Saturday, June 1, 2024

Former GBM campaigner calls media to cover Mwamba fairly


File:Defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba (in white) is helped to disembark an army gun carrier after practicing how to shoot during the sound of war officer cadets battle demonstration in Ndola

The former campaign manager for Kasama Central Member of Parliament, Geoffrey Mwamba, in the last year’s tripartite elections, has appealed to the media to give a balanced coverage to the alleged corruption cases involving two cabinet ministers.

Nathan Ilunga says the media has a big role to play in informing the public correctly on the corruption investigations against Mr Mwamba and his counterpart, Justice Minister, Wynter Kabimba.

Mr Ilunga, however, said he is concerned that so far, the media coverage has tended focus on Mr Mwamba’s corruption case in their reporting while allegedly down-playing that of Mr Kabimba.

He observed that as a result, a negative perception is being created that Mr Mwamba is guilty even before the investigations are concluded by the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC).

Mr Ilunga charged that there is no need for Mr Mwamba to resign from his ministerial position as Defence Minister.

He explained that Mr Mwamba has been in business for a long time and accusations of him being corrupt were being peddled by his enemies with selfish interests.

Mr Ilunga claimed that mere allegations of corruption against Mr Mwamba should not force him to resign from Government.

He urged Mr Mwamba to remain strong and clear his name from corruption allegations levelled against him.

Last week, the ACC announced that it had launched preliminary investigations into corruption allegations against Defence Minister, Geoffrey Mwamba, and Justice Minister, Wynter Kabimba.



  1. This statement suggests to me that these are guys who know each other very well beginning to point fingers. There was no need to mention Kabimba in what is between the press and GBM’s coverage. The fact that he mentions Kabimba, as though to say, “look there, not here”, this can suggest that these guys know something about each other. Let’s wait and see.

  2. If M’membe today told Sata to remove his trousers and walk naked in town, Sata will not ask why but will most likely say should I use Cairo or Cha Cha Cha road?


  3. Was that gun carrier fit for purpose after meeting the great bag of manure’s big fat or did the tax-payer have to fork out for a replacement?

  4. The hostilities between GBM and Kabimba/ M’membe require immediate and urgent intervention by the president. It is a total disgrace that instead of these high ranking ministers doing some work they are busy finger-pointing at each other and trying to outdo each in obtaining GRZ tenders by corrupt and selfish means. They even fail to see the decency of stepping down.

  5. GBM was trying to run away at the sound of guns blazing against non existant enermies during proctise session.

    Unfortunately GBM got stuck in the Gun carrier.

    He he he he it became an emergency to get him OUT.

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