft/satanism/occultism are two sides of the same coin. They go together. They are irrational.

    • The book that tells you there’s a god besides your ancestors’ is the same that tells you there’s a Satan. The book was first drafted 1700 years ago. Up to now the Satan has not responded with his own book. What does that tell you?

      Answer: The Satan and the God are on and the same, especially when you look at how they reward their loyalists:wealth! Except one is called blessing, the other is called hard work.

  2. You talking as if u r witches trying to make sure you are not known. Your ignorance perturbs me. No country in the world doesn t know that witchcraft exists. Whites call it white magic and we call it black maybe due to color but everything is evil

  3. When pupils unite and stand up they are unstoppable …I remember at boarding school when we once brought the whole Boma to a stand still when some locals man-handled one of our own. Till this day, after decades the locals still think twice about messing with pupils from our school.

  4. Once calamity befalls your enemy you will be treated with suspicion. Same is true with Gun craze USA, if your enemy dies of gun wounds or disappears, the cops will want to have a word with you.
    Moral of the story is don’t carry on living a stubborn life full of strife like a witch, Be at peace even with people who hate you.

    • It is very difficult to love crooked Lungu. If there are some witches among you, I have a bounty for you. Please contact me.

  5. this happens in societies with primordial reasoning and laws. i remember the first time i went to work in outback australia, an 60% aboriginal community, i was very shocked and fearful when the head of my unit came to tell me one day not to expect any aboriginal patients coming through that day because it was pay back day. and to be sure the town was eerily quiet that day. so the situation is that if you, for instance gringo above steal my car, and everyone knows that its gringo who done it, then i have to be very fearful to the extent of praying for gringo everyday that no misfortune, illness or death befalls him. because if it does and god forbids he falls ill and dies, then i will be the one to pay for his death because i had caused his death by my bitterness that he stole from me…

  6. Black magic and white magic has nothing to do with colour. They can be practiced by anyone whether black or white. Its just that they are two forms of magic that are different. Black magic involves doing harm to someone, it involves passing on spells and creating bad energy, chaos, destruction etc. Where as white magic does not involve any of these but creates good energy so to speak. This for instance may involve use of herbs for healing people instead of harming them. However, in my opinion a witch is a witch regardless.

  7. Reverse mentality indeed! In this era when their counterparts are immersed in pondering about the wealth of knowledge and business opportunities brought about by the power of the Internet hi-tech, our kids are chasing imaginary witches around as it was more than a thousand years ago! What has gone wrong with our country is purely lack of quality leadership to mobilize our citizenry into people of this century. Look at a country like Rwanda. You see progress in everything especially the revolution in the mindset of the people – what people discuss, how they run their public institutions and attitudes in general.

  8. How did the students ascertain the cause of death as witchcraft and not the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome?

    By the way, does witchcraft really exist? May be in the EP.
    But why do those believe in witchcraft continue to live in darkness, without shopping malls?

  9. National day of prayers,worshiping sunsets ,eclipse of the moon,empty Christan nation declaration,TB Joshua,sleeping with minors to cure AID’s,killing Albinos in order to get rich and believing in witchcraft.This is Africa for you.
    Irrational thinking and beliefs are the main ingredients for perpetual poverty.God help Zambia.

  10. Freemasonry and other Secret Societal Occult practices are witchcraft. The New Age Agenda is Satanic. What happened at that school has nothing to do with DUNUNA or DUNDUMWEZI. Funny thing is that both words share the same first three letters and have two U’s in them.

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