Saturday, September 21, 2024

YALI calls on the Minister of Justice NOT to withdraw the Constitutional Amendment Bill


YALI President Andrew Ntewewe
YALI President Andrew Ntewewe

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) has called on the Minister of Justice to ignore calls by those crying wolf-wolf to withdraw the Constitutional Amendment Bill.

YALI President Andrew Nthewewe has told Journalists in Lusaka that if anything, the Minister of Justice Hon. Given Lubinda should table this Bill in Parliament this week, if anything by tomorrow, since the 30 days have elapsed from time Bill was published.

Mr. Nthewewe said stakeholders should allow the Bill to go through all the processes, including the Committee stage after the Second Reading when amendments can be introduced.

“We also challenge on our colleagues to make formal complaints of the alleged corruption to investigative wings now that their right to assemble and public make allegations was granted. Our fear is that if they don’t make these formal complaints, it may be difficult to get cooperation of the police to allow them hold such public gatherings in future,” he said.

“Last week, we saw Government deferring the process to enact the Electoral Process Amendment Bill and Public Order Bill from Parliament. This deferment has been misreported by some sections of the media that Government has withdrawn the Bills. Our records show that this is incorrect as the Bills are still before Parliament but have been deferred to allow Government table the Constitution Amendment Bill first. This means that the works already done on these two Bills remains valid up till the time the Bills had been considered by the parliamentary committees.”

He added that Zambians may recall that each and every citizen was accorded an opportunity to participate at the National Dialogue Forum, which was a consultative forum aimed at coming up with the people-led Bills for consideration by Parliament.

“Sadly some of our colleagues who are today crying wolf! Wolf! And protesting decided to abscond this noble and democratic process. However, the train has already started moving but we encourage them to make their voices heard through submissions to various Parliamentary Committees on all the three bills, including their demands for the Bills to be withdrawn,” he wondered.

The YALI President stated that his organization saw no reason why people should run to protestation when the doors for engagement and lobbying the Members of Parliament are still open.

He said his understanding of the protests is that they come only when all means of engagement and other civil ways have been exhausted.

He guided that currently, the Constitution Amendment Bill is not even before Parliament and so the protestations are not only misplaced but also premature, unfounded and baseless.


    • How do such crackheads and con artists end up influencing and determining the direction this country takes the media builds them to a level everyone starts believing that they hold such high level of knowledge and heart for this country above all others ….yet their interest is really just to line their pockets. Even fraudulently got the name YALI before it was registered in Zambia to get international credence ….. Ntewewe and your gang …in so far as National interests are involved ?? YOU ARE LOW LIFEs !

    • I have been telling these guys Andrew and Isaac to get jobs in ministry of general education as Primary School Teachers, with their talent of mobilizing youths by this time they could have been headmasters.
      Leave those NGOs to women married in Lusaka. Go teach children in swamps in Luapula, and enjoy like.

    • Yes ba minister ignore calls by those crying wolf-wolf.
      And Just listen to those crying wolf

  1. Yali again the cheque has cleared from paymasters …next it will be an article by that Mwanza chap, the one who supporting NDF

  2. Questionable character with the propensity to think in a reverse mode.
    Which demographic does this quack and his cohorts represent definitely not the 95%
    Unemployed youth.
    Who funds these dubious NGO,s.
    Ntwenu ntwenu is always offside on issues.

  3. Well said YALI. We have people in this country like the UPNDs who have wanted by all means to bring Armageddon but alas the God of Isaac has been lifting this nation. They said NO to National Dialogue Forum and today they bring dirt boys like Pilato to protest, shame.

  4. Indeed always on the wrong side of decency. Just where do such creatures hell from?????
    Just after his cheque has been cashed and he wants to yap yap.

  5. Guys my white beautiful blonde Swiss wife Elisa asked me earlier why some Zambians dip their bread in their cup of tea. I have no answer please help me

  6. The vote should be held under secret ballot to avoid political party manipulation of the people’s representation by all members of Parliament irrespective of party.

  7. It’s difficult to understanding this administration when it comes
    to simplified a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. Something’s should not be political.

    Why mentioning the police when people are having difficulty Understanding the reason why you’re doing something.

    “Our fear is that if they don’t make these formal complaints, it may be difficult to get cooperation of the police to allow them hold such public gatherings in future,” he said.

  8. Use wisdom when thinking Ntewewe! Money at your age will make you go berserk.Please get mature your time is to come.

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