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Laura Miti calls on the US to not cut Aid to Zambia but impose travel ban on Diplomatic Passport holders


Laura Miti
Laura Miti

Laura Miti, one of the NGO leaders, has called on the United States Government to impose a travel ban on the holders of a diplomatic Zambian Passport, instead of cutting Aid to Zambia.

In a posting on her facebook page, Ms Miti said that cutting Aid would only hurt innocent poor people and the lawless ones won’t feel an aid ban as they will continue to live the good life.

Below is the full post

Dear America, Please Use a Targeted Missile

Dear America,

We hear you are planning to punish Zambia for its recent act of lawlessness. You were surprised that our government defied a court order

Hehehe, but they do that all the time. We are still waiting for Ministers to pay back money, as ordered by the courts.

Anyhow, I am writing you to forward a request. It is that if you are going to punish Zambia for lawlessness, please don’t touch aid. Don’t touch ARVs.

That will only hurt innocent poor people. The lawless ones won’t feel an aid ban. They will continue to live the good life. I suggest you just institute a travel ban on everyone with a diplomatic passport. Now, that would be squeezing them! You have no idea how they love the airport, these lawless ones.

If you take Washington, New York, and especially the UN annual jamboree – where they go for boat cruises using our money – away from them, I swear they will cry. You can even send all their children back to Zambian Universities – even for just one academic year.

I am sure their Mums and Dads would then throw a few millions to higher education to save their beloved children from catching cholera and brain death. When you are done, ask your cousins in England to do the same. Don’t worry about China. They don’t want to go to Beijing.

They only go there to sell our country. New York, London and Paris is where they come to blow the proceeds of auctioning Zambia. Our fire truck, medicine, toll-gate money – all comes there.

So you can save us lots of money by sending them “back to sender” like they did Biti. Please, please America, punish but don’t punish our poor. Use a targeted missile.

By Laura Miti


    • Alimwi – The project is 90% complete even that the account the US had to threaten them with deadlines as the monies were just sitting in the account as it has very strict tender and procurement systems that discourage proxy firms from competing.

    • Jay Jay: What I meant was that she needed to mention the Lusaka water project as one the Americans should not touch. The strict tendering procedures of course kept the PF’s dirty hands out. As for UN meetings, Laura needs a short lesson in how international law treats those meetings. The US cannot keep even an enemy UN member nation’s officials from attending its meetings. That is why Robert Mugabe and late Gadaffi were still able to attend the meetings and used the occasion to tell off the West even as their countries were under travel bans and sanctions. American law has limited application when it comes to UN meetings.

    • Laura Miti is beautiful, fearless and intelligent. Just because she wears no make-up, no lipstick and no Brazilian human hair she’s being subjected to funny jibes. Laura is a patriots’ patriot.

      What’s up with some Zambians with American Aid? Do you directly benefit from the U.S. hand outs. The Biti thing should not be sending some niggas wild. I would rather we are in good boots with our neighborhs and at the same time encourage the US of A to appreciate our love for Zimbabwe. If they encourage us to be foes with Zim over Biti then they had better keep their handouts. Get over it, the U.S. didn’t say they were actually implementing their threat. If they do, so be it. We are Zambia, we WANT to be peaceful with both U.S and Zimbabwe. That’s our foreign policy.

    • Anonymous – instead of engaging Laura on her mind, you go for her physical appearance. It’s always the case that women wether Dora, Nalumango, Mumbi mention them, you go fir their bodied than their minds. If it was on looks alone, Edgar should not be our president because he resembles a rat. LT you need to do more as a platform to stop hate speech. Mwebantu is now removing hate speech and blocking repeated offenders. You can no longer remain silent – LT is one of those platforms where hate speech is a mainstay. No acceptable

    • Lungu himself only ever visits rogue countries like Swaziland, Uganda and Turkey. I think he knew this day would come.

      But yes Laura has a good point.


    • Well written by Laura! I’m impressed with this letter! Well said how wish the US State Dept would indeed begin banning some of these people who expect to be treated like kings and queens when they themselves are busy treating others baldy. What they did to Biti was an embarrassment and a shame!

    • Great point Laura. Well said. Someone said, ” When you throw a stone into a pack of wild dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit.” Laura just threw a stone. Now let’s listen carefully, be attentive so we can hear and know who got hit.

