Saturday, September 21, 2024

Home Affairs Minister and Muchinga Province Minister Test Positive for Covid-19


Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone has tested positive to COVID 19.

Mr. Kampyongo was subjected to a test whilst on a tour of duty in Shiwangandu and has been put in isolation at Chinsali General Hospital where he is receiving treatment.

Home Affairs Public Relations Officer Nephas Chifuta has confirmed this in a statement to ZNBC news.

Mr. Chifuta said the ministry has since wished its Minister a quick recovery and God’s strength to his family during this hard time.

And Mr. Sichone who confirmed the development to ZANIS in Chinsali said he took a rapid COVID -19 test on Thursday at Chilonga mission hospital in Mpika.

He has since been quarantined at his home in Mpika and described his condition as stable .

Mr. Sichone who is also Isoka Member of Parliament, has advised people to always adhere to the health protocols put in place by the Ministry of health aimed at halting the further spread of the pandemic .

Mr. Sichone says the COVID -19 cases are on the rise again in Muchinga especially in Mpika and Nakonde districts.

He has since directed people of Muchinga to avoid public events such as weddings, kitchen parties, funerals, and church gatherings, among others.

And Muchinga Provincial Health Director Nero Chilembo has appealed to people in the province to take precaution measures to avoid contracting the deadly disease.


  1. The virus is very real. I humbly ask our people to simply follow the rules. Last thing we want to do is to whlp people. It’s your life we are trying to save. For me I will soon join my brother lusambo on his covid patrols. I need to warn you that me I don’t use whlps, I just use dirty slaps

  2. A Corrupt minister who mocks Zambians poverty by a web of deceit makes Peter Sinkamba corruptly pay for his illegal stay in office bill with corrupt pay back money from his grand corruption schemes. Stephen Kampyongo too, caused the death of 2 innocent Zambians when police used extrajudicial killings on un armed peaceful Zambians,

  3. @ Kaizar Zulu, @ Patriotic Zambia is confirmation of your status, sacked by ECL, why has PF ostracized Munir Zulu – he paid ECL K185,000

  4. Covid do the right thing and rid us of this piece of $%^& since his boss is too weak to sort of his ministers…on second thoughts let former Katondo St Currency Dealer live as he has charges to answer like 42X42 fire trucks. Political violence in by elections, murder of innocent citizens last month

  5. Meanwhile daft La7y Lungu was all over CB helping in spreading the disease in packed halls and stadiums when his ministers are raiding places of entertainment in Lusaka …what a dysfunctional govt.

  6. Tarinos obsession with our president is worrying. These are the people they term as stalkers. Obsessed stalking.

  7. Stephen boyi, don’t go in comma. It is sad that people are rejoicing that you are so seriously sick.
    Stay awake, like Lusambo stood up all 12 nights in hospital.
    Sinkamba must also go for tests, you shared that mango fruit that day.

  8. If really coronavirus kills let it manifest by getting rid of this pathetic home affairs minister formally katondo affairs minister.Go back to Lusaka your boss wants to fix you for the embarrassment you have caused him.

  9. I wish all of them them well because i know Covid is a serious ailment . Even Lungu who has badly messed up the economy should be free from Covid 19.

  10. After recently ordering ZPS to shoot and kill Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda is Kampyongo really infected with Covid-19? Kampyongo and Kanganja should be held accountable for inhuman killings. The ZPS Command should resign for this violation of Human Rights. Kampyongo and Kanganja should be dismissed for these killings and gassing.

  11. This is not news to me anymore. Especially since a 103 year old woman was tested positive and recovered within a few days without even having a fever or any major symptoms. What does’nt kill you only makes you stronger.

  12. Covid please help and kill this fcuker, hope he mate his stup1d boss before he just before he tested maybe covid can do us a favor

  13. He was busy campaigning in his constituency with huge gatherings, disregarding their call of observing health guidelines. Anyway, those are the rewards of being hypocrites.

  14. Apatebeta Lesa tapafuka chushi.

    On this one, we will let the good Lord almighty welcome his son Kampyongo. He can also welcome Kampyongo’s friends too.

  15. It’s very sad for our nation to reach this low wishing the home affairs minister ill, the PF must do some introspection what is it that Kampyongo has done to elicit such hatred? They’ve been other people who have held that office before,where they hated if so to this extent?

  16. Jesus Christ is on the Throne and it is well with you our dearly beloved brother and leader Hon. Stephen Kampyongo. Wish you quick recovery in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

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