Tuesday, June 4, 2024

President Mnangagwa arrives in Zambia


Lusaka Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe and Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji confers with President of Zimbabwe Emmarson Munagangwe shortly after his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
Lusaka Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe and Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji confers with President of Zimbabwe Emmarson Munagangwe shortly after his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has arrived in the country for a one-day working visit.

The special aircraft carrying President Mnangagwa touched down at 09:35hrs and later inspected a quarter guard.

President Mnangagwa was welcomed at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA) by Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji.

Mr. Mnangagwa is currently paying courtesy calls on all SADC leaders after taking over power from Robert Mugabe.

President Mnangagwa visited South Africa last month and met with President Jacob Zuma and was recently in Angola to meet that country’s President Joao Lourenco.

Earlier, Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji said Zambia and Zimbabwe have a lot in common and that the two countries are working on further deepening the existing cordial relations between them.

Zambia and Zimbabwe share special bilateral relations and have continued to grow.

President Mnangagwa is expected to lay wreaths at the Presidential Burial site at the Embassy Park.

He is later expected to pay a courtesy call on President Edgar Lungu where the two are expected to have open talks.

President Mnangagwa is expected to leave the country at 16 hours Zambian time.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji welcomes President of Zimbabwe Emmarson Munagangwe shortly after his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji welcomes President of Zimbabwe Emmarson Munagangwe shortly after his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport



  1. Is this the only suit that Malanji has? No wonder they start stealing because they come into politics whilst very very very poor.

    • “….Joseph Malanji said Zambia and Zimbabwe have a lot in common”

      I disagree. Zimbabweans have a work ethic and are hard working, whereas Zambians have perfected the art of work avoidance. Now that the wicked dictator has been kicked out Zimbabwe is poised to launch itself to economic utopia, very fast.

    • Fighting corruption made simple –
      The net is closing for the former police commissioner general Augustine Chihuri as President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Thursday fired several senior Zimbabwe police officers and unleashed the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) on them. Sources at the Police General Headquarters (PGHQ) said Mnangagwa has given marching orders to a number of Chihuri’s lieutenants.
      The sources said the fired top cops were being investigated by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission on several corruption cases.
      Chihuri who was fired by Mnangagwa last year is also being probed for abusing state revenue which he collected from roadblocks.

    • Emerson comes lands at 09.00am and then leaves in the evening..if its our lazy Bum he would have stayed 4 days lottering and drinking with Kz.

    • @Mushota this is a complete waste of space like you! A synopsis of your PhD thesis would have made better reading! Let me get back to “Fire & Fury” another crackpot like Mushota!

  2. Chakolwa will remember unfortunate words he said about before you before you ascended to power. See how myopic some people are! Remember his words that this “thing will have spiral effects”.

  3. Sure talking about the suit which look similar. Rich people dress like that and the honourable has been doing in business and golf.

  4. Ba UPND ama jealous everything is negativity stup1d ***** chaps! Find something useful to do instead of being petty, it will kill you.

  5. This is very disappointing, how can we be talking about what somebody is wearing? This is very very petty, lets talk of something constructive please. He will buy more when he gets paid mwebantu……

    • Malanji has been a businessman for a longtime and can afford to buy suits. Let us discuss something that will develop this country and not just petty Jealousies. Your friends are been resourceful working hard and making money while some of you are always online passing silly comments and you wonder why your lives don’t improve.

  6. What’s wrong with our UPND friends? You mean there’s nothing positive the PF and its government is doing? Your jealousy will kill you one day. Humble yourselves and gracefully accept the hard and painful reality that it is PF in government until 2021. How can anybody in his normal state engage in petty talk about suits? Please give us a break. As a democrat I value criticism but only if such criticism will add value to the governance of our country.

  7. So some foooools see him arrive in Air Zimbabwe…they think thats an example of a successful national airline…really laughable.

  8. Where is ECL. This is not the best thing to send a minister to receive future freind. How do we mend the bridge if we avoid them. The VP should have received Zim presido and not a minister.

  9. 21 gun salute is in order for ZIM President.
    Gun salutes can only be made when received at airport by host President. Edgar is too busy, really?
    This is a man in a hurry for sure. 4 short insulting hours.
    Or is it fear of Cholera? Harare had a cholera attack two years ago that killed thousands.
    Zinopidilana . . . let’s go bro, let’s go.

  10. Another agenda set for upndees, and of they have not even concluded the previous agenda…all unfinished business like their southern koswe..petition, appeal against petition, appeal against appeal against petition…yaba…these 3.5cm long koswes.

  11. Iwe Malanji learn how to walk properly. button up your jacket, you neck-tie is flying allover the president of Zimbabwe. who taught you diplomatic etiquette?!

  12. I bet ECL would have kicked Mnangagwa out of Zambia had he tried to come to Zambia when he fell out with Mugabe. Now he is falling over himself trying to please him. We remember when ECL was condemning the ‘coup’ in Zimbabwe.

  13. I am sure of one thing, he didn’t receive President mnangagwa NAKED, atleast he wore something. PLEASE that PETTY bring out REAL issues.

  14. Hey hey. Why this talk about Ambassador Malanji and his suit! Joe has cash. He has been in business half his life. It’s be productive and talk about real issues affecting the masses.

  15. That Mandevu who features on Prime News to analyse news is another useless chap. When one targets one person, ECL, all the time please know that he has an agenda for the target. News is not on or about Lungu all the days. Suppose those suffering from pogonophobia call him threatening due to his unkept hair and beard, what would be his response? The UPND politics of character assassination have no influence on well meaning Zambians as they well know that NO one is perfect but must do more of good than what is generally considered bad by the masses. Chishimba, Hichilema, are both full of hate for ECL. HATE THE GAME AND NOT THE PLAYER!

  16. Gegative energy is all there is in a number of Zambians. Those with positive energy are doing very very well because they are utilising their positive energy. Having been away from Zambia for three years and reading some blogs one would think that everything has come to a stand still. Alas the negative and doomed blogers have continued to create more negative energy around their spapce so much that all they see and practice is netagtism.

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