Saturday, September 21, 2024

Zambia has now strengthened its bilateral relation with Madagascar – Kalaba


FOREIGN Affairs Minister, Harry Kalaba, speaking during an interview with Journalists after the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Council of Ministers held at Swazi Royal Hotel in Swaziland’s Ezulwini Town on Wednesday. PICTURE BY STEPHEN MUKOBEKO/ZANIS
FOREIGN Affairs Minister, Harry Kalaba, speaking during an interview with Journalists after the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Council of Ministers held at Swazi Royal Hotel in Swaziland’s Ezulwini Town on Wednesday. PICTURE BY STEPHEN MUKOBEKO/ZANIS

Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba says Zambia has strengthened its bilateral relation with Madagascar following the visit to Zambia by that country’s President Rakotoarimanana Rajaonarimampianina..

Mr. Kalaba said Zambia will take every opportunity to seek for good bilateral relation and regional integration.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Kalaba said this after President Lungu saw off President Rajaonarimampianina at Lusaka international airport yesterday afternoon.

Mr. Kalaba, who is also Bahati Member of Parliament disclosed that President Lungu has received an invitation to attend the Nile Basin Initiative in Uganda as a special guest for the important role that Zambia plays in issues of migration.

Zambia has in recent months received high profile delegates from Africa and beyond due to its important role it’s plying in maintaining peace and stability not only in Zambia but the region as a whole.


  1. My humble advice to my fellow Country men and women. Beginning from the great leader, let us focus on us, Zambians for once. Always receiving visitors and always traveling is not going to develop our country. Let us focus on our children, our future.

    This attitude began with our first republic leader, Dr. K. K. He spent all his 27 years in power brokering peace in SA, Morocco, and everywhere else while neglecting his own Country. Zambia today doesn’t even have infrastructure to talk about. Findeco house? No roads, no nothing. Business are run in residential houses. Jomo Kenyatta was building infrastructure while KK was all over the world and forgot his own backyard. We have law offices in Rhodespark, Northmead, and we don’t see that as retrogressive? We can do better.


    • Zambia has zilch to learn from Madagascar. Lungu is just organising all these visits from third rate countries (Morocco, Togo, now Madagascar) to take attention away from the brutal oppression of the opposition and the torture of HH. It is all a cover up.

  2. Its like Kalaba is telling kids. I cannot believe this nonsense of measuring bilateral relations through visitations of a President 🙁

  3. bilateral relations that bring nothing but more suffering to the innocent citizens in Zambia. You should explain how a poor Zambian is going to benefit from that your utterance. Focus on mending the damage you have done in this country.

  4. Madagascar, one of the most violent nations in Southern Africa. Even Kabwe Warriors can testify. They won a game there against Fortior Majunga and the late Godfrey Chitalu, Boniface Simutowe Gibby Zulu, Sandford Mvula etc were nearly stoned to death

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