Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Minister Mulusa Should Resign For Calling Fire Trucks As Wheelbarrows—-Ndoyi


MINISTER of National Development Lucky Mulusa
MINISTER of National Development Lucky Mulusa
Outspoken young politician and Former ZANASU Vice President Prince Ndoyi has asked for clarity from National Planning and Development Minister Lucky Mulusa and his counter part from Informantion Kampamba Mulenga who is the Chief Government spokesperson on the alleged utterances by Mr Mulusa on the purchase of the 42 fire tenders

Mr Ndoyi who is aligned with the MMD as a policy analyst says the two minsters should tell Zambians whether it was fine for the minister to go in public and say the things he said on the purchase of fire tenders or if there is a code of conduct for cabinet ministers and political appointees prohibiting them from such utterances against the government they are serving in.

Mr Ndoyi who seems to enjoy taunting the UPND by issuing disparaging statements against its leadership today turned his guns towards the Minister saying the conduct of Mr Mulusa where he is seen mocking the fire tenders as ‘Wheelbarrows’ is not only a dent on the image of government but seems to qualify the lack of understanding by Zambians on the procurement of the fire trucks.

“….Did Minister Mulusa breach the Rule of Collective Responsibility when he teased on his government and fellow cabinet ministers? Was Minister Mulusa genuinely joking or holds the view that there was corruption in the said procurement and that there is corruption in government?

Mr Ndoyi expressed disappointment that instead of the minister having a field day laughing at fellow cabinet ministers he should have taken advantage by dealing with the allegations of corruption of monstrous proportions being presented by the opposition by way of providing adequate information.

“This is the sorry excuse we have for a Minister in his “Rent A Crowd ” conversations with Zambians in public. The opposition presents you with allegations of corruption of monstrous proportions, and instead of dealing with it, you qualify it by mocking the government you are serving under. And whilst you may be happy for us to be distracted with your lewd and indecorous talk, instead it was better to keep quite or defend government,” he said.

“What are the rules, directives, practices, understandings, standards and norms governing the circumstances under which a Minister or political appointee should defend his reputation in his official capacity or in his personal capacity and address allegations publicly, such as in Parliament.

“What we seek from the minister or indeed the Chief Govt Spokesperson is not an expression of their personal opinion, but an answer on the norms upheld in their government among Ministers and political appointees, as they relate to the issue of defending their reputation for honest dealing in their official or public capacity. The integrity of our leaders in government, and the consequent trust that our people place in the government, could not have been more emphatically touted by past governments,” he said

He challenged Mr Mulusa to either resign if he were as honorable as he portrayed himself or explain whether he was admitting that he was willfully serving in a corrupt government as insinuated in the video.

“The norms upheld in government among Ministers and political appointees in their official capacity is a fair question for Hon. Lucky Mulusa. The truth of the matter is that Hon. Lucky Mulusa had breached the Oath of moral obligation, why? Because if any of the above were true, the Minister indirectly admits that he is willfully serving in a government that he is saying is corrupt and if he was as honorable as he tries to portray himself he should have resigned.

He asked Mr Mulusa to defend himself and government by suing the publishers of the video if he was falsely accused.

“In conclusion as a quote says, ‘the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Any Minister who is accused of improper conduct must clear his name publicly.

“He should not allow the allegations to fester and affect the reputation of the Government. If it is a serious allegation, we would expect the Minister to take court action against the publishers of the video for defamation, unless there are other special considerations.

“He may also need to render account in Parliament, particularly because the matter concerns his discharge of public duties and is of public interest. These are not mutually exclusive options. In all cases, there must be a public government position on this matter,” he said.

Mr Ndoyi’s comment comes as a timely observation, as Zambians are eagerly waiting on what President Lungu will do as he has been on record asking Mr Lucky Mulusa to step down. Vice President Inonge Wina has as well informed the nation, rising to respond to a point of order in parliament, stating that disciplinary action awaits Mr Mulusa against his conduct, and asked whether that may lead to him being fired she declined to answer.


  1. The first paragraph says Mr. Ndoyi is asking for clarity. The last paragraph says the President has asked Mulusa to step down and the vice president has stated that disciplinary action awaits Mr. Mulusa. So what’s the point of this press statement or write up if the writer already knows what’s happening on this case?

    • Without any grain and/or ingredient of political opportunism is for the nation to wait upon the appointing authority to either fire Mulusa or Simply ignore his the statement like he has done to many of the wrong-doers in government. Recall the gun issue of kaizer Zulu + being thrown in cells? He is still serving as POLITICAL ADVISER TO THE PRESIDENT. Mulusa’s by contrast is nothing by weight and measure. The President must just keep despite the added damage to the Ruling PF Regime. He might just be opening another warhead like Kambwili. UMUSHYA WA MFUMU AFWA NE FYEBO MUKANWA. I pitty ECL, its not nice to be president

    • Hahaha, and the one who bought the wheelbarrows has not been asked to resign. Does it make sense?
      We want to know who has the money before Mulusa is demoted. Mulusa is a man of the people.

