Sunday, June 16, 2024

Esther Phiri Vs Terri Blair Fight (VIDEO)


This is Esther Phiri’s Saturday fight in which she fought to a draw with American fighter Terri Blair in a Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA) light welterweight title fight at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka. The clips are not of high quality because of bandwidth issues in Zambia.

Rounnd 1 and 2

Rounnd 3 and 4

Rounnd 5 and 6

Rounnd 7 and 8

Rounnd 9 and 10


  1. Boxing is not a sport. It is barbaric to engage two people in a ring and watch them brutalize each other. What is so sporty about blood and brain damage? Do a body count on dead boxers from injuries attained in these fights.

  2. #1 just say you don’t like boxing. Your reasoning is flawed. Do a body count of people that have died in cars and planes and lets see if you will outlaw modern transportation

  3. Great to see the flaw in these boxers and

    for #1 While you have a great deal of what many of us might call ‘balanced’ description of the sport of Boxing, May i ask why LT Do you persist to tolerate such crass, argumentative comments from such belligerent characters? While debate is healthy, I wonder if it is done deliberately to raise our combined hackles! By the way, in case you’re wondering why I used the plural ‘characters’ please include Other talentess posters’ Head grabbers – all frustrated personal lives perhaps?

  4. I would like to chllenge boxing fns here to tell me who won,upto round 8 i think Esther was the more accurate puncher,nd long the fight for those that do not follow boxing she devised a plan of boxing not brawling.Terri was brwaling but not acurate and tah is what she wanted to draw Esther in,i think Esther was to clever for her. Miguel Cotto did this when it was to late,he had been battered and did not make sense.If you are a boxing fan you will know what am talking about.Esther desreved a win.

  5. #2 Cars and Planes when they clash this is an accident and an accident is defined as,”UN DESIRED EVENT THAT RESULTS IN INJURIES OR DEATH AND CAUSES DAMAGE TO PROPERTIES”.Now,may be you are right according to your opinion “BOXING IS A DESIRED EVENT THAT CAN RESULT IN BRUTALISING each other,BRAIN DAMAGING,BLOOD,AND SOME TIMES DEATH”.Here is the only place u can find people who are above the law.even if they kill or assault no penaulty.

  6. Imwe what about car racing, thats also causes damages to property and human bodies, even death. So are we supposed to stop such sports too. Lots of people have died from Super bike racing and formula one car racing. Lets not just condemn because we don’t like something peace!

  7. I was not putting a fullstop to the sport in a ring.Read the statement again,if you can and get me correctly.It is like saying “SMOKING IS BAD”here nobody tells anyone to stop smoking but anyone who finds him/herself guilty of smiking or convinces him/herself that smoking is bad will stop,how can you stop something that you don’t see any evil in it?No no no no Kaponyas continue fighting infact you are good at it.We shall continue watching your fights. In boxing there is an intention to hit your oponent and win but in car races there is no intention to harm anyone but just to win and nobody trains to come and cause an accident in a race.I rest my case.

  8. People please! I am just wondering why everyone is not discussing the fight between the two opponents. The topic is not about Boxing as a sport! If you don’t like the sport, kindly leave and post your comments elsewhere!

  9. Getting back to the subject, Terri lookes more like a male than female. I mean like a transgender. Can the authorities please look into that just as they did to Caster Semenya? Zedians seem too complacent.

  10. I think Ester lost this fight. I now see what people mean when they say she has no skill, but just determination. She was more like in survival mode in most of the rounds. The American really looked aggressive through out. I don’t think Esther would want a re-match with this girl after having had such a touch day at the office

  11. PF cardre I hope you are not insinuating the little blonde girl was better. Funnyhow a lot of brothers go googoo over vanilla. Been in the diaspora a while and I can tell you nothing is better than our jewels of the Nile in general. Queens of sheeba. Great match with Esther’s heart and a proper trainer she can land on Pluto. Just keep her from black boxers. May God bless you all and our beautiful Esther.

  12. Ester is strong but has no skill! she is like kimbo, a skilled boxer can easily dismantle her, quiet easily.additionally she has some emotional issues she needs to address as well. for her to succed in boxing financially, she has to live zambia and make real money otherwise she will end up a beggar like lotti, chisanda and the other departed before her!

  13. Esther is strong and needs to train in the USA or UK. Just for a change of training ground and new style of doing things. Mind you, She is the only best women Boxers Zambia has ever had and Africa as a whole. Let’s encourage our boxer. After all she is the only Boxer with most of the belts in Africa and possibly in the world

  14. ba lt good one can u please work with znbc even further and start putting up a weekly round up of the news “events of the week” program, on line. now that what really help us out here.

  15. Good people, stop arguing each other! This is a game where people freely and willingingly go to join and fight. Its business and a living, either support it or leave it. Nice fight and a draw was well deserved as no fighter outplayed the other!

  16. #17 That’s the way to go. It was a well deserved draw!! Esther is a great fighter! She put in a spirited fight. Go go girl!

  17. Like some one in todays post says
    ” When Terri Blair was asked if she was happy with the draw, she said she was not OK with the draw though she accepted the result. On the other hand Ester was very happy with it.”

    Like the bible story; Solomon was king and two women were fighting over a baby and Solomon ordered the baby be killed to end the dispute.

    Ester is fine that the baby be killed but Terri says save the baby even if the other woman keeps it.

  18. # 19 Esther by saying she was fine with a draw simply meant she enjoyed the fight!!! Esther is a strong boxer believe it or not it was a draw!!! Good strong fighters enjoy it when faced with challenges. It was a good game and lessons were learnt…..

  19. Esther nids to improve on her stamina,with a better coach and training facility she can achieve a lot. This country is shot of heroes lets encourage the few we have.

  20. @ #11 what do u know about jewels of the nile??
    if u met one , you would run like ma#$%^&&(
    they aint bantu, these r nilotics that r not close to anything in ur imagination.
    why is that whenever we blacks fail to d something then we have to bring in the racial card??
    just call a spade a spade ,esther lacks in skill and finesse as a boxer!

  21. esther my sister do not mind the negative comments.most people do not understand the
    counting rules in boxing. you put up a good fight, keep it up.just train hard for the next bouts
    work on your footsteps to dance away from an aggressor like that the gym also work on
    your shoulder and arm power.lastly never allow a fighter to be holding you,that inhibits you,
    and is a ploy to apply dirty tactics like that head butt that made that cut on your face,and punch



  23. #24 Your writing equally carries one or two mistakes…this is a borrowed language, if you can even try to say or write anything, you are better off…the commentors would have done well in Nyanja or Bembe…my humble opinion, they did well communicating in a foreign language…

  24. Always people will never stop to amaze me….for really what is the morals in putting people to fight each other…if this is not sin what do we call it? People who are above the law is not those who fighter but those who make them fight. This reminder me of Vicks …in dog fighting he was found quit y  , why?  when there are more vicious sports there that are supported …money hungry cons.

  25. Hey! I simply wish to give an enormous thumbs up for the nice
    info you may have here on this post. I shall be coming again to your blog for more soon.

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