Saturday, June 1, 2024

BETA TEST: LIVE Video Streaming of a Constitution Stakeholders Meeting from Chingola


This is a LIVE video streaming of a constitution stakeholders meeting being held by the Civil Society Constitution Coalition (CSCC) in Chingola.

The Civil Society Constitution Coalition (CSCC) is a group of like-minded Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) who have initiated a process to provide a coordinated and meaningful participation of civil society on issues related to the National Constitution Making process. It aims to promote a deeper understanding of Constitutional reform issues, reach a broader consensus regarding proposals for amendments or revisions and jointly undertake some advocacy activities and mobilization of citizen’s participants around the Constitution-making process. The group consists of local CSOs working on various issues ranging from human rights, poverty, governance, health among others.

The coalition is holding a district strategic meeting (in Chingola) to discuss the Draft Constitution and Guidelines for the formal consultation to be conducted by the Technical committee in all the districts in Zambia. This is one among many district meetings held in various provinces around the country.

According to the program released by the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), who are coordinating CSCC activities, the meeting is covering Proportional Representation (PR), The Bill of Rights, further rights for women and technical committee guidelines for conventions.

Lusakatimes is supporting this initiative by streaming this as a Beta Test and if successful this could be extended to streaming other live events happening in Zambia


  1. As usual there are always losers and petty people like number 1.

    I think this is interesting and I hope you guys don’t switch off the camera as the speaker is suggesting. I think as Zambians we need to learn to speak freely, over 47 years after independence we are still behaving like we are scared of colonial masters and we have to hold dark corner meetings

    Let freedom reign and let the people speak freely and please don’t switch off the camera , we want to see the emotions too.

  2. #3 Bwalya.
    You didn’t see the dude i was refering to you joined in late. As they say ”healthy body, healthy mind”.

  3. Advice to a very good idea & effort:
    1) Locate camera in same direction as light is coming from
    2) Adjust focus as a long poorly focused video tends to very taxing in trying to concentrate!

    Keep it up, we look forward to when we can participate via links such as “Skype.”

  4. Thanks to LT for your support in BETA testing the Youtube Live streaming powered by Google hangout on air. This is a new initiative by Net Innovation, a Google apps solution provider in Zambia. Unfortunately we lost internet connection on all networks at 30 mins. The full recorded discussion video will be available ASAP on thepeoplesindaba Youtube channel. Thanks to all who appreciate the idea and efforts in bringiing innovation in Zambia. We are just getting started.
    rgds Jerry Sakala Managing Partner,Net Innovation

  5. i lost my primary set of two following journeying for 25 some thing hrs and was very bummed. so i have a new set of two, it isn’t as high in volume because other eye glasses i have on.

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