Sunday, June 16, 2024

Zambia among 7 countries with high alert status for American Embassies


American Embassies around the world have been put on high alert with particular focus to Zambia, Armenia, Burundi, Kuwait, Sudan and Tunisia.This follows the 5 hour attack on Tuesday night on the American Embassy in Libya which lead to the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and four others.

The attack is may have been sparked by a US film satirizing the Prophet Muhammad. Protests over the film are widening.

In response to the attack, the United States is “deploying elite Marine counterterrorism teams to Libya,” Foreign Policy reports. The Pentagon is sending Fleet Anti-Terrorism Teams, or FAST teams, a U.S. defense official told the magazine. According to Reuters, the United States has evacuated all personnel from Benghazi to Tripoli.

“It’s especially tragic because Chris Stevens died in Benghazi because it is a city he fought to save,” Obama said later Wednesday morning in hastily arranged public remarks in the Rose Garden of the White House.

Condemning the attack, the US urged all American embassies across the world to take extra precautions.

Calls for more protests against the US-made amateur film mocking Islam are already being raised in Egypt, Afghanistan, Algeria and other countries.

In Tunisia, police fired teargas and tear bullets to disperse protesters outside the US embassy in the country ‘s capital. Around two hundred Salafist demonstrators gathered outside the premises in Tunis to condemn the controversial movie.


  1. Any Zambian who see’s any strange activity around the embassy call the police.
    Do not let extremists ruin the good name of Zambia.

    • If we have aligned ourselves with moslems then we would not be among the targets. But in this case they may percfeive us to be with the Americans. the fact that so many prominnet people visiteed zambia recently may make them think we are a good target.

  2. PF what have you done now we are considered part of the axis of evil. How can we be grouped with Moslem countries.Cry my beloved Zambia.

    • Bwalya Americans maybe your Gods. But muslims must also be respected. Islam is not evil and if you don’t know almost 15 percent of the Zambian population are muslims including me. So get your facts right and mind the way you talk coz other people will be hurt with what you have just said.

    • Thomas, what facts do you have that support what you have just said? What do you make of the framing of a defenceless girl child in Pakistan?

      You get your head clear!

    • GUNDIX first of all. you should learn to differenciate between extremism and the fundametals of the religion of Islam. Get your facts about Islam for the right source and not what the western Media potrays Islam and muslim. Go to the Muslims themselves. Muslims have existed in Zambia for a while. Have you ever heard of any violence

    • @Thomas,
      Islam is not evil, you are right, but extremists are and hence the 7 highlighted nations. It is unfortunate (as Bwalya) puts it that as a result of this tyrannical Govt which is rubbing shoulders with the evils of Al Bashir and Iran, we have moved from one of the peaceful nations in Africa to 7th on the US list of concerns. 

    • Ubukopo bubi. We are being said to be atarget of the same moslems. Meaning we have aligned ourselves with America!

    • Ubukopo bubi, if we are friendly with sudan we would nt be a target. Those are moslem countries. If they target us it means they perceive us to be friendly with america!

  3. It does not surprise me at all

    One of the terrorists was Zambian, the In scotland 2 zambian were deported recently afre being found with no right to stay

    Another zambian I read about raped a woman in London

    Zambian men are can be and are a disgrace abroad

    I heard some were killed in Russia not long ago well it doesn’t surprise me
    Your country has men without backbones, and thus are easily influenced
    You have given in to the Chinese, and South Africans t hijack your already falling economy and wouldn’t it be sweet justice if Zambians were banned to travel to the US let alone Scotland

    We are tired of being ridiculed and brining our name in disrepute

    Good riddance US


    • Learn to reason.  Comprehension 101: are you Scottish or Zambian?  You write as if you are both.  You refer to Zambia as “Your country …” but then you write that  “We are tired of being ridiculed …”.  I don’t believe the USA has ridiculed Scotland.

    • Mushota!! are u sure u are the one writing this or its your White husband/boyfriend that writes under your alias. I’m sure your hubby is with u because he hates black people n got u as his trophy black slave that he can abuse…. N u being a house nigger u just take it up the ass ,|,,

    • Ba Mushota, I dont know where you base your stories. I have lived in Europe and travelled and hollydayed extensively throughout the continent including scotland and I can categorically tell you that compared to people from all over africa, Zambians have been by and large model immigrants and that is why a Zambian is offered visa much easier than other africans. You should try to find out if it’s yourself you hate or your country.


  4. May the Soul of the Ambassador rest in peace, but as usual the Americans are overeacting with a knee jerk. This incident happened aropund September the 11th and one would have expected them to take the riots seriously and be suspicious. Now they are inconviencing other countries like peaceful Zambia!!

    • Zambia is no longer peaceful and the ignorance of you PF supporters is what is driving this response from America and you can’t blame them when your leader is signing MoU’s with the likes of Iran and Sudan, which are known adversaries for the US. When sensible minds speak with distaste, you call them bitter, jealous and tribal.