  1. No cut aid so voters can learn to vote wisely. It’s disgusting seeing how our people don’t take voting seriously, they will chose the most useless candidate and leave out the better one. They think in terms of tribe instead of ability, so the laziest and most incapable keep ruling them and they think they’ll develop like that

    • Better candidate according to you?? In a democracy, it is everyone makes their oen choice. It’s like forcing your maid to vote for the candidate of your choice just because you are more educated than her-THAT’S FASCISM!!! The west subscribed us to democracy, thank God it is working-Zambians choose their leaders, not having leaders imposed on them!!!!

    • This Chile is confused. ..
      When Dongas give one hundred percent vote to HH is that not tribalism? As long as you people focus only getting your person to State House you’ll always be labeled tribalist. Why can’t HH join a neutral party? Mazoka didn’t form Upnd out of tribal sentiments but because Sata had blocked him from standing as ward chairman somewhere in Bauleni. Enter HH +Sejani the party is transformed into an exclusive club. You must be this or that to lead the party. Shame on you.


  3. Travel ban ,asset freeze and personal sanctions against doing business with based US entities both public and private .

    • The other way is simply FBI investigating the riches of these filthy lazy Kaponyas..they did it with FIFA crooks they can do it with simpletons like Lazy Lungu and tins!

    • @4.1 jj
      Pwahahahahaha kujukujukujukuja kikikikikikikukukukuku. Call on who? FBI? Hehehehehe! Sick.
      Just deal with it. Nice try and really laughable. Now I know how sick you are.

    • You laughed when we told you that the govt was borrowing at unsustainable rate …it just takes exposes one transaction of how the Chinks bribe that clown in State House through Ester Foundation. I mean where is he this is the time when he is supposed to show himself and reassure the so called “corporating partner” but as usual he is cowering like a rat in the kitchen ceiling!!

  4. Fulish thinking. Is America not refusing some people enter their country?
    How many refugees from African countries at war are in Zambia?
    Is Zimbabwe at war? Your hate for Lungu has made you stop reasoning.
    I hate to live with Africans that think like this woman. With such warped thinking I doubt if she will succeed in anything in this life. She is always bitter like her party president.

    • Reasoning yapa Chinena iyi. How many Zimbabweans are in SA? Over 3 million running away from the very regime Mnangagwa helped create.. Mnangagwa himself run into RSA just months ago what would have happened if he was sent back to RGM ???? I think Ba Chinena namupusa apa….your reasoning is off

    • You should be more concerned with Africans that think and live like Lungu and the PF …..Katumbi has an arrest warrant on him in DRC over a court judgement that sentenced him to 3 years imprisonment but he was not arrested in ZM …. Biti who is only a suspect was held and sent back to apparently answer to charges against him .. so ba chinena dont be clouded as well for your support for Lungu ….us Africans are responsible for creating the monstrosity of bad leaders we have …. and it starts by small encouraging notes from people like you. I am not saying don’t support Lungu but have your brains open to see at times what is going on and provide your leader with objective feedback that way u will help him and the rest of us

    • @John Chinena
      You’re my hero…..well said…people like Laura are just miserable souls….probably not even a boyfriend to service her just always looking for any opportunity to be in the news

    • Investigate Laura and you will notice she has some loopholes from the aid. Amazing how these UPNDEADs worry so much about and are obsessed with American Aid and celebrate the negativity Zambia at times gets from overzealous international haters.

  5. Yeah, everyone who votes, votes out the useless ones and elects the educated and better ones.

    The British were bad and useless. Fast forward, we voted UNIP. These were useless and so we chose MMD. After several terms in office, MMD became useless, with the Presidents they gave us. And so, we chose ourselves better people and a better Party.

    Is that not the same story in most countries? Do you not see and hear how people are expressing regrets and wish for another Party or person to be President or Prime Minister or Chancellor?

    I will tell you what the real difference is, some countries depend too much on Aid, while others give Aid. That is the only real difference.

    There are many people who live in great democratic countries who now don’t know who to vote for because there…

    • Squeeze the whole lot EVEN the fo.olish voters for using tribe to vote for the usel.ess mother fckers who abuse aid and disrespect laws.

  6. We surely need rule of law in Zambia. It’s sad that nowadays the law only applies to the opposition. Ruling party members are only subjected to the law when they differ with the president. It’s also not being unpatriotic for one to call for cooperating partners to squeeze the wrongdoers and save the ordinary citizens who are the main users of the aid we receive.

  7. The ugly satanist w.e.nch wishing evil for Edgar Lungu and PF because her tribalist freemason cousin has failed to seize power so she can be at state house every evening. Wailasha, mfwiti iwe, your evil shall never work as Jesus Christ is king of Zambia!!!

