Saturday, September 21, 2024

First Lady challenges Corporate Zambia over country’s education


Mrs Thandiwe Banda

First Lady Thandiwe Banda has called on corporate organisations in Zambia to rise to the challenge and contribute generously to efforts aimed at improving education standards in the country. Mrs. Banda noted that Government alone could not provide adequate resources within a short period of time hence the need for concerted efforts from all stakeholders.

She said quality education could be achieved, if stakeholders and parents give their children an opportunity to obtain education in a good learning environment.

Mrs. Banda said the burden of improving infrastructure in the education sector could be easy, if all parents and the corporate bodies contribute generously towards the rehabilitation of the dilapidated infrastructure at learning institutions.

The First Lady said this at the fundraising dinner dance for Lwitikila Girls’ High School held at Savoy Hotel in Ndola Thursday night. She donated K2 million cash and another K2 million from the ministers’ spouses towards improving run down infrastructure at the school.

Others who contributed are the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) northern region, which donated K1.5 million, Z-Mart and Mbala District Council K1 million each, Mopani Copper Mines gave K2 million, Copperbelt Provincial administration K1 million while Zambezi Portland Cement donated 600 bags of cement worth K32 million.

The rest are Northern Province administration which gave 50 bags of cement. Over K300 million was raised during the dinner dance out of the targeted K500 million for rehabilitating Lwitikila Girls’ School, which is 48 years old. Mrs. Banda paid tribute to Lwitikila Girls’ School Management for recording a 100 per cent pass rate at grade twelve level in the 2009 examinations.

She said the school has continued to provide high quality education to Zambian girls. She further thanked those that donated cash and pledged to support the school. And speaking at the same function, School head teacher, Sylvia Kagurula said it was not the desire of the school to allow the infrastructure at the institution to run down to the level where it was now.

Sr. Kagurula commended stakeholders that donated towards rehabilitating her school saying the gesture was good for improving the learning environment for the girl child.

She assured the First Lady and other stakeholders that the donated funds would be used to improve education standards at the institution. And Northern Province Minister John Chinyata said the province was proud of Lwitikila Girls’ school because of its good record of educating girl children in the region and the whole country.

Mr. Chinyata acknowledged the challenges the school was facing and reiterated the provincial administration’s resolve to assist the school with education materials. He said the administration had demonstrated this by donating 80 computers to the school and provided furniture and rehabilitated electrical pots for the school.

He said the provincial administration would continue to work closely with the school’s PTA in improving the learning standards at the institution.

Lwitikila Girls’ High School is run by the Catholic Church through the Mpika Diocese in partnership with Government.



  1. It’s amazing how such a beautiful YOUNG lady got married to that RB!!!! Madam Thandiwe, were you forced into this marriage?
    Please sell the idea of improving the education sector to the OLD man. Am sure he has plenty of cash belonging to the pipo stashed away somewhere.

  2. The government has wasted funds for 18 years and now they ask commercial operators to educate Zambians for them.
    Education is the responsibility of the government.
    Why have a an Education ministry if this is the case.

  3. You and your old man get out b*i*t*c*h.

    I don’t trust women who sleep with men old enough to be their grandfathers! There is something abominable about that.

  4. Madam, please this is amazing and has proved that your husband is a f***************************l.Just the other day he was insulting the same coparating partnerw you what help from.:-w:-w.some time i just cant immagine how allogance this man is if he cant even get your advise8->8->8->.Please may the Lod help him and forgive him^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^ Amen

  5. My dear Thandi, just ask big day to cut back on his trips. We’ll enough money to raise the standards, trust me.

  6. Madam Thandiwe corporate entities do their part by paying taxes to the government. It is the duty of government to use that money to improve the education sector. If the money aint enough tell RB to slap windfall tax on the mines I am sure he will collect enough from there.

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