  5. If it is really the movie which has sparked all these prostests and the killings, why cant the Americans barn the movie than endangering innocent citizens. America has noyhing to loose Pride can be costly at times……

  6. This is now serious and goes beyond PF politics because it affects us all and the name Zambia is our brand.

    It is time PF Government woke up and started taking the issue of Governance seriously and make use of expertise in both opposition and private sector to up their diplomatic game.

    You can’t just be behaving irresponsibly like you are running your family. This is a country we are talking about.

    Making deals with Countries like Iran , Sudan and even Mugabe for that matter has no real economic benefit to Zambia. PF needs to start listening to the others on bigger international issues that affect us all.

    This has now gone beyond the UKWA circus show. Its time to start work and put Zambia were it belongs. Not in the same circle with these 6 countries

  7. Mushota has summed it up very well. I was very shocked to hear that a Zambian was at Guantanamo bay detention center and when the name was published, it made me sink in my chair as I initially thought it was a Zambian by naturalization only to see Mwamba on the list. Do you remember one terrorist who was arrested at KK international airport during Mwanawasa’s reign??? Mushrooming of Mosques is another pointer to this problem we are having now.  

  8. People such as Obama refuse to look back to Kenya, so doesn’t Thandie Newton, Myself, just to mention a few

    This is an epitome that their behaviour has woken and stimulated a giant in the US and I hope they cut aid to Zambia
    I am sure Clinton and Bush must be embarrassed to have to Zambia, they are probably going to issue some kind of apology , to be associated with a country being on ‘alert’ from the US is as embarrassing as wearing a suit bare feet to work, (though this has been known to happen here by some Africans)
    It is disappointing for some of us who have conquered and made it in Europe unlike these others working in restaurants and factories


    • People please try to understand what is being said. This has nothing to do with PF or any Zambian. its bout the USA its self, red alert simple means that they are taking precaution as they think that the terrorist may target Americans in Zambia. so how does that become our fault. and as for mushota just deal with your complex, the problem is not Africa but the issues within you.

    • Zambia needs serious prayer with all this oppositon to the declaratoon of Christian nation by some sectors of the country who have motives best known to themselves, sad indeed.
      One can even mss MMD, only God can redeem Zambia from all this mess .

    • lol,christian nation or not,the west dont give two shits wat happens to any of you,ure actually in the way of their true agenda…
      one zambia,one nation…anythng else otha than that is A WHOLE LOAD OF CRAP!!!!!

  9. They missed out one country on the list. USA. That’s where this thing kicked off. Probably a warning we’re getting too rowdy. Tone down the parties, haha. I reckon judging by the culture on the ground a Zambian is more likely to want to take an ambassador out for a drink than shoot one! I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say, maybe peeps on their watch list are swanning around Zed unnoticed because you’ll be hard pressed to find too many who have even read the Koran. Freedom of expression meets harsh reality. May Ambassador Stevens RIP.

  10. Other than speculate as to why we should on that list a responsible government would ask the American ambassador why? This has very negative implications on our image as a country and i should be of concern to the government. Ukwa should candidly look at himself in the mirror, if he is objective enough he will probably know why!!

  11. I dont think he was Bemba (the zambian terrorist). Bembas are generally nice peeople

    I think he was from Eastern province. I hate liars.


  12. USA should be on the list too. Freedom of speech is cool but did that American film maker not think he was going to rile up people? CNN said some of the stuff was borderline pornographic in nature. Some of the responsibility for this awful tragedy lies on their home soil. No Zambian would either make such a film or react to it like those Libyans.

    • Martin Mubanga is a joint citizen of both the United Kingdom and Zambia. He was held, without charge, and interrogated at the American prison at Guantanamo Bay for 33 months.[2]

      In January 2005, when American authorities transferred him to UK custody, after a brief interrogation British officials determined there were no grounds to charge Mubanga with any crimes, and he was released.

      The Bush administration routinely describes the Guantanamo detainees as having been unlawful combatants, who were captured on the battlefield. Mubanga, however, was the victim of an extraordinary rendition from Zambia, without having an opportunity to challenge his capture or rendition.

      Under the Royal Prerogative, the United Kingdom government has declined to issue a new passport to Mubanga and three

    • He is the right man who participated in this rubish, how can there smoke without fire. I so him mysel. He is the one and is BEMBA.

    • 25.2 FAZ,
      You seem to know quite a lot about the terrorist Mubanga but you are not telling us where the Americans captured him and what he was doing there that led to his arrest and subsequent detention.

    • The guy had gone to Afghanistan for terrorist training with the Taliban with other British based fanatics. Upon hearing that some of his colleagues had been picked up upon their return to the UK, the guy made a beeline from Afghanistan via East Africa to Zambia. Unfortunately for him M16 and the CIA were on hand to receive him in Lusaka. And off he flew on a special flight to that holiday resort on the Cuban island aka Guantanamo! So my friends you have one of your own schooled by Osama bin Laden’s men in the lunacy of mass murder. The dude is now a bonafide member of the PF security wing which is under the direct command of the Party President!