  2. “Mr Ndoyi expressed disappointment that instead of the minister having a field day laughing at fellow cabinet ministers he should have taken advantage by dealing with the allegations of corruption of monstrous proportions being presented by the opposition by way of providing adequate information” – NDOYI, Mulusa CANNOT EXPLAIN WHAT HE WAS NOT PART AND PARCEL OF, HOW DO YOU EXPECT HIM TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE INFORMATION WHEN THE KEY PLAYERS IN THE GAME ARE either QUIET or CONTRADICTORY!! THERE CAN BE NO COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY IN THIEVING as that would be TOTAL IRRESPONSIBILITY!! If there is nothing wrong, WHY FAIL TO EXPLAIN, DEMOCRACY DEMANDS ACCOUNTABILITY and WE ARE ALL WAITING FOR THAT EXPLANATION!!

    • Ndoyi has told you about the principle of collective responsibility – if you know how to read try to read and understand what the principle states.

    • @Abilima,,,
      Ndoyi is actually asking a question. He does not know what is included in the ambit of collective responsibility.

      Read again yourself, he was asking for clarification. A person who knows does not do that. They state facts as they are.

      The problem in Zambia with Zambians is that you only want to hear things that are consistent with your misunderstanding. The chap is doing the Bowman Lusambo trick to get a job from Lungu. That’s all.

  3. The view of Mr Mulusa is the view of many ministers though they cannot say openly. Just recall what Vincent Mwale said on this matter and you will leave Mulusa alone. Collective responsibility was lacking as the matter from the way ministers are failing to defend did not pass through a cabinet meeting. Next time the former president is in court, he should be charged jointly with all his former cabinet ministers-thats collective responsibility!

  4. “…..He should not allow the allegations to fester and affect the reputation of the Government. If it is a serious allegation, we would expect the PRESIDENT to take court action against the HIS ACCUSERS of CORRUPTION AND STEALING for defamation, unless there are other special considerations…..”

  5. Why should Mulusa resign for expressing his opinion. In fact he termed a spade a spade and Wheelbarrow as Wheelbarrow. Not Wheelbarrow “Fire Tender” or “Ngolo yaku manja”.

  6. Ndoyi; are you on weed? You should be calling for corrupt ministers etc to resign instead of picking on someone who sees the reality in those over priced toys.

  7. Hon. Mulusa has nothing to apologize for. He neither defamed anybody nor called anyone corrupt. He was merely comparing the type of fire tender at Guam Airport and the ones purchased by our Government.

  8. Mulusa abrogated the principle of collective responsibility – it is not about him expressing his opinion. He is free to express his opinion in cabinet meetings – not outside. That is how government works. Those of you defending his utterances just because he said something that please you are just ignorant citizens (and you are in the majority) who do not understand how government works.

    • There can be no collective responsibility on an issue not discussed at cabinet. Remember the President himself sais he was not aware of this deal.

  9. If a player is letting team down it is natural for other players to ask for his replacement.
    Wachipacila then chachaya dununa, nikuchi chosa.
    Whoever is behind the the fire tender wheelbarrows has let this team down and MUST BE PUNISHED!

  10. Please educate some of these dull Unza graduates. You were told that this issue was never discussed in cabinet, so how does it become collective responsibility

  11. Mulusa was only expressing his opinion as a private citizen which he is entitle to . This is not a resigning matter by any stress of imagination .

  12. @Insala, Mulusa cannot separate his Ministerial position to that of a private citizen. He is a Minister full stop. He was laughing at his colleagues for failing to answer on the fire tenders? Why didnt he provide an answer himself when things were hot? People like Mulusa ni ba Mthila kubili. He wants to appear intelligent in the eyes of the public while chewing na bene Lungu. If he really believes his friends in government are a bunch I.D.I.O.T.S why doesnt he leave those I.D.I.O.T.S to hang themselves and resign in peace? The problem with people like Mulusa is that they have no principles and would rather wait for Lungu to fire him. When he is fired, he will be another Kambwili shouting the loudest. Give us a break, iwe Mulusa wa?

    • That is Mulusa for you for those that know him, he always want to appear kwati ebakwata amano sana, whilst on the side he does the same thing he contradicts. He worked at treasury in Pretoria that was preceded by his firing for a sexual offence from his previous employers. For those that work with this man just be careful.

  13. Mulusa is not part and parcel of this nonsense. Not discussed in cabinet, it is free to jokes kikikikiki. Wheelbarrows. I bet Kampyongo went cry to president edgar ati he called my vigigili Wheelbarrows. kikikikikikikikikikikikiki.

  14. Some people including including Prince Ndoyi are missing the point when it comes to the principle of collective responsibility.(a) The price of fire tenders was not tabled in cabinet. (b) The type of fire tenders to be bought was not discussed in cabinet. (c) The source of fire tenders was not discussed and agreed in cabinet. Therefore, I see no need for a free mind like Mulusa to apologize after having a Field day of laughter. Remember that laughter reduces stress!

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