Saturday, September 21, 2024

Government warns against market hooliganism


Lusaka province minister Lameck Mangani
Lusaka province minister Lameck Mangani
THE Government has warned that it will not allow partisan politics to affect operations of markets in Zambia and directed police officers to ensure that lawlessness is curbed.

Home Affairs Minister, Lameck Mangani said in Lusaka yesterday that the Government would not allow what occurred at Lusaka City Market on Wednesday when rival political cadres took over the market and claimed specific zones.

Police officers yesterday dispersed a group of cadres who attempted to collect levies as was the case on Wednesday.

Mr Mangani said police officers would deal with law breakers and that the Government could not allow partisan politics to disturb the smooth running of Lusaka City Market and other markets.

The minister directed Inspector General of Police, Francis Kabonde to investigate the matter and ensure security was maintained at the market.

He said his ministry was committed to ensuring that lawlessness was stopped and that all law-abiding citizens were allowed to operate in a peaceful environment for the well being of all citizens.

He said the Government regretted the disturbances and that it was clear that the cadres did not take their action in the interest if the nation.

Calm has returned to the market while police officers have been deployed to maintain law and order.

Confusion reigned at Lusaka City Market forcing business to come to a standstill as cadres fought for control of levy collection from traders.

The Lusaka High Court last week granted an injunction to the council restraining people purporting to be MMD members from operating from the market and levying bus operators and traders.

The council had, however, failed to enforce the court order and yesterday another group of rowdy youths claiming to be members of the UPND and PF stormed the market seeking control.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. The govt is speaking with a soft voice because MMD cadres are involved. This would not have been the case if it were cadres from the opppsition alone. This is double standard!

  2. it can only be such areas were GRZ can concetrate on. Because thats where all the cadres are found, thats where majority votes are and potential ministers too. These marketeers control zambian politics, and thats why Zambia is a Kapenta market

  3. #3 No comments. You are 100% correct. Remember ZANAMA? They campained for MMD and so have been allowed to exploit poor namaliketis

  4. The MMD Government never cease to amaze, the MMD cadres took over the station about two weeks ago and the chief cadres TETA and Mulongoti kept quiet about it now that PF and UPND cadre took over the other side the government is quick to react, pure double standards. WARNING PF HAS MORE STRONG CADRES THAN MMD, THEY CAN EASILY BEAT UP MMD, PF CADRES TO ME HAVE BEHAVED VERY MATURELY BY IGNORING MMD AND THIS SHUDNT BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED ONE DAY THEY WILL EXPLODE AND NO UNDERPAID POLICE WILL BE ABLE TO CONTAIN THEM. ITS A TIMELY WARNING

  5. Now you see something wrong in what the MMD caders have been doing after the PF-UPND joined as well? What useless leadership we have in Zambia. MMD has been collecting the levies from city market since the time it was oppened. To Gonvt this was good since the MMD thieves where sharing the money…..what nosense!!!! Please PF-UPND pact check on the MMD carders, if they continue collecting levies you should also collect. These MMD thieves are taking us for granted.

  6. MMD cadres practically run all bus staions and markerts,now that the opposition has joined in for a piece of the cake grz is angered into silly action?? the whole couintry has no order or direction.ask me who gets on a bus everyday,life is zed is just painfully pathetic.

  7. #6, upndpfpact2011 ,

    Cadres should never be given the front seat. They are the ones who misdirect this country. What type of country is this ruled by cadres? This is NONSENSE. Let them go to do farming if they are strong, as you put.

  8. Goodmorning
    It’s not even election time yet and we already have such antagonism in the city. What will happen when elections come? Guerilla warfare?

  9. You know who was collecting the money, where that money was taken and what it was used for. So why not just arrest the chaps involved, they are citizens of zambia who have broken the law perid.

  10. Oh, now its cadres who collect market levies? On whose behalf are they allowed to do this? I thought its the responsibility of the city councils (Lusaka City Council in this case) to collect those levies on behalf of the govt and for their own local city budgets—isn’t that how the set supposed to be? I may be wrong; however, allowing party cadres (of any political party) to do the job which, in my opinion, is supposed to be the duty of uniformed city/govt civil officers is quite surprising, to say the least. So what is the job of govt if they can’t even collect levies (taxes) in an orderly manner? And you wonder why citizens think we have a JOKE of a govt in place, right? By the way, what happens to the monies these cadres collect?!!

  11. # 10 you can,
    Unfortunately cadres rule in every country even in the USA the only difference is that we have uneducated ignorant cadres and cadres like you are so relaxed and don’t participate, there will never be politics without cadres and some of us are professional cadres

  12. Police cant do anything because they are scared. What do you expect from the Mexican Manic Drug (MMD) barons?

  13. #15,upndpfpact2011,

    Professional cadre?

    What do you mean by ” cadres like you are so relaxed and don’t participate”? Ofcourse I vote and educate fellow voters about making good choices. That is my participation. Am also a busy man, with very little time for relaxing.

    If you are a professional cadre, stick to politics, and leave professional traders at markets alone.

  14. What has the council said abt this? arent there any policy instruments that guide people on how statations and markets should be controlled and by who?. Tetamashimba is there as LC & H minister to guide these caders. where this money goes we all need to know. if its unproductively used, then its of great concern.

  15. After govt fails to do its job collecting taxes (levies), they go out and beg from foreign governments when they can raise billions by doing things right locally. Don’t forget, this foreign money that you “Bwanas” in Zambia are fond of comes from tax payers of in these foreign countries. Why, in God’s name, can’t you do the same in Zambia?? Run govt affairs as sane people? Are you waiting for FOREIGN AID to come and fund proper tax collection?? Do you guys even feel embarrassed when you fail to carry out even the simplest mandate of government? TAX COLLECTION IS ONE OF THE MOST VITAL MANDATE OF ANY GOVT, stupid!!

  16. This market hooliganism was very common in UNIP times. Who is at the top now? U guessed right. RB. Ex UNIP. So don’t be suprised pipo.

  17. After govt fails to do its job collecting taxes (levies), they go out and beg from foreign governments when they can raise billions by doing things right locally. Don’t forget, this foreign money that you “Bwanas” in Zambia are fond of comes from tax payers of in these foreign countries. Why, in God’s name, can’t you do the same in Zambia?? Run govt affairs as sane people? Are you waiting for FOREIGN AID to come and fund proper tax collection?? Do you guys even feel embarased when you fail to carry out even the simplest mandet of government? TAX COLLECTION IS ONE OF THE MOST VITAL MANDET OF EVERY GOVT worth anything to write home about!!!!

  18. Are the Police independent? Isnt their role to keep law and order in Zambia. Why did they not act on their own, or when the High Court ruled or when teh council complained? Why do they have to only act after receiving command from the Govt. Is this the way they are supposed to operate, seemingly only at Govt command. Suppose the Govt kept quiet, would they have kept quiet as well?

    Is Zambia Police serving tax payers who pay them, or the Govt, fellow tax spender. Shame on ZP.

  19. Marketeers have got GRZ by the balls since they are the cadres and majority voters just like Taxi (mini bus) drivers and owners in South Africa. Yaba!

  20. #20 NICO

    You are very right. It’s the “, UNIP MULILO, UWAIKATAKO APYA” mentality creeping back into Zambian politics.

    Soon we will not be allowed to board a bus nor enter the market if we do not possess an MMD card.

  21. Know that UPND-PF pact are involved? where was Home Affairs Minister when MMD carders started all this??????

  22. #22 that has been my plea always. efficiant and effective tax collection, infrastrature (roads, airpots), Agriculture, tourism. Zambia can never go wrong with these.

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