  13. its looks like people don’t understand the term “high alert.”it just means that they may be some intelligence suggesting possible attacks or protest in the named embassies and secuirty in all these embassies must be on high alert and where neccessary beefed up………..fullu stopo.not ifyo mulelanda ifya pro-muhammed,treaties with Iran,Sudan shani awe!It also means that the moslem influence in our country is increasing and thereby increasing the risk of such protests or attacks.

  14. Am am reporting a suspicious looking fellow- overweight goes with the title Defence minister,another one signing deals with suspicious entities- justice minister

  15. Ala why Zambia ? Don`t they know that we are a christian nation ? The few muslims in chibolya and Madras can`t do any arm.Twalishamafye from yellow fever alert to now this.Ololwanya.

    • Zambia needs serious prayer with all this oppositon to the declaration of Christian nation by some sectors of the country who have motives best known to themselves, sad indeed.
      One can even miss MMD, only God can redeem Zambia from all this mess .

    • Stop saying twalishama fye. We are blessed. Icalo tacitalala nga musunga. We are rotating on the axis and revolving around the sun my friend. take heart for the Lord God your God is in control. It wont happen!

  16. Ala why Zambia ? Don`t they know that we are a christian nation ? The few muslims in chibolya and Madras can`t do any harm.Twalishamafye from yellow fever alert to now this.Ololwanya.

  17. Personally i think the americans may have intelligience on potential signs of trouble to their embassy and citizens in zambia. Though from the article i cant see Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Mali, Mauritania, and uganda, these are countries that in the recent past experienced suicide bombing. And as far as my memory can go, i cant remember a suide bombing here in zambia or a religious related attack by muslims on christians and vice versa.

  18. Teti fichiteke pa Zed. The men are too drunk. The police are too trigger happy. The youth don’t care. And only a few individuals know about the bloody film that purportedly caused all this uprising. I can personally guarantee that no such thing can happen in Zed.. 

  19. Unless dual citizenship is legal there was no Zambian at Guantanamo. He’s British and no longer allowed to have a passport. Allegedly reported his passport stolen but it was found in a cave in Afghanistan. He was in Zambia at time of arrest and given a special first class ticket to Guantanamo til his fellow Brits got him out.

  20. Mubanga says that when he was first arrested, in Zambia, he was interrogated by a British man who claimed he was an “MI6 official,” and an American woman who told him she a “Defense official”. They told him that his UK passport, which he had reported stolen, was found in an al Qaeda cave in Afghanistan. They invited him to be an undercover agent, to penetrate al Qaeda for them. When he declined, they shipped him to the controversial US prison at Guantanamo Bay.

    With the help of UK lawyer Louise Christian, Mubanga is attempting to sue the UK government for its cooperation with American security officials

  21. muchili mule dabwa?? We are now being group with unstable and dictatorship countries!! For those with wisdom, the signs are there for all to see

  22. @Mushota, i think you judgement and comments are dull…this article has nothing to do with what you are writing. ìn simple english, they are saying that Zambia might be at high risk of been targeted by possible attackers.

    • Wannabe, you are very right. Nearly all these comments are VERY VERY DULL indeed. What has a terrorist attack on U.S facilities around the world, including Zambia, got to do with the PF government signing agreements with Sudan and Iran? Hardcore Islamist radicals are upset with an American film which scoffs at and satirizes the Prophet Mohammed, that’s all. Iran and Sudan are predominantly moslem, so how does making friends with these countries incur vengeance from Moslem radicals? On the contrary, what would make Zambia a future target is your declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation – which discriminates against non-Christians especially moslems. But in this case, Zambia could be targetted because to score a hit against the massive US Embassy in Hibex Hill would be victory…

    • Declaring Psalm 91 over Zambia ,Muslim terrorists will not penetrate in Zambia in Jesus name neither will Zambians live in fear or intimidation. Jesus reigns in Zambia.

  23. We ve been brought into this we have never had issues with the Americans now because of some people with loud mouths now we are red zone, anyway the good thing is America knows how to deal with such deal with them Barack sort out the monkeys here tryin to bring discord in this country

  24. Why Zambia? Can the USA please help us seal the loop holes they have noticed so that we can enhance our nations security in order to protect all diplomats, not only the American Embassy.

  25. its these useless pf and satas dictatorship that has raised the profile of Zambia on high ALERT. remember kanyama rally that didnt happen because an entire government disregarded a court order? befriending a known hague convict in the name of omar al bashir. lastly mugabe.

  26. The only entries that understand this issue are 26 and 43. The rest of you are talking absolute rubbish. Especially those who are trying to implicate the PF in this. For your information, Zambia has been a concern for the CIA for quite a while now because of the mushrooming of Mosques and so many Somalians who enter and leave Zambia with the greatest of ease. A good friend of mine who works for General Electric told me about this because before any top management employee of General Electric travels to any country in the world, they are given a CIA briefing for the respective country. Another thing about Zambia is that it is an easy target for any terrorist to strike any Western interest because our anti and counter terrorism facilities are almost non existent.