    • While bena Edgar chew 42 million USD and many other fraudulent activities ???? You are the people that reinforce aethism and people to turn to satanic activities because if the people we have in power are being protected by God while they lead us into the abyss are the chosen ones then it is unfairness of the Greatest kind ….. Lungu and his PF are in these situations were they are being exposed and making the wrong decisions because despite our folly as voters the God we serve is in the process of realigning this country from our mistake … Chagwa. By the way God doesn’t put these leaders NEVER. We put them there and in the cases where some rig they put themselves

    • Kafwile uko, kapoli!! Edgar Lungu is not a mistake but chosrn by Zambians. You are just bitter your chosen western opposition puppets are constantly being rejected all over Africa by their own people. We chose democracy and that is what is happening. The people are speaking and choosing who leads them!!!

  8. This shows how colonized our minds are. You think America is your mother. You have failed to rally demonstrations against government so now you run to a foreign country to punish your country. By the way do you even know the criteria the USA uses to ban travel? Just to educate you 1) Trading with pariah states KPR, 2)Sponsoring terrorism 3) Undermining the state of Israel. Zambia doesn’t fall in these categories. Just get a boyfriend to keep you busy. You don’t know America. …they will prop up oppressive regimes of Kabila, Kagame, Museveni and others but ostracize Mugabe. The Biti case is history.

    • 10.1 spaka
      Why are you childish? Why are you so hateful of the people’s choice? Why do you loathe the Zambian people?

    • I didn’t know you’re dull not understand what I was driving at. Mugabe was bad just like the others I’ve mentioned. The only Mugabe made was to reposses everything the white man had in Zimbabwe. Had Mugabe not disturbed the supreme race but butchered the black man, Zimbabwe would still be a paradise. Idi Amin made the same mistake in Uganda but Museveni who’s a human rights violeter is getting all the aid from the West. Same as Kagame. Kabila has given a free hand to the Americans to mine minerals at will so his mistreatment of the locals is not a real issue. In fact without the locals resilience Kabila was going to stand. Imwe every small is USA this USA that.

    • Ndanji
      You don’t know what you are talking about….let me educate you….your list is good as that toilet paper with lungus face on it…..

      The USA will only sanction countries that are of no strategic geo political value it the USA or isreal …..and if lungu and his advisors don’t know that Zambia is of almost zero political geopolitical value , same as Zimbabwe, they are treading a thin line.

    • I don’t give a darn about wether HH is president or not , the only thing I care about is the integrity of the office of the presidency of the republic of Zambia…my school going relatives in Zambia see the presidents face everyday , some one who does not deny that he is corrupt theif…

  9. That’s what I am talking about…..put economic sanctions on the theives in GRZ …..i will not mention names , they know themselves, and their supporters know who they are.

    Well done Laura miti.
    If it was not for threats by the out side world , HH , CK , SC and many more would still be locked up.

    • Dreamland according to Spaka and Laura: Trump imposes sanctions on Zambia for deporting Biti….Trump gives Lungu ultimatum to vacate state house…. Commonwealth and USA endorse hh as Zambian president….Mnangagwa steps down as president as choppers fly Chamisa to state house…..brrriiiiinnnggg!!! WAKE UP 1.D.I.OT, YOU ARE HAVING A WET DREAM….kwekwekwekwekwekwe…

    • Keep laughing… theives have numbered days.
      The sale of the country to the Chinese is heading to a climax while millions wait for the 1.5 million jobs pa lungu promised….

      Mugabe who was lungus patrone ruled under server sanctions on him and his other theives……he too was winning elections everywhere until he was abandoned…..

    • @12.2
      You can’t compare Mugabe to Lungu. The later has potentially up to 2016 to rule. Just do your homework. Zambia has rejected double h at the ballot.

    • 12.1 I tell you if Zambia had accommodated Biti and Mnangagwa reacted this same Spaka was going to sing praises for “tough ” and pouring scorn on Lungu. To this chap anything will be used to his advantage.

    • I don’t care about biti , or Zimbabwe.
      All I care about is the thugs running Zambia…..we have a so called president who thinks being called a corrupt theif in front of School children is ok…..thsts what I care about.

  10. Yes especially on that ka vasco de lungu who is fascinated by planes. Actually on second thoughts,do not impose it on lungu. We need him fly more to increase chances of succumbing to plane crash. The death of crooked Zambians is only way this country will change

    • I would rather one greedy corrupt rat ,who causes millions of people to suffer and die of hunger, succumbs to plane crash. So would u rather innocent zambians succumb to the effects of pf’s theft?

