Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Government is committed to turning Southern Province into bread basket-Richard Musukwa


Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Richard Musukwa says President Edgar Lungu is committed to transforming Sinazongwe District and the rest of Southern Province into the bread basket of the country.

Mr Musukwa says the President is working hard to transform not only the mining sector in Sinazongwe but other sectors that include agriculture and livestock.

He said Southern Province is being prioritised by the head of state on his Government’s development agenda.

He stated that President Lungu is keen to improve the livelihoods of people in the region hence the continued provision of various empowerment programmes for women and youths.

The Minister said government is also aware that Southern Province has a number of pastoral farmers hence its commitment to enhancing access to water for livestock through dam construction and rehabilitation.

The Minister who was in Sinazongwe District to commission the US$2 million state of the art surface miner equipment at Maaamba Collieries limited has since tasked the district administration in Sinazongwe to ensure that President Lungu’s development agenda for the district and Southern Province at large is achieved.

Mr Musukwa also commended Maamba Collieries for investing in equipment which not only enhance safety for the workers but also increase productivity.

Meanwhile Sinazongwe District Commissioner Sheena Muleya informed the minister that the Presidential Empowerment for youth and women in the district was progressing well.


  1. We humbly advise our friends in the south that such initiatives will only work if they do not fall in the trap of upnd which forces them to refuse development because it is from a pf government. Remember that those upnd officials are rich and will not be starving while you remain starved all for the sake of their tribal elitist agenda. We hope to work with you all.

  2. Southern Province had already been operating as a breadbasket province before it was turned into a basket case by the PF government just because the people did vote for the PF. It is a shame really that we should be practising punitive politics in our country. The kind of development being suggested now has come at least 10 years late which is really a long time ion infrastructure development. The government has a general in not full data on what each province contributes to the national coffers and its only fair that that is reciprocated by government input to better the lives of hardworking citizens!

  3. It has always been the bread, energy and tourism baskets of Zambia. Mr. southern Province produces 90 percent of Zambia’s energy; 70 percent of Zambia’s beef, maize, tobacco etc and 80 percent of tourism.

  4. The Southern province had for a long time depended on rain fed agriculture but climate change and the weather patterns have affected the province so much. The province must seriously consider rain harvesting technics and Govt on its part must support those initiatives. We need something program for irrigation in Southern province just like we have FISP. That’ll address most of the challenges that people are facing in this area

  5. Waste of resources, Let Zambia concentrate on North Western, Luapula, Northern and Muchinga provinces. The 4 provinces rarely experience severe droughts.

  6. Forget about Southern Province and you are just wasting time and resources. That place is already a desert. Let them wait wait forever for akainde to come and redeem the lost vegetation and rainfall pattern. Turn to Northwestern Province which has a steady rainfall pattern and rich soils.

  7. You allow all sorts of insults towards the President from those retard kapyangas in diaspora yet you don’t display my posts. mwanya bafyatile. FB and other decent platforms are there.

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