    • You are extremely naive if you can blow your trumpet in excusing the PF Govt of a hand in this. 26 may be right in explaining what high alert means, but he is equally naive in terms of the impact of the associations that this PF has developed with Sudan’s Al Bashir and Iran. We have enjoyed good relations with countries across the globe including the US and without Sata’s friendships, these issues would have been dealt with diplomatically with security assurances and intelligence shared between the two nations with Zambia avoiding this list. For God’s sake open you minds, even Kenya with higher fundamentalist activity has not made the list of high alert. 

    • My friend from Ireland or wherever you are, for your information Kenya has been on that list for ages. Go and do a bit of research on UN salaries and allowances and see what the risk allowance is for Kenya and Tanzania ever since those bombings occurred. For a long time under Kaunda’s rule, Zambia had close ties to Iraq but this never necessitated red alert status. In more recent times before his demise, Gaddafi established several close ties with several African countries, but has this ever necessitated red alert? South Africa has stronger ties to Iran than Zambia has? Is the US embassy in Pretoria also under red alert? I think it is you who is blinded by politics my friend who is quite naive and do not understand what the the red alert issue is all about.

  27. Is it me missing the point or something. Somebody help me coz From my understanding of the report above, we have been put on red alert as a possible target for terrorists (Particularly the American Embassy in Lusaka). Am just wondering why other bloggers even want the US to server its aid to Zambia. I pity all ya learned cum educated bloggers.

  28. One of the producers of the movie says, They new that something like this was going to happen. and for you own info this movie was sponserred by 100 American Jews and he said the movie was produced at about 4 million USD with almost 100 actors. Even the guy who made the movie has gone into hiding and still saying a lot of shit about Islam. These are the people provoking innocent muslims and no has has condemned these guys for what they have done. all the blames now goes to Muslims. Who gave the guns to those Libyan terrorist to remove Gaddafi in the first place.

  29. Please do not mislead people. This has nothing to do with any deals the current government is making with other countries. Zambia (Lusaka) houses one of the largest American Embassies in the region so this is simply a precautionary measure. As they say ‘better safe than sorry’ 

    • Zambia needs serious prayer with all this oppositon to the declaratoin of Christian nation by some sectors of the country who have motives best known to themselves, sad indeed.
      One can even miss MMD, only God can redeem Zambia from all this mess

  30. Seems most people dont know that the US has built a new and bigger Embassy Building in Ibex Hill.I saw the building under construction and when it was completed.This building houses reggional offices for East and Southern Africa and that is why Zambia has been put on red alert.It is not the PF government.The US moved their embassy to Ibex Hill soon after the building was completed during RB government.Ask before you post rubbish!!

    • Do not use profanity. That is just a sign of intolerance for other people’s views.
      The world cannot be run by authoritarian states like Russia, China and the like, let alone, not by any Arab state! I stand uncorrected- the world is safer in the hands of the US.

  31. This is not a good message to investors and tourists, so are you saying all the other 6 countries have large embassies, they look all to be Moslem countries, not sure about Burundi For those advocating for the large embassy theory is it only Zambia that has a large USA embassy in the world ,please research to justify your theories.

    • It’s you who needs prayers! All the USA is doing is safeguarding their prized and or vulnerable assets. Just for your information the Kingdom of Armenia was the first state in the world to adopt christianity as its religion. So you go and do your research whilst praying!   

    • Not sure what a lot of people are defending as Zambians we need answers not praise singing.Zambia needs prayers and for those disputing this God knows your motives.

  32. this world is goin str8 to hell,so many double standards,so many “mushotas”(educated en sponsored wit zambian money,but deny their roots)
    en lastly so many ignorant fu*&s!!!!
    i now know y africa can neva wake up…..

  33. Funny, people with little brains and not well informed will always blame the gvt for anything that comes. Go to Ibex hill and you will be amazed. As for PF dont remove the Christian nation clause from the constitution.

  34. Americans have a very large base in Lusaka; terrible effects of Lupiya Banda again, u cannot be in league with the US and expect peace…….nothing to do with PF: wake up people nobody is saying Zambians are terrorist rather that terrorists may attack Zambia, understand issues in the right sense.

  35. The CIA brought down the twin towers on 9/11, so that the USG could pass the patriot laws which infringes on all so called ‘rights’ of individuals.All these events are carfully planned by the shadowy ruling elite of the world.Obama,Sata,Mugabe,Armadinejan etc are just pawns making ready the stage for a new world order.

  36. Those playing down the impact of the PF Govtin this matter and blaming the rise in numbers of mosques in the country are in complete denial of facts. Mosques have been on the rise in Zambia for many years and Zambia has had suspected terrorists arrested at our International airport as well as a suspected one of Zambian background. Non of this has led to such a status over the years and the simple question is: what has changed? Govt is the the obvious answer and with the evident direction of this Govt, it is not surprising that we find ourselves on this list. Previous Govts had dialogue with said deplomats, this Govt warms them to keep the distance while ridiculing. You cannot expect to sign MoU’s with Sudan and Iran and maintain cordial relations with the US. this is a wake up call…

    • Apologies, I meant to say “this Govt warns them to keep the distance while rediculing them”…..