  11. It’s surprising to note that most of us can’t tel the difference between asylum seeking and just leaving your country for greener pastures.So sad indeed

  12. Zambians and your NGOs you surprise me what you support…………if such a thing happened here in USA i do not think that this guy BITI would have even reached the border to seek for asylum…..get up Zambia and look at yourselves not people threatening you with AID……..

  13. Read about this useless girl and her scandals with these so called NGOs. Zambian like any other Country is a sovereign state. Be realist mwe mbula mano imwe.

    • All the NGOs in Zambia are just there for money. If Laura is for the people let her live among them in Kabanana or some other compound. “And the rich young man asked Jesus what he should do to have eternal life and answered Give all your riches to the poor. On hearing this the young man became sad for he had immense wealth. Then Jesus said in easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a man through a gate ” That’s Laura. Why doesn’t she want the USA to stop sending aid to Zambia ? Simple. Her allowances which are financed by the USA donors could be affected. Shame.

    • Ndanji that’s hypocritical of you saying she should live with the poor , look at the corrupt theif lungu , he found people in chawama using pit latrines and drinking from wells , as MP he left them in a worse state and went to statehouse until today , cholera is even ravaging his people.
      While the corrupt thief lives 8 miles away and books private jets for usless gatherings…..

    • For your information I head a very important organization but I depend on my own resources when carrying out the duties. I don’t rush to the press in order to be heard. I operate quietly and the results are satisfactory. Why didn’t Laura write the USA instead of splashing the rubbish? She wants to remain relevant.

  14. John you ar a powerful thinker… than chi laura miti….

    Fulish thinking. Is America not refusing some people enter their country?
    How many refugees from African countries at war are in Zambia?
    Is Zimbabwe at war? Your hate for Lungu has made you stop reasoning.
    I hate to live with Africans that think like this woman. With such warped thinking I doubt if she will succeed in anything in this life. She is always bitter like her party president.

  15. There’s a common advice that Don’t trust politicians because if war breaks out they will flee the country and leave you behind killing each other. That’s what Biti did. ..a coward who has run away before.

  16. Sharon, please deal with this Lazy Jj for me, and its tribal brothers.
    And this Laura Miti, it should know better about asylum, didn’t its husband Banda run away from Zambia, running away from nothing literally, no one even blinked an eye. She went to RSA to join its husband and after many many years it’s back in Zambia without even a shack in Chibolya that she can call a home. And you think her hair is her choice? No, don’t be deceived, if it can’t afford a shack in Chibolya it cannot afford a visit to the salon either. Listen, I know this brat from the past, total failure in life, don’t be misled consult me, for free absolutely no strings.

    • Look at these two clowns amusing each other, kwati ni bakolwe balesekana ifipato!! Kanshi, hatred for Chagwa ninshi?? Ali ocha abakashi benu mu garage umo mwine…kwekwekwekwekwe…

    • Spaka…we mwana wambwa. I guess you are not even worth the effort as you are as empty as a bottomless pit. Just a bitter, worthless, empty 1.di.o.t hiding in a foreign land where you are a nobody!!

    • You see how you rats draw fire to yourselves …….you insulting Laura that she does not even have a shack in the kombonis forgetting that kambwili told the world lungu was being kept in a garage in chawama ?

    • Now when you are reminded of the garage lungu used to live in , you start insulting our wives ?

      Then you get it for your mother now iam a nobody ?

      Try debates of civility even if people don’t support lungu.

  17. Her kind of logic and rationale is why the West (and now East) thinks Africans can’t and don’t know how to govern themselves. Always asking for and welcoming any intervention, good or bad, even from hypocrites.

    • “….Her kind of logic and rationale is why the West (and now East) thinks Africans can’t and don’t know how to govern themselves…”

      Ofcouse… spent $42 million on firetrucks that should cost $18 million then go back begging for imf bailouts and you think you can govern yourselfs ?

  18. Ms Luara miti why are you single the fact that your mouth is so wide men run away now you want that mouth cholera to affect our nation.
    If you want men shutup and be born again ukuichefya kusuma.
    Say good things about Zambia.
    On USA how many babies were detained and parent s arrested for seeking to enter it ,us less than ten and these we give reasons but them no reason just arrest and detain .we all know NGOs insult govt to show commitment to donors you thought they will not fund NGOs.let them cut on miti s NGO first.

  19. Our HIV program is almost 100% US funded! Therefore Zambia has no sovereignty when it comes to ARVs! If US was to withdraw Aid, the over one million Zambians living with HIV and on ARVs would perish! Ba PF, You must play wise and smart with international politics and diplomacy or else you will be held responsible for the deaths of many! Ubupuba bubi! Don’t behave like ba fyumbu mushololwa!

  20. Africans trying to appease the current US regime really? Little Rwanda has stood up to them, I am beginning to thinks some Africans still suffer from inferiority complexes. We have helped Zimbabwe long enough, let them deal with their own mess.

  21. True patriotism my sister! The selfless Iron lady of our generation and yet some UNZA Dons who we expect to have independent minds are spineless and cowards to the bone. Not standing up to protect our constitution of Zambia for personal favours is as good as selling the country. Though what is happening at leadership levels makes one wonder how many versions of the Zambian constitutions are in circulation. This is Zambia.

  22. It is now clear that UPND-LAWYER-VULTURES were hoping to make money on Tendai BIti’s episode at Chirundu. The USA Ambassador is aware of immigration formalities executed at Chirundu ONE-STOP BORDER POST. (1) Tendai and other travellers from Zimbabwe were expected to cross the Zambezi to get all immigration process conducted on Zambian side. (2) Travellers are first cleared by Zimbabwe’s Immigration and later (3) attended to by Zambian Immigration Office. WHY DID TENDAI IGNORE the Zimbabwean Office.
    (A) Zimbabweans must resolve their political issues and GIVE SOUTH AFRICA A BREAK to offer jobs to its peoples. (B) Zimbabweans must solve their own problems and GIVE ZAMBIA A BREAK to develop the country -especially after having many Zambian lives during the Ian Smith era.

  23. It is now clear that UPND-LAWYER-VULTURES were hoping to make money on Tendai BIti’s episode at Chirundu. The USA Ambassador is aware of immigration formalities executed at Chirundu ONE-STOP BORDER POST. (1) Tendai and other travellers from Zimbabwe were expected to cross the Zambezi to get all immigration process conducted on Zambian side. (2) Travellers are first cleared by Zimbabwe’s Immigration and later (3) attended to by Zambian Immigration Office. WHY DID TENDAI IGNORE the Zimbabwean Office. USA Ambassadors in Lusaka and Harare know these procedures.
    (A) Zimbabweans must resolve their political issues and GIVE SOUTH AFRICA A BREAK to offer jobs to its peoples. (B) Zimbabweans must also solve their own problems and GIVE ZAMBIA A BREAK to develop the country -especially after having…

  24. Tendai Biti and Chamisa MUST accept democratic processes. The MDC is merely fishing for a slot in the Government of National Unity through the back door. This is the project that has been drilled by the Brunthurst Foundation into the minds of HH in Zambia, Odinga in Kenya and now Chamisa in Zimbabwe.
    (A) Zimbabweans must resolve their political issues and GIVE SOUTH AFRICA A BREAK to offer jobs to its peoples. (B) Zimbabweans must also solve their own problems and GIVE ZAMBIA A BREAK to develop the country -especially after having lost many Zambian lives during the Ian Smith era. I hate Obasanjo.

  25. Spaka lilo, bushe naimwe muli baku asuka mukwai? Total waste of time, I will leave you in the hands of Lazy Jay j..

    • Just because I don’t support a corrupt theiving GRZ, with zero integrity and morals , starting from lungu , is no reason for you to be like that….

  26. Who told you that Laura Miti was unnarried? She is or was married to a Banda formerly a UNZASU leader, who went into self imposed exile to RSA and never made it in life, now probably a resident of Alexandra shanty slums, or even a farm hand!!

    By the way, does this Laura realise that in upnd she is just a detestable despucabke Nsenga, you heard Katuka and before that h.h himself many times.

    • One thing you PF rats don’t realise is your insults and attacks on anyone who does not support a corrupt theiving GRZ only draws more fire to your corrupt theif….and there is plenty amo for this bungling corrupt GRZ

  27. All we ask of president lungu is to show some public fight against corruption….and concentrate on ” made in Zambia.”

    We urge you Mr lungu to seriously consider opening mulungushi textiles and compel all GRZ organs to order and buy uniforms from mulungushi textiles…the employment potential with cotton out growers and dye manufacture is enormous…….this is from patriotic Zambians who want to see you sucssed.

    I sign off…..
    Spaka, the most influential blogger.

  28. Ba Laura
    Its my very first time ever… engage on a forum such as this one.

    Your letter clearly expresses your deep love for Zambia.

    “cry our beloved country.”

    Let me know if i can personally deliver your letter to President Trump.

    You have our support

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