Saturday, June 1, 2024

DEC arrests Sesheke Priest for cannabis cultivation


The Drug Enforcement Commission has arrested a priest of New Apostolic Church in Sesheke district for drug cultivation.

DEC Public Relations Officer John Nyawali said in a press statement made available to ZANIS today that William Siomboka was arrested for cultivating in 2.1 tones of cannabis.

He said the Priest of Siomboka congregation in chief Imalenda’s area had cultivated the substance only 150 meters away from the church premises.

Mr Nyawali said the clergy was arrested on Christmas day together with six other females from the same area who had cultivated a total of 7.1 tones of cannabis.

Mr. Nyawali however disclosed that Preliminary investigations indicate that the group was contracted to cultivate the cannabis which was earmarked for export to some neighboring countries.

Meanwhile Mr Nyawali has said that the Commission is saddened with the increasing number of custodians of good morals getting involved in illicit drug trade and has urged such people to uphold ethics and morals for the benefit of the nation.

He said to this effect the commission has put in place deliberate measures to ensure that cannabis fields are identified at an early stage and destroyed before they reach their intended markets.

Mr Nyawali has also disclosed that about 700 kilograms of cannabis was seized on Christmas day and 17 people have since been arrested for trafficking in the psychotropic substance.



  1. Herb near the Church premises…reminds me of someone who told me that it was found on the grave of King Solomon. On a serious note. we need to change our attitude towards this very good plant. In short, lets find ways to use it instead of fighting against it’s users.

  2. Yaba akaliban’ge! Naibukisha na ku Chishimba National Youth service camp. I guess ba tata ba Dr. Kashiwa Bulaya balelanguluka fye kuchifungo bali. Legalize.

  3. Nine Chale I knew I would find you on this post. The chemical and medicinal properties of this plant are numerous, but in the hands of Africans this would do more damage than good. We are not like the kings and queens of old; albekulan (Africa as named by Europeans) then were pragmatically morally and intellectually wise. This story has made my day the ever more brighter. Reason, it shows that even the clergy are sinners and like the rest of us need repentance; for we are all sinners thy fell
    short of the glory of God. As for Solomon he definitely needed that herb 700 wives and 300 concubines that’s too many women for a single man, read proverbs and see his dilema.

  4. why did they arrest him? Thats a holy wid known worldwide maybe the man could have brought development in Sesheke heheheheheheheheheheh Ibange bane libi. am sure he was shouting Litumez all the way


  6. This not so wise priest has only broken the law of the land. Nothing to do with God or his threats of punishment….. After all,was it not God who caused this most versatile of plants to be available to mankind?….It was man who decided to get high on it and it is man who has criminalised it’s cultivation and use as a recreational drug…. No sinning going on here.
    Looking at the tonnage involved , the priest might be trying to earn some much needed cash , unfortunately the way he’s going about it makes him a drug dealer in the eyes of the law.
    Or perhaps it could be for church use.. 🙂 to help with meditation maybe?…You never know these days..!

  7. Genesis chapter 1:29- And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

    Genesis 9:3- Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

    Psalms 18:8 (a description of the Most High himself)- There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.

  8. #15 my answer is in a simple sentence we worship the creator not the creation ….God is so holy and pure every creature and plant on earth and heaven bows down. Only God is the most high.

  9. Are these figures collect cultivating 7 tonnes of Cannabis how did you arrive and that figure ba DEC , ? because even cultivating 1 tonne of tobacco of not that easy for an average Zambian farmer. Anyway this is very serious case and that man of ‘Gold’ should be put behind bars like Sydney Chileshe the ZEGA drug lord or maybe is freed..In Zambia You might be thinking these criminals are in jail, not knowing they are fee ,money can buy anything even freedom…..

  10. #17, DEC weighs whatever they confiscate. Of course due to moisture loss, by the time this christian is a convicted the dagga will weigh even 50kgs. DEC picks even the stalks of the plans including the soil

    **It is believed that this Dagaa was for distribution to fellow church members in the region. That y other members (4) of the church died due to high speed and tiredness from bed enjoyment issues

  11. # 20..Ka’doyo

    English made in south africa will “trouble” us…please choose your words carefully, just because you are in jo’burgs does’nt change anything unless you are congoless with a stolen zambian passport, zambians are wise and humble people

  12. #21 WTF I am not in Jozi and definately dont need a Zambian passport (wether Congolese, South African or Zambian) to access LT

  13. Just legalize it already. Not only is weed better for you than alcohol, but non-THC carrying industrial hemp is one of the world’s great commodities. You can make clothes out of it, biodegradable contanainers, make a higher quality paper without cutting down forrests, and the seeds can be eaten.

    Back in 1941, Henry Ford made a car body out of it that was stronger than steel and much lighter.

  14. Some times it makes me sick when ever I read some of the simple minded comments of the blog. What we need to know is that terminologies differ with denotations and connotation. The law and how it is applied is limited to the issue at hand and what one wants to achieve. This man was trying to make money and the bad person is the one who misuses the drug. Do you know that some of these drugs you discard are mostly used in Hospital theaters after being processed? Does it mean the one who grown them somewhere was against the law. How you look at the ethics of Utilitarianism? Is it the end that justifies the means or the means that justifies the end? What was the Priest trying to do with this staff? We are told he was promised a market by someone. The priest had good go but bad means so read…

  15. Take this chap to China to be tried. He will get a more realistic sentencing there. Chinese might be bad in other ways but they are very good at stopping law breakers.

  16. But why Ganja?Tobbaco is very harmful to our health,but we have let companies producing it off-loading & selling it on the market.Why do we have to everytime follow what a white-man tell us to do?Lets, for the first time do a thing of our own… AFRICANS.Hes’not sinned at all.May de most HIGH JAH KING OF KINGS VINDICATE HIM.

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