  37. Hmm this is a new one, blaming US paranoia on PF? Nothing will happen in Zambia, it’s happening in Yemen right now but it’s not on that list

  38. People please try to understand what is being said. This has nothing to do with PF or any Zambian. its bout the USA its self, red alert simple means that they are taking precaution as they think that the terrorist may target Americans in Zambia. so how does that become our fault. Its does not even mean Zambian will take part in this expected terrorist attack, it can anyone from any country like what happened in the sept 11. the people who carried out the act where not from USA. so people why do we always want to demonize ourselves. am not ashamed to be a Zambian and have not hidden this where ever I have traveled.

    • But why Zambia and not any other African country such as Botswana, South Afrca etc. Zambians just want answers, denial won’t solve the problem too.

    • am sure this information is from their intelligence services. we have even seen that terrorist have targeted countries like Kenya and Uganda. as me why?? its the amount of american intrastate in those countries. if you look at the past few years there has been increased american interest in Zambia. even European countries like Britain and Turkey have also been victims of this same terror. so if there is anything which we as Zambians have done wrong is befriending USA.

  39. The Americans have intelligence system guys. These moslems you have let on the loose burying money and smuggling unabated are well known by the USA. RB had been favoring them always. Remember how he reversed the refusal of  building of a mosque in Rhodspark. You think the USA did not notice how Zambia was becoming a favourable environment for breeding terrorism?. Dont just rant without fact you creatures of Zambia.     

  40. This is just a red alert because of the importance of the embassy in Lusaka. Zambia is not a pariah state to be denied aid.

  41. The US is the most rational power in the world and they calculate their actions. The world benefits from a strong US. When US takes a back seat, the world goes AWOL!

    • Who is planning to attack who? America to attack Zambia or Moslems to attack Zambia for signing an MoU with their own? What are these MoUs about? Ubukopo bubi bane.

  42. Ubukopo bubi. Where is this threat coming from? If we are friendly to Iran and Sudan, moslem countries, how then can we be targets? Is it America planning to attack Zambia for being friendly with a moslem country? Are you assuming that moslems have found it easy to enter and create a niche in Zambia from which they can do such things? United Party for Numbskulls and Dullards (UPND) characters claiming that Zambia may be a target because Sata has signed some MoUs with Sudan and Iran answer me. We have been doing business with these nations for many years in oil and many other ventures. Take heart, Zambians, for the Lord God your is in control. America is our friend. We are Christian and we have had American dignitaries visiting Zed. May be…

    • UKWA is unpredictable. He has been warning the American Ambassader not to come to state house. The Police state that Zambia is becoming. The attacks on Tonga’s and HH. The problems in Barotseland. The dangerous statments from Sekani and GBM as well as Kabimba. The riots at UNZA. All these factors are a threat to peace in Zambia where the American Embassy is located. Zambia is unpredictable right now and a war can break out any moment. This is what is of concern to the Americans.

    • You are right in your claim that ubukopo bubi but so is ignorance and denial. Extremists like Al Bashia and that one in Iran will do anything to undermine the West and the USA in particular. They will target US interests irrespective of who goes with it. Kenya, Tanzania, twin towers, iraq to name a few, but that what extremists do with care. So when you are friendly with them, the potential for them to create a safe haven for their activist in Africa becomes real and that “real potential” puts your country on the list of potential targets for Americas citizens and interests. The PF MoU with Sudan states in part.. Defend our nations and their people from…. Do you believe this would go unabated in the international community where American and Western security is concerned?…. Please

    • Imwe ba Bricklayer so you are telling me that America is planning to attack Zambia for what Sata has said or what? This is cheap reasoning my friend. If that is what you are implying then you are demeaning the mighty United States of America. They just look at us as kids who can not be attacked. They would rather squeeze you in other areas. This is not gonna happen. If the threat is coming from moslem psycophants it can only be for ther reasons and not that Sata has signed an MoU with their own. Got that?

    • It’s a worry(tribal blogging is primitive blogging), I agree with you. But try to read through some comments above and also your own reply tro mine and link them to the assertion that this is coming because the PF or Sata have signed an MoU with Sudan and Iran. Any sense? Any parallels?

  43. I can’t get surprised our borders are too porous maybe we are even keeping al shaabab and al quada operatives here. You can easily get a Zambian registration card by paying K50, a foreigner -NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!!

  44. The content creator, platform of transfer and angry reaction have nothing to do with us but placing us on a high alert list forces awareness of potential threat, whether we like it or not. If the US  wants us all to be vigilant on its behalf, after their own citizen has caused a crisis, then they should say pretty please :) HAHAhahaha. As if…

  45. We warned you that PF’s foreign policies with links to the Muslim world are a danger to Zambia. Look at the many mosques in Lusaka? These are a danger to us Zambians.

    • Ubukopo! Who is threatening who? If Zambia is threatened by moslems then it can only be for other reasons and not for signing an MoU or being friendly with them.

    • It seems there is a lot of defence on islam on this forum, Zambia is a Christian nation please that tolerates other religions unlike in other countries where other religions are not tolerated and we have always been known to be a peaceful and democratic nation, Zambians have every right to question anything that is a threat to our security and we do not need praise singing. Jesus intervene in our great nation.

  46. Zambians can be such cowards. Take heart for the Lord God your God is in control. It’s not gonna happen! Hey, we are spinning on the axis and revolving around the sun and things or news must be there. Ichalo tacitalala nga musunga. But we are blessed nation and a Christian one for that matter and a friend of America. We are friendly to any human creation found on this earth regardless of race, tribe, creed culture, faith and what have you. So we have been doing business with the likes of Iran, Iraq, Egypt and we have many Bilateral agreements with moslem nations purely for positive business interests and not jihad or the business of destroying life! Zambia shall be saved!

  47. Oh oh. Are we Muslim bashing now? I’m sure those mosques were not built yesterday. We appear to have been able to live with Muslims for centuries, including before and after slavery from within. Let’s call out the extremists who do us no favours and leave the others alone. I’m not a Lusaka person but still recall what a Friday sounds like on that road leading from the city center or how many Muslim kids were at Catholic schools :)


  49. Seriously!!!!!!!!! The USA are F****D up. I’m an expatriate livin in Zambia since I was born n I feel that Zambia is much safer than many countries in the world. Zambia is really peaceful. America needs to alert themselves before they alert us. There’s a strong chance of a bomb falling in New York than in any other city in the world. They should come n live hear before they talk. Seriously relating Zambia to Sudan, Burundi and Tunisia is a big fat joke. Amean Zambians don’t even know what a war means!!!!!!







  52. America has a military base/ Embassy in Zambia, which is the biggest in Southern Africa, so it just logic that it is highly safegurded, and mind you, they are NOT talking about Zambia as Country, but American Embassy in Zambia, which does NOT belong to Zambia

  53. The CIA has probably observed a lot of chatter activity in Zambia those guys have Facebook, twitter and the internet in their pocket.
    I wish our Muslim brothers and sisters were this vocal as regards to killing of their fellow citizens by their corrupt leaders as they are about a video. 

  54. Ubukopo! Who is threatening who? If Zambia is threatened by moslem psycophants then it can only be for other reasons and not for signing an MoU or being friendly with them. Cheap politics from under 5s. Have another try, fools.

  55. Zambia is too unpredictable right now. There are tensions everywhere. The Barotse issue is looming. HH is being terrorized everyday. The UNZA riots are in the air. Freedom of speach is being threatened everyday. PF is friends with America’s enemies. All these things are causing worry for the Americans. And then careless statements by UKWA agaisnt the American Ambassador that he should not go to state house anymore. PF’s frendship with Mugabe and even China and Sudan, all these things are of concernt to the Americans. Zambia is in an unpredictable state where anything can happen anytime.


  56. This standard procedure by the USA you spineless doomsayers what has this got to do with PF, stop thinking like under5, just the other day US Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella was cycling around Northern province touring US projects with no security detail. Some bloggers make me sick.

  57. Some religions are a misguided and overzealous lot. Can’t even understand why the fanaticism when the person they kill and die for was a mere mortal being, a prophet just like any other.


  59. Moslems in Zambia are good people; they are more helpful than Christians in many instances. Please Americans don,t bring your “funeral” to our peaceful Zambia. You believe you can do it and you go on to provoke people. Make sure when you do this it affects alone. Co-existence has been and will always be the fundamental principle in Zambia

  60. not so good for us who intend to migrate soon to the West. this government must check themselves and make sure they rid themselves of petty and unnecessary controversy especially as regards associations with moslem fundamentalist antions like Iran, Sudan, and the likes of mugabe who will add no value to this nation seeing he has ruined his own nation in the first place and he will salute his friend Sata so he could also ruin this great nation …..? ba kabwa imwe listen to the voice of reason.

  61. What is surprising, Libya the country in which the American Ambassador was killed and Egypt where there has been demonstrations are not on the list. 

  62. This is not a surprise, there has been an increase of Somalis especially in Ndola. Government must do sometinhg about it. Some could agents of the so called Alshabab. This is an urgent matter for peaceful loving Zambians. The number has increased suddenly.

  63. WASHINGTON – U.S. embassies in at least seven countries in the Middle East, Africa and the Caucuses are warning of possible anti-American protests following the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.

  64. Actually I got concerned the very time I saw our leader going to bed with Mugabe. That is a very big mistake we have made. Everyone knows what reputation Mugabe has with the Western world.

  65. The embassies in Armenia, Burundi, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia and Zambia, along with the embassy in Egypt, which was hit by a protest on Tuesday, all issued warnings on Wednesday advising Americans to be particularly vigilant.

  66. The warnings, posted on the embassies’ websites, do not report any specific threat to Americans but note that demonstrations can become violent.
    The protest in Cairo and the attack in Benghazi appear to have been responses to an inflammatory anti-Muslim video posted on the Internet

  67. It seems there is a lot of defence on islam on this forum, Zambia is a Christian nation please that tolerates other religions unlike in other countries where other religions are not tolerated and we have always been known to be a peaceful and democratic nation, Zambians have every right to question anything that is a threat to our security and we do not need praise singing. Jesus intervene in our great nation

  68. Yes, in Zambia we do have a few muslims therefore it is reason to be concerned. All the same, the Zambia Army or Paramilitary must be deployed to protect the USA embassy without hesitation. That is the right thing to do. One Zambia One Nation.

    • ati developer,zambia army is nt for protecting some stupid embassy which is scared of the unknown.who said muslims are violent?if we were violent we would have already bombed that small country of yours.and besides whether u deploy troops or not,if God says die u will die.nt just talking as if u even understand muslims.we are more peaceful than the christians themselves.

  69. try to see this from the americans perspective. after ukwa’s debacle with george bush, it natural that we may be considered as being sympathetic to the enemy or alternatively not having a sufficiently functional government operation ( as evidenced by the circus currently going on) that would deter an attack

  70. What of the recent comments that informants/ insiders  have been planted in the embassies in Zambia , and the diplomats can be expelled from Zambia if seen to be meddling in Zambian affairs could this also lead to this high alert, just wondering if there are connections to this too.  

    • Is it america threatening Zambia or it is actually America warning of a possible attack from psycophant moslems. Ubu bukopo bwacilamo mwe

    • America are on alert, they feel under threat. In Zambia the threats are related to carelessness from the president as there are few moslems to talk about. Muli chikopo ichachine….nashininkisha.

  71. Please this has nothing to do with our Government. Zambia is a peaceful country. The USA embassy in Zambia is new and big. This is why they feel anyone from the extremist can freely enter Zambia due to some security loops and Target the place like in Dar es salaam and Nairobi. Mwefipuba mwe failing to analyse. Even here in the US they issued security alerts in alll major places seen to be targets. Be alert.

  72. Does it mean all the other 6 countries listed have big embassies, secondly is it only Zambia that has a big embassy out of all the countries in the world, every theory needs to be substantiated for those who are advocating for the large embassy theory. Zambia seriously needs prayers.

  73. The largest USA embassy in the world is in Iraq with 619 apartments for staffers as well as restaurants, indoor and outdoor basketball, It is not even on the list.

  74. The new compound, which is the largest U.S. chancery in sub-Saharan Africa, consolidates in one facility the U.S. embassy to Ethiopia and the U.S. Mission to the African Union. Previously, U.S. government agencies operated in separate buildings and in four different locations around the city of Addis Ababa. Not even Ethiopia is on the list.

  75. On July 12, 2005, the new Embassy of the United States of America in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire was opened.  It is the largest embassy in West Africa and will allow the diplomatic operations in Côte d’Ivoire to be greatly enhanced through more centralized and efficient services.Not even on the list too.

  76. @mushota do not use this as a platform to expose your frustrations and personal phsyciatric problems you are trying to cover up in a fake eutopia you have built with your imagination. Wake up and realise the shit stinks even from you. If you are anti zambian then dont blog here. Blog elsewhere. Your desire to impose yourself exposes alot about you and what you are trying to hide about yourself. You are most likely the ugliest thing on that side of the planet.

  77. I have followed this development from the day it happened 2 days ago, september,11 on major news TV’s such as CNN, FOXNEWS,ABC,BBC and NBC, among Embbassies on alert Zambia is NOT even there, not even once has any of these major News TV’S i have mentioned talked about Zambian US embassy been on alert, unless i have wrong News channels,Ba Zambia stop lying USA hasn’t put Zambia US embassy on alert. Am just happy PF government got back our ZAMTELL from this stupid Libyans, this attack shows how insane Arabs are. Now Hilary Clinton she is about to announce sanctions on Libya and probably Egypt.

  78. Your leaderships is associating with leaders of questionable character and now you cannot be trusted as a nation. Bad association corrupts good morals. Show me your friends and i can tell your character. Wisdom should be exercised by the leaders on who they choose to align with.

  79. Mushota be cautious with that pride. try to restrain from looking down on those less fortunate, thank God you made it, but do not glory in the misfortune of others. the same God who has blessed you created both you and them. Remember the story of Job, all can be lost in one day for no reason at all and the very least of all people can be blessed in an instant.

  80. #112 Mwiponta mukabwela….google U.S. ambassador killed after chaotic, hours-long siege and check the yahoo news item there is a video clip of Barbara Walters gives details of the attack and later shows the countries that include Zambia that are on high alert.The question really is why zambia has been placed on that list?

  81. This is a no brainer! Zambia has been as a christian nation faces hostility from other religions that feel not appreciated. But otherwise  no such attacks will ever happen in this God loved country.

  82. Why even have diplomatic ties with the US when all you get is become a target of terror,they interfere with your domestic issues,they set rules hurting poor countries,they threaten and invade other countries and when their president visits you’ll be treated like amafi in your own country by their security.Africa would be better if all ties with the US are cut.We don’t like bullies in Africa.

  83. Do not fear man God is in control?We have a lot of Mohammed followers in Zambia therefore this alert.We are not in danger any attempt by these evil men we shall depot them after all wea re a Christian nation we do not support terrorism.So USA do not be moved we are cabaple of flushing out evil muslems

  84. PF government. 1)Deals with the east. 2) Illegally  nationalizes Zambia companies. 3)Declines to allow permits for opposition parties to hold rallies. 4)attacks diplomats in the press. 5) most of the appointed ministers were freedom fighters or part of the UNIP regime in the 70’s . SMH . Pray for our country 

  85. The Americans are wiser than you all think; they just expanded the size of their embassy and relocated the (from Independence road to Ibex Hill) do you think they could have done that if they saw Zambia as an “axis of evil”? It’s stupid!! Muslims in Zambia are no extremists and are well tamed.

  86. I don’t believe this shit. Zambia has never been attacked by terolists. How come Kenya and most countries in the western and northern parts of africa have been attacked before by terolists and they have not been put on alert. this is not not, this story has just been made up by some stupid and low thinking people. Pakistan and Afganstan was going to be on top of that list. In fact I think practicing Islam should be made illegal in Zambia. If no one does this I will if i achieve my goal of becoming the president of Zambia. Any country where Islam is the most dominant religion in this world is not a peacefull country. I will fight against Islam as long as am alive. Who ever who wrote this should be fired because this is a lie.

  87. is the zambian embassy under threat from attack by muslims. i dont think so.
    the reason is that zambia is now very unstable politically and the usa sees danger coming to this country under the current leadership. they dont want their people to be caught up in this danger

  88. Where is the Minister of Defense and Minister of Home Affairs to issue a statement that will assure Zambians, diplomats and International community that they have everything under control, and everyone is safe in Zambia this is where they should drive there energies and not on the opposition or Barotseland which must be resolved by conflict resolution skills.

  89. Iran and Sudan are home to strategic minerals and these countries have diplomatic ties with the US, France, GB, Germany and the entire developed world. Therefore, there’s nothing wrong with Zambia tying notes with these two great nations. The US

  90. They said this even before the last elections. Am not surprised, they just want to create war in Zambia because they have seen oil in Western Province hence the barotse issues.

  91. Putting on alert does not meant the locals people were suspects. This can come anywhere bearing in mind that the USA has an important strategic infrastructure in our country.

  92. Why should the bloody Americans tell us who to play with?? With they have done in Africa these last 400yrs to hell with their so called foreign policy…

  93. To you all doubting negative contributors, Zambia is capable of defending its people including that of diplomats accredited to it. Zambia has the capacity to defend itself in case you did not know. If you don’t don’t know, just shut it. As for the Americans, we will always support you where we can and where it is right.

  94. Remember, no one is above the law. Some of the postings on this site is tantamount to inciting people to do what they should not do by posting negative comments about the American. What have the Americans done to you Zambians?? Just like the British who have been helping this country, why are suddenly, they become bad peoples??

  95. #Mushota: I only have one problem. You are too british before you even become british. My problem is this, how are you going to respect the british people when you can say so bad/negative things about your own birth place? What will stop you from saying the same about british people? I am British FYI

  96. Poverty could maybe be the parameter for classifying Zambia a security risk country for Big brother, and since it has the devil’s excreta(Uranium). I cant be surprised with this development.

  97. Number 8(Mushota) and number guys are talking as if you were born in the countries you are in.stop the pretency atitude and disscuse issues not blaming men of our great nation Zambia.hou need to stop,think and realize who fought for the freedom you have to even travell to the scoland debt (crisis). Let’s think within lines of issues and not broadcast the alert is best on How America accesses its security n nothing to do with Zambian or women.

  98. Number 8(Mushota) and number guys are talking as if you were born in the countries you are in.stop the pretency atitude and disscuse issues not blaming men of our great nation Zambia.hou need to stop,think and realize who fought for the freedom you have to even travell to the scoland debt (crisis). Let’s think within lines of issues and not broadcast the alert is best on How America accesses its security n nothing to do with Zambian or women.

  99. Imwe lesa wabansu has no power that’s reason the are fighting for him because the know their God has no power.Why killing people? the God can’t defend himself He’s fake God. please if you worship this God who does answer pray, but you answer for him please stop to worshiping him this one is dead one. Instead for him to help you but fighting for him useless one.

  100. You can tell why we cant develop as a nation just by the level of contributions by some ***** bloggers who always dont forget the bashing they got at the hand of the pf. High alert does not mean we have deals with terrorists you *